
The OTTER db has been updated as well as the individual text files to include
the following changes –

Jet Jungle – SA – Jim B
The Old Corral – Jim B
Stars On Parade – Jim B
Cowboy Slim Reinhart

Adventures By Morse – Andrew S.
The First Nighter – Andrew S
Excursions in Science – Andrew S
Crime Doctor – Ben K
Your Hit Parade – Mike H.

Fred Waring Show – Add’l Episode Available – Jim B
G I Jive – Add’l Episodes Available – Jim B
Les Paul Show – Date Corrected – Andrew S
Favorite Story – Add’l Episode Available – Andrew S
Your All Time Hit Parade – Add’l Episode Available – Andrew S
Your AAF – Can’t Remember – Andrew S.
Soldiers Of The Press – Spelling – Andrew S
Lord Peter Wimsey-bbc – Addl Episode Available – Mark S
Baker’s Theater Of Stars – Delete Log(part of another Log) Tom M
CBS Radio Workshop – date corrected – Rodney S.


OTTER Database Updated

The OTTER Database and individual text files have been updated with the the following changes –

Bailes Brothers – Kurt S
Al Jolson Lkifebuoy Show – Kurt S
Jackie Gleason-Les Tremayne Show – Kurt S

Young Dr Malone – Andrew s
Same Time, Same Station – Larry G

Cisco Kid – Andrew S
One Man’s Family – Andrew S
Edgar Bergen – Kurt S
Singles & Doubles Collection – Kurt S
Giselle MacKenzie Show – Kurt S
Harvest Of Stars – Kurt S
Information Please- Kurt S
Science Magazine Of The Air – Kurt S

Radio Guild – Spelling – Andrew S
Suspense – Spelling – David O
Fort Laramie – Episode Title Corrections – Kurt S


OTRR Gallery Updated

Hey Folks. If anyone is interested in my designs, I’ve recently added some material to the gallery. Some of it is updated work while others are brand-new.

If you do a search you will find a complete jewel case design for PILGRIM, an excellent BBC series as well as THE BIRDS, a BBC play based on the du Maurier story.

You will also find revamped designs for THE MYSTERIOUS TRAVELER (including an awesome tray insert if I do say so myself), several AVENGERS serials, and the first four volumes of KINCAID THE STRANGESEEKER (actually 6 volumes but I’ve doubled up vols 3-6 to match the 2-CD releases for the first two volumes).

Coming soon will be a new TWILIGHT ZONE volume (and probably some tweaked labels and inserts), at least two new AVENGERS serials, and CRISIS at a 15-volume design.

You may also notice I’ve started putting disclaimers and Web addresses on my designs. This is both to further protect these OTRR donations from being stolen and to encourage people to seek out legal downloads. I’m a big fan of purchasing legal copies of NTR material — esp when the owners are selling their downloads at such ridiculously low prices.

Okay enough pontificating. Hope you all enjoy the new additions. More will be coming soon as I find the time in my work schedule.

Denny (aka HapWander)