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Welcome to the OTRR Group

      The OTRR Group is a community of enthusiastic fans, avid listeners, and strong supporters of “Old Time Radio". The group’s goals include restoring, preserving and sharing the classic shows from what is commonly known as the "Golden Age of Radio" (1930-1960). The OTRR Group, comprised of a diverse world wide group of volunteers, has undertaken many ongoing projects and continues to work hard to preserve our wonderful radio heritage.

    Our MISSION STATEMENT explains in greater detail our organizational structure and how we function. If you think you may be interested in joining our efforts, please take time to review this page.

    Below you'll find links to many of the various activities our group supports. Please take time to explore any or all the following venues. Everyone is welcome here

Project OTR.db Wiki OTR Art   Guest Map

   The OTRR Group has undertaken the mammoth task of trying to accurately catalog ALL OTR episodes.  Furthermore, they have made their database public and interactive through a program called OTTER.  Currently the db contains over 2,030 series listing over 192,000 episodes.

   The OTRR Group is the major OTR contributor to the world wide Wiki encyclopedia. OTR enthusiasts find the “First Line Project” an invaluable tool for correctly identifying and labeling OTR episodes.    The OTRR Group maintains the largest collection of OTR Art anywhere. Historical images of radio celebrities, disc covers, and original art work are readily available and free to download.

   Please take time to place yourself on our OTRR Guest Map. We enjoy knowing where in the world our OTR friends are located.

Certified Series publications Radio Times guest book
   The OTRR Group maintains the largest, most accurate library of OTR series in the world. Each series includes many additional historic features (photos, bios, additional sound clips...) that have been diligently researched and are included for download.

  OTRR now has the largest collection of OTR periodicals on the net.
  Review and download copies of:
   OTR Magazines
istoric Radio Scripts
   OTR Articles
   Newspaper Radio Logs

   The "Old Radio Times" is the OTRR Group's monthly e-zine. Rich and detailed OTR articles are submitted by noted members of the OTR community. The current and back issues may be readily downloaded from the Times library.



The Old Time Radio Researchers (OTRR) website has a blog!  There you will find all the new information on what’s been updated on this site.  Our OTRR site has so many sections which we are constantly adding new materials to. The Blog provides a central location where you can view these additions and revisions which have been made to the site since your last visit.

Visit the Blog

We also have two other great websites. One is the OTRR Library, where we have over 80,000 episodes from nearly 2,000 series for you listening pleasure. Downloads are free, as is everything sponsored by the OTRR. Visit the Library at The OTRR Library

The other websites is the OTRRpedia. You can find information here on literally thousands of old time readio programs and stars. There are also many links there that will lead to more information. You can visit the OTRRpedia at Here

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License. Copyright 2004-2013

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