New ‘Donate’ Button Added To Site

We’ve added a new ‘Donate’ to the home page at the request of many subscribers. It now makes it very easy for those of you who love and use this site to show your appreciation by periodically making a small donation. You can donate via paypal using your funds there, credit cards, and your bank account.

It costs the OTRR Group approximately $10,000 a year to operate our three websites, acquire new series and episodes, and help support the Cincy Con, the Lum and Abner project and other worthy groups. About 2/3 comes from our purchasing group members who donate $5.00 each a month, approximately $1,000.00 is raised by our annual appeal and the rest comes out of the pockets of about 4 members.

We appreciate your support in the past and look forward to it in the future.

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