New shows added to library 2020-04-29

I’m very slowly weeding through material received from Jim B. a long time ago.
A few new episodes (or episodes that we couldn’t locate) have been added to the library by John Tierney:

Jack Burch And The Boys 44-10-13 First Tune – Are You Having Any Fun.mp3

Jan Garber Orchestra 4x-08-10 First Tune – Highway To Love.mp3

Jimmy Powers 49-08-07 Sports News.mp3

Joan And Kermit 38-07-10 Kermit Proposes To Joan.mp3


Suspense (1956-04-03 AFRS)

The latest Suspense addition from the Frey collection:

Dr. Joe Webb’s comments: “This is an episode that circulates as a nice sounding network version, but this recording is a “missing” AFRS version that fell out of circulation many years ago. The AFRS announcement has been clipped off (I mentioned in other posts that early collectors did this for a variety of reasons, one of which was to fit more episodes on a reel). The original had a background hum and some hiss, which I processed out. This is another one for the Suspense “completists” for which I am so pleased that Bruce has made available!”

Suspense Upgrade (1956-04-10)

The latest Suspense from the Don Frey collection posted by his son Bruce Frey:

Per Suspense maestro Dr. Joe Webb: “This is a better recording than the version that is usually in circulation. The copy was less noisy than the one I have, and I was able to improve it and get it on proper speed. It cleaned up pretty nicely. Because of the documentation that Bruce supplied we now know for certain it was an AFRS copy that has been circulating all along. I had always suspected it was an AFRS program that a collector trimmed at some point – it’s from the era where the dramas were shorter and you could fit 4 Suspense on one track of an 1800′ reel if you trimmed the AFRS music off. In today’s dollars, a reel of 1800′ tape that would let you store 12 half hour episodes, 3 per track, was minimum $7.50. By squeezing 4 more episodes you could reduce your cost significantly. This was also a period where AFRS recordings were considered to be sub-par and inauthentic, so chopping off the ends was not frowned upon. It was great to get this sound upgrade!”

Lux Episode Confirmed

As mentioned in the April 4 post, a previously uncirculating Lux Radio Theatre episode has indeed been uncovered! What’s interesting about this find is that it comes from a commercial cassette that was sold years ago, not from some veteran’s collection. Commenting on such a find, Dr. Joe Webb said, “It happens — it’s really amazing — many times veteran collectors don’t look at these recordings because at first glance they think they have it already. So only casual listeners get it, and they have never heard that there was a hobby, so the recordings can sit for years “hiding in plain sight.” I’m still finding all kinds of things related to Suspense in old reel and pre-2000 cassette collections. It’s always a surprise.”

Here is Joe’s version of the file, cleaned a bit with the two cassette sides edited together more seamlessly.

Suspense Update #3

The latest Suspense episode posted on Facebook by Bruce Frey from the Don Frey collection. It is from September 20, 1955. According to Joe Webb this is not a new episode or a new version of an episode but a better quality recording than the other copies he has heard floating around. You can save it directly to your own pCloud account if you have one or download it to your computer. You may have to scroll down a bit to see those options. Joe has cleaned up the original dub a bit.