Publications Page
Here you will find links to many resources containing valuable information for all old time radio fans.
Link to Scripts page
The Old Time Radio Researchers Group maintains the largest database of scripts to be found on the web. There are literally 1000s of scripts from many series, with more being added on a regular basis. Another site with lots of scritpts may be found Here |
Link to Magazines Page
The earliest known old time radio collectors club, The Radio Historical Society of America, was organized in 1959 and began publishing 'Radio Dial'.Many other clubs followed and there was also many independent publications. Print runs for these fanzines were very small and not many have survived the test of time. The Summer 1970 issue of 'Radio Dial' is currently the oldest issue we have in the archives. |
Link to Articles Page
We are fortunate to have many great people writing on old time radio themes today. Jack French, Martin Grams, and Jim Widner, three of the best, have consented to archiving their articles with OTRR. |