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OTTER is a significant tool for the OTR hobbyist. OTTER is a free downloadable interactive software program (pc only) designed to compare a user's MP3 OTR file titles against a known and corrected database. This program can compare thousands of titles against the existing database.  It will display missing episodes, incorrect dates, and incorrect titles. The database, containing over 212,000 listings, has been developed, researched and is maintained by the OTRR Group.

This database, viewed by many as one of the most complete in the otr community, differs from some of the other accepted databases in broadcast dates, episode titles, etc. Our researchers are constantly reviewing radio logs from a large number of newspapers from the years 1930-1962. This newspaper database, created by group members, is perhaps the most ambitious project undertaken in recent years. It enables us to make sure that our listings, where possible, match those newspaper radio logs.


Download OTTER

OTTER is a free download. While the developer is working on a new 'beta' version, the OTRR Group supports the version known as 'FROGGER".  OTTER (Defender version) may be downloaded from the link on the right. After downloading OTTER the database should be updated to insure the most current database available is installed.

Detailed instructions on downloading, updating and usage is available from the instruction manual described in the window below.

Download OTTER


A 50 page (PDF format) document is available for review. All aspects of the OTTER program are explained here. Questions for any phase of OTTER use should be directed to the appropriate moderator found at Contact Us .

OTTER Instruction Manual

Updating OTTER database

When the OTTER program is downloaded, one of the installed files is called 'otter.db'. This file is a copy of the master database maintained by the OTRR Group. This file is updated on a regular basis. Therefore, the user should update this on a frequent basis to insure he is working with the most current data available.

   To receive the most current version of the OTTER database:

  1. Click on the BUTTON on the right.
  2. In the pop-up window choose 'Save Target As'
  3. In the 'Save As' window find 'otter.db'.  This file should be in the folder where OTTER was originally downloaded.
  4. Overwrite the found 'otter.db' file.

NOTE: If the file you receive is less than 8.7 MB, restore your original otter.db and try again later.


Otter db Update
: This is the only link for updating the OTTER database.  It is recommended this page be book marked.




To correct or submit a log please contact the Database Moderator.

The logs in this database were researched and prepared by the Old Time Radio Researchers group. To receive information about or join this active group please click on the following link.

Join The OTRR
