Other OTR Groups
The OTRR Group realizes and promotes many other fine OTR organizations. Most OTR groups are formed specifically for sharing . However there are many specialized groups and groups meeting specialized needs. Besides our groups listed at OTRR Groups we also highly recommend the following the following OTR groups. |
OLD TIME RADIO NETWORK is a group of OTR clubs whose purpose is to promote the exchange of OTR information to insure the continued existence and growth of the OTR as a hobby. Please access the adjacent link to find a club in your local area. |
Old Time Radio Network |
Welcome to OTRDAYS! This group's goal is to promote the sharing of Old Time Radio in MP3 format by distributing CDs through the mail. Discussion of OTR is also welcomed and encouraged within the group. |

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OTR Days
The OTR and Music Group has been designed for sharing files, and helping each other reach the goals we have made for ourselves. This group has newcomers to the hobby, as well as those that have been involved for many years. If you need help, or are interested in helping others reach their goals, then maybe this group is for you. We are not in competition with any other group, and in fact encourage your involvment with them, this group is hopefully going to assist in the sharing of the files needed and or wanted by its individual members. The owners hope to have a friendly family type of atmosphere here and reserve the right to make sure it stays along those lines.

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OTR and Music Group
Old Radio Shows on MP3 is the place to talk about MP3 players, Podcasts, web sites to download shows and MP3 trading. Old time radio shows, actors, radios and media to store OTR on. Also any newer radio drama is OK too.

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Old Radio Shows on MP3 |
Blind OTR Friends is a forum for blind Old-Time Radio, (OTR) friends and hobbiests to share their love of Old-Time Radio with other blind OTR enthusiasts. Topics include sharing sources of OTR programs in a variety of recorded media as well as establishing a means for distributing OTR collections among list members. Other topics for discussion include sharing information about computer software and hardware for cataloging, managing, and playing Old-Time Radio programs; especially those in the .mp3 file format |

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Blind OTR Friends |