New Soap Opera Episodes

If you’re interested in soap opera programs, this is for you. We received a collection of donated cassettes that had been sent by the donor because they appeared to be upgrades to what we had in our library or not even in circulation (or hard to find). They are episodes he collected over many years. They’ve finally been digitized with some light restoration by Damon Fries.

I have uploaded the set in .flac format to This is not a Maintained set and may not be permanent. These shows will added to our library but probably in .mp3 format; .flac takes up too much space and we want to stay on the good side of our hosting service. I thought it would be most convenient for interested listeners to get them in one spot rather than having to download one or two episodes from this series and then that series.

There are ~60 programs and they total about 1.3 gig.

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