Nero Wolfe Design Upgraded

Hey all —

Well, it’s been a few weeks since my last visit. I’d like to say I’ve enjoyed my sabbatical but I wound up with health-related issues instead. I’m still on the mend but definitely improving. And to celebrate my recovery I’ve upgraded another old design submission.

THE NEW ADVENTURES OF NERO WOLFE was another very early design from when I was just learning Photoshop (as witnessed by the crude reverse and insert). I tweaked the cover and label a couple years ago but still have never been pleased with the result.

[My rule of thumb is if I’m ashamed to post it in my personal gallery then it needs to be fixed.]

For this upgade I’ve scrapped the entire submission and redesigned it from scratch. And Wolfe fans will be pleased to note I actually spelled Greenstreet’s first name right (can’t believe NOBODY ever wrote me about that!)

So without further ado here’s the new submission with my usual notes:

COVER — This is an example of what I call “splatter art” where I use a Hard Mix Blend on the layers to produce a quasi-painting look. I wanted something to evoke the 1930s/40s without competing with my eventual PETE KELLY’S BLUES revamp.

COVER REVERSE — This one I wanted a ghostly headshot look to evoke (of all things) VHS cover designs from the early 1980s. If Disney had done a 1950s Wolfe movie, I think the lobby art would’ve looked like this.

LABEL — I wanted at least one image where Wolfe looked like he was thinking. Although Greenstreet looks a bit like a painting, that’s an actual photo from ACROSS THE PACIFIC. A different experiment in colorization. The bookshelves, btw, were cloned from a much smaller portion and then layered.

TRAY INSERT — A great example of colorizing a b&w image (Greenstreet) to match a 4-color image (Goodwin). The tones, btw, were inspired by of all things by the cover art for THE PARENT TRAP Vault Disney edition. Go figure.

TRAY REVERSE — The usual design package. I’m still toying with where to place the host/announcer credit. That’s also the complete Archie Goodwin cast listing for the entire season.

That’s all for now. Coming this weekend should be a new (not a revised) ZERO HOUR serial. I’ve also starting upgrading THE AVENGERS and will probably do some tweaks on THE GREEN LAMA. Further out I plan to finish ARCH OBOLER’S PLAYS, PLAYS FOR AMERICANS (I’ve been sitting on a dynamite cover for several months now), revamp PETE KELLY and HAVE GUN WILL TRAVEL, and create a design package for CRISIS.

And, of course, whatever else my Muse tells me.

In the meantime, as always, keep watching the skies!

Denny (HapWander)

OTTER Database Updated

The OTTER database and the individual text files have been updated to include the following –

Play Ball – Kurt Schriever(dup log)
Starr Of Space – Ben Kibler (dup log)

Boston Blackie – Ben Kibler
McGarry And His Mouse – Ben Kibler
Time For Love – Ben Kibler
Chick Carter, Boy Detective – Ben Kibler
Captain Starr Of Space – Ben Kibler
Kraft Music Hall 36-46 Bing Crosby – Andrew Steinburg

Forcast – Speling – Andrew Steinberg
The Mysterious Traveler – episode not available – Andrew Steinberg
Archie Andrews – episode Not Available – Andrew Steinberg
Romance – Spelling – Andrew Steinberg
Whistler – episode not available – Andrew Steinberg

Updates to the Site

Terry Caswell has updated the Index to the Old Time Radio Archival magazines, making it very easy for a researcher to locate articles about a specific program or star. Thanks Terry!

Thanks to the Old Time Radio Club of Buffalo for the 11 issues of Illustrated Press from 1981 that we’ve recently added.

Al Girard has provided us with 10 issues of Radio Guide.

Several other areas of the site have been upgraded as well.

More material added to the Gallery

Hey all —

This morning I submitted CBSRMT, added more for TWILIGHT ZONE, and upgraded CBS RADIO WORKSHOP. Along with the recently added MINDWEBS, these are my newest contributions the gallery.

For those interested in such things, here are the design notes in alphabetical order:

CBS RADIO MYSTERY THEATER: This package consists of generic versions for both the Marshall and Grimes seasons (the latter sadly lacking in all designs I’ve seen). This one was designed for the slim cases so there are no tray inserts or reverses (as yet).

COVER: What I like about this is that I found a way to incorporate the black cat mascot as part of the design rather than part of the logo.

COVER REVERSE: Both versions can actually be used for a variety of shows (as I used offbeat pics of the stars to make them less recognizable). There are also no content listings to add to their versatility. Myself, I’m doing the series a la my TZ contributions but in 23-episode increments.

LABEL: These were in part an homage to the original NBC Mystery Movie, an idea I may also use for MUTUAL RADIO THEATER if I can ever get off the dime. 🙂

CBS RADIO WORKSHOP: Thanks to the always great JimB for permission to post these ahead of the upcoming distribution. In addition, there are two DVD-oriented pieces that will be available ONLY through the distribution so if you want ’em I encourage you to sign up for it.

COVER: This is the final version. Not much changed except a little more color added and a better incorporation for the OTRR logo.

COVER REVERSE: Another piece that can be used for several series (esp those featuring Bill Conrad). Again, I’ve left this blank to add to its versatility.

LABEL: Way better version than the original. More figures, better color, same general idea.

TRAY INSERT: I try not to play favorites, but I really REALLY like this one. The idea continues the Eyeball People in a fun way while trying to grasp the imagination and variety of the actual series. I mean, what does WORKSHOP call to mind anyway?

TRAY REVERSE: Upgraded to current design. For the cast I tried to balance the most recognizable stars with the most famous guests.

MINDWEBS: A long LONG time in the making. This one went through no less than SIX versions before I was finally satisfied. I hope it was worth the wait, too!

COVER: This was the original label in my design but promoted it both for its power and to keep the entire face intact. Those are actual spiderweb images distorted and layered throughout, btw.

COVER REVERSE: Originally this was to be a solid black background and then I accidentally pasted in the woman (intended for an INNER SANCTUM design) and was surprised at the result. Amazing what the subconscious comes up with. Another one left blank (NOT a habit I assure you!) simply because the series is too big to fit legibly on one sleeve.

LABEL: This one is another homage to NIGHT GALLERY and another that took seemingly forever to do. Bonus points if you can recognize the female celeb in the image. 🙂

TRAY INSERT: This was originally intended for the cover of TALES OF TOMORROW, then 2000 PLUS, then the cover for this series. Fun idea but not really appropriate for the program (esp. the weird opening music) so I expanded the area and put it here. Even then it went through several coloring sessions before I found the right hues.

TRAY REVERSE: Sadly, not a lot of series information for this one. I spent a week researching on the net and incorporated everything relevant I could find. The writers listed are my own favorites from the series.

TWILIGHT ZONE: Cover Reverse, Tray Insert, and Tray Reverse for Volume 13 added. Not much to say here other than celeb placements in the insert was done in relation to both volumes 1-12 and the forthcoming Volume 14. The latter will be submitted whenever I finally get around to buying the particular downloads. Something I encourage all fans to do now that the company is no longer releasing new volumes on CD.

That’s all for now. I’m currently working on a new ZERO HOUR episode but mostly taking a break to concentrate on burning and collecting the best copies of CBSRMT in 23-episode increments as mentioned above. Why the odd number? That’s how many can fit legibly single column on a cover reverse in 9 pt Palatino Bold with 3 points extra spacing. No point shoving everything on a single disc if you need a magnifying glass to read the tracks I sez.

Thanks to JimB for granting me Admin access again and to Sue for suggesting how to upgrade my own profile so I won’t be accidentally locked out again.

Keep watching the skies!

Denny (HapWander)