New Additions To The Site

5 new old time radio articles have been added to the OTR Articles Section.

They are –

“The Radio Career of Rod Serling’  by Martin Grams
‘Eunice Randall’ by Donna Halper
‘Gilbert and Lionel on the Radio’ by Jack French
‘Even His Initials Were B.S.’ by Jack French
‘For Whom The Bell Tolls’ by Jack French

You can find these articles in the respective authors Library.

Updated –

The magazine index for the old radio magazine archive library has been updated.

You can quickly find information on any show, star, and many other subjects just by purusing the index.  And this enables you to go directly to the magazine and page that contains the information you need instead of having to look through hundreds on magazines!

Thanks to Terry Caswell, who keeps the index current.

Hello world!

Welcome to the Old Time Radio Researchers website blog!  Here you will find information on what’s new on the site.  The site has so many sections that we are constantly adding new materials to that we thought it’d be a great idea if you could just come to one spot to see what’s new on the site since you last visited.

We hope that you’ve vist often and let us know what you think of the site – anything that you’d like to see added, upgraded, improved, etc.

You will have to register, though to make comments.  This is just a simple precausion to keep spammers from posting hundreds of spam messages!

Now on with the show.