The March-April 2021 issue of the Old Radio Times is now available!

Welcome to issue #113 of the Old Radio Times. It can be downloaded here. Regular contributor Larry Maupin grabs the lead spot with a piece on 1975’s Radio Playhouse. Joe Adams continues relating his time producing audio drama, Denise Noe reviews the Suspense episode “Fugue in C Minor” and Martin Grams talks about the Shadow‘s Margot Lane. Also, get the latest on the internet station Stay Tuned America and some updated purchasing group information. Enjoy!

Your editor,
Ryan Ellett

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  1. Ryan,

    I don’t mean to be a constant fault-finder. You are doing a great job, and the newsletter is much appreciated. However, I feel compelled to point out that the link you’ve posted in the blog is to the previous issue of the newsletter.

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