Third Man Artwork upgraded

Hey everyone.

Well June is more than half gone before I was able to squeeze in new additions to the gallery. Sorry about that. This time around is THE THIRD MAN which is one of my oldest submissions and one badly in need of an update. Here’s what’s been submitted along with my usual notes for the curious:

COVER: Minor modifications to the design since the original wasn’t that bad. A brand-new logo added that really adds to the overall affect I think.

COVER REVERSE: This one was originally created for THE WHISTLER but since that’s probably at least 3 years away (at my current rate), I’m using it here. I think it captures Harry Lime as an enigmatic traveler.

LABEL: This was a lot of fun because I experimented with several things: colorizing, burns, and creating a shadow. The whole thing is a homage to one of the movie publicity shots with a body shot of Orson (rather than just a head swap) standing in for Joseph Cotten. And that’s the famous Third Man shadow recreated in just the right angle, too.

TRAY INSERT: Another mix of different effects. Started as a Sin City riff for lack of originality and turned into this. A lot of fun creating the marquee posters.

TRAY REVERSE: Used the revised template but shrunk type slightly. This is the most complete list of scriptwriters I could find. Orson, of course, isn’t listed with them because otherwise text would be even smaller.

That’s all for now. Next on my plate — after many delays — is MINDWEBS. The designs are all done. I just have to research the series and write all the copy.

Denny (HapWander)


Hi everyone —

As usual time and work and health delayed my gallery updates more than I intended but I have updated some of my older work.

ROCKY FORTUNE was tweaked and in some cases revamped with the following changes:

COVER: I changed the background image somewhat and darkened the blends on the central figure

COVER REVERSE: Revamped using the former Tray Insert for the central image. Because the episode titles are my own, I kept the previous version with the standard one. (Personally I like mine more)

LABEL: Minor tweaking to just the subtext. Frankly I liked this one too much to meddle

TRAY INSERT: Major revamp using the former Cover Reverse with some new figures added. Can you recognize the various actresses?

TRAY REVERSE: Standard redesign.

ZERO HOUR also received a much needed facelift. Rod Serling now has a better pose (more in keeping with his TZ and Night Gallery pub shots) and the background has a greater emphasis on timing (lol). Any more than this could have qualified as a revamp of THE CLOCK.

There’s not much to say about the various covers except to say that “Face of the Foe” was improved and “The Heir Hunters” (one of my first submissions and badly amateuristic) has been overhauled.

For the remaining pieces, the coloring on the Cover Reverse has been made uniform and the series logo and number on the labels have been modified.

In other news, I also sent JimB all of my design contributions for CBS RADIO WORKSHOP. This project will contain my first-ever DVD case and insert. Neither of which will be posted to the Gallery. So if you want to know how my DVD design contrasts to the CD version (which will be posted to the Gallery when Jim gives his OK), then sign up for Cert distribution.

I can say without hesitation that this project will contain the highest quality MP3s for the series that I’ve ever heard.

More gallery submissions coming this summer. Keep watching the skies!

Denny (HapWander)

Changes to the Otter Log Database

Hi all,

The OTTER Log Database has recently been updated with  many changes.  If you want to be current, you should download the entire database.  If you are just interested in certian series, you can access them via the individual log text.

One important change is that the ‘M’s have been spellchecked by Kurt Schriver.  This was a time consuming task and I thank him for doing that.


Nightfall design has been modified

Hey everyone —

The design package for NIGHTFALL has now been modified. Strictly speaking this is not a revamp as I did not change the design when I upgraded the package. The Cover has been been tweaked slightly to provide a more saturated color scheme and, of course, the Tray Reverse has the new design.

The biggest change, however, is the Tray Insert which has been completely redone from scratch. The original wasn’t bad but in hindsight I thought it looked static and too dependent on the Cover to pull off. The new version looks creepier, has its own scheme, and definitely is an improvement.

On the plate is still MINDWEBS (stalled at 3 of the 4 images necessary) and ZERO HOUR (I’m hoping to batch replacements/new submissions).

Also, in the terms of OTR series, I’m planning to revise CBS RADIO WORKSHOP in some form, update SIX SHOOTER, and try finish lingering designs for LIGHTS OUT, PLAYS FOR AMERICANS, and finally give HAVE GUN WILL TRAVEL (one of my earliest submissions) a much needed overhaul. Not to mentions lots of other goodies.

Keep watching the skies!

Denny (HapWander)

More Twilight Zone material added to art gallery

Hey all —

I’ve added album-specific cover reverses, inserts, and insert reverses for THE TWILIGHT ZONE RADIO DRAMAS to the art gallery taking the number up to 12. There are still 2 albums left but I left this was enough for the time being.

Some design notes off the top of my head:

DESIGN: The overall blue tone to everything is a deliberate homage to the OUTER LIMITS VHS tapes which MGM/UA released in the early 90s.

COVER: Each image in the window was done by a different painter representing a different genre. There’s even a Norman Rockwell if you look hard enough. The central image, of course, is modified from my favorite Stephen King move.

COV REVERSE: The track order of each album differs from the official releases because they are from the earliest broadcast dates I could find (usually the WGN schedule). However, since these dates are not cut in stone, I still left them off.

LABEL: TZ could terrifying, thoughtful, whimsical, nostalgic, you name it. In devising the label I opted for simply WEIRD.

INSERT: These were actually the hardest part because I deliberate tried to keep reoccurring stars in the same positions from album to album (meaning I had to design all of them in conjunction with each other). It became impossible a couple times towards the end, but overall it made them fun to do as well.

As to why Rod Serling doesn’t appear on the inserts, that’s actually his body (via THE NIGHT GALLERY) attached to Stacy Keach’s head. Nice touch, huh?

TRAY REVERSE: Although several submissions have preceded it, THIS is the series I had in mind when I elected to revamp the design package. I needed the offset dimensions to typeset so many cast names.

Coming this weekend SHOULD be some modifications to NIGHTFALL (including a WAY better Tray Insert). I’m still doing color tests right now.

Finally I’d like to thank everyone who contacted OTR-Depot to remove our stuff. The owner complied as to the list I sent him in part because so many members got on his case as well. THANKS FOLKS!!

Denny (HapWander)