Duffy’s Tavern v. 2111

Our newest set, Duffy’s Tavern, is now available on Archive.org. We tested it this summer and you all responded with some good feedback, corrections, and file upgrades. In case you missed Brian’s posting a little while back, find it now on Archive. Once again, thanks to Dave Tysver for getting it uploaded for everyone. Duffy’s …

The Danny Kaye Show Updated

OTRR maintained The Danny Kaye Show v2105 (1.28 GB on Windows/28 episodes) is available for download from Dropbox, OneDrive or pCloud. Thanks to all those who made this collection possible. IMPORTANT: This is being distributed as a single zip file. In Windows, right-click on the file and choose Extract all. These links will be available for 30 …

Martin Grams’ Lone Ranger

I don’t recall if this was posted earlier, but Martin Grams’ newest book is expected to release mid-June. It is The Lone Ranger: The Early Years, 1933 – 1937. If you’re a Lone Ranger fan, it’s a no-brainer. Initially I was disappointed when it was announced because I wanted a history of the entire show …