Some Rare Episodes

Member Larry M. was excited to have some of his rare OTR shows compiled in a single place to more easily share with others. Most of these are episodes he had digitized from cassettes; several of them come from Jerry Haendiges’ show Same Time, Same Station. I left Jerry’s introductions to some, but in splitting episodes into separate files I couldn’t always do that without creating some timing issues. Hopefully some of you will enjoy these, and thank you Larry for sharing!
A Collection of Unique Old-Time Radio Episodes


Ted Davenport Podcast

Some of you know that long-time collector/dealer Ted Davenport started a podcast earlier this year (with a lot of assistance from Goodmond Danielson). He has been posting individual episodes on our Facebook page but I know many of you do not do Facebook or only check in there intermittently. Here are his podcast episodes in their entirety. I need to catch up myself.

New Escape Log

From Joe Webb:

BIG NEWS! A NEW ESCAPE LOG! The free log was compiled by long-time collector and researcher Keith Scott. It is at and a PDF can be downloaded from there, or the contents can be viewed at the site.

Keith’s big contribution is the identification of the various actors who were not credited on-air. Last year we went to the Thousand Oaks Library where thousands of CBS scripts are stored. Keith and I used our smartphones to take pictures of whatever we needed. But 25 years ago, Keith did the hard work for this log when people had to (GASP!!) record their data collection BY HAND on something called PAPER! How primitive! The various casts, production personnel changes, music, sponsors, and numerous other matters are also noted in great detail, all from Keith’s decades of notes.

Escape is a foundational series in the quest to interest new listeners to this era of radio. His observations about the history and importance of the series is excellent.

Whatever you can do to promulgate Keith’s efforts would be greatly appreciated. Please share the website address with others who have interest in these programs. It was a privilege to help Keith prepare the document and I am pleased he is making it available to everyone. Enjoy!!

Danny Kaye Show v. 2006

OTRR certified The Danny Kaye Show v2006 (1.24 GB on Windows/27 episodes) is available for download from Dropbox or OneDrive. Thanks to all those who made this collection possible. Note: this is a minor update to the version released last month. No, this isn’t from 2006.

These links will be available for 30 days.



This series has been uploaded to our YouTube channel at Look for “The Danny Kaye Show (1945)” playlist.

Caroline Ellis Book

Just got a notice from Ben Ohmart at Bear Manor that my latest book from his press is now available for purchase. Some of you may remember my initial write-up on Caroline Ellis in SPERDVAC’s Radiogram many years ago. Much more info came to light since then and resulted in this book. It includes a lot of behind-the scenes details about bringing a brand new show to the air on an NBC regional chain and some great never-before-seen photographs as well. Her only series that is in circulation is The Travels of Mary Ward, which is available in the OTRR library. You can always request your local library get a copy!
Caroline Ellis: Homemaker of the Airwaves