43/05/31 First Episode 43/09/24 43/10/01 44/01/07 44/01/17 44/06/02 45/06/02 45/06/09 45/06/16 * 45/06/23 Nazi POW In Riverdale 45/06/30 45/07/07 45/07/14 45/07/21 * 45/07/28 45/08/04 45/08/11 45/08/18 45/08/25 45/09/01 45/09/08 45/09/15 45/09/22 45/09/29 45/10/06 * 45/10/13 45/10/20 45/10/27 45/11/03 45/11/10 45/11/17 45/11/24 45/12/01 45/12/08 45/12/15 45/12/22 45/12/29 46/01/05 46/01/12 46/01/19 46/01/26 46/02/02 46/02/09 46/02/16 46/02/23 46/03/02 46/03/09 46/03/16 46/03/23 46/03/30 46/04/06 46/04/13 46/04/20 46/04/27 46/05/04 * 46/05/07 A Day At Camp (Special Broadcast) * 46/05/11 Poison Candy * 46/05/18 Hip Talk 46/05/25 * 46/06/01 Elephant * 46/06/08 A Story In Real LIfe 46/06/15 46/06/22 46/06/29 * 46/07/06 Masked Marvel * 46/07/13 Stranded On Deserted Island * 46/07/20 The Hammock * 46/07/27 Drugstore Mixup * 46/08/03 No Rest For Fred Andrews 46/08/10 * 46/08/17 46/08/24 46/08/31 46/09/07 46/09/14 46/09/21 46/09/28 46/10/05 46/10/12 * 46/10/19 Double Date 46/10/26 46/11/02 46/11/09 46/11/16 46/11/23 46/11/30 46/12/07 46/12/14 46/12/21 46/12/28 47/01/04 47/01/11 47/01/18 47/01/25 47/02/01 47/02/08 47/02/15 47/02/22 47/03/01 47/03/07 47/03/08 * 47/03/15 The Red Cross Benefit 47/03/22 47/03/29 47/04/05 47/04/12 47/04/19 47/04/26 47/05/03 47/05/10 47/05/17 47/05/24 47/05/31 47/06/07 47/06/14 47/06/21 47/06/28 47/07/05 47/07/12 47/07/19 47/07/26 47/08/02 * 47/08/09 Double Date(Same Script as 46-10-19) 47/08/16 47/08/23 47/08/30 47/09/06 47/09/13 47/09/20 47/09/27 47/10/04 47/10/11 47/10/18 47/10/25 47/11/01 47/11/08 * 47/11/15 Going To Bed Early 47/11/22 47/11/29 47/12/06 * 47/12/13 Christmas Shopping 47/12/20 47/12/27 48/01/03 48/01/10 48/01/17 48/01/24 48/01/31 48/02/07 48/02/14 48/02/21 48/02/28 48/03/06 48/03/13 48/03/20 48/03/27 48/04/03 48/04/10 48/04/17 48/04/24 48/05/01 48/05/08 * 48/05/15 The Hiccups (Good Night's Sleep) 48/05/22 48/05/29 48/06/05 * 48/06/12 Archie Fights a Cold 48/06/19 48/06/26 48/07/03 * 48/07/10 Archie Gets Dressed For a Date * 48/07/17 Mr Andrews Wallpapers a Room 48/07/24 48/07/31 * 48/08/07 Suffering from the Heat 48/08/14 * 48/08/21 Going on a Picnic * 48/08/28 Archie Gets Dressed For A Date * 48/09/04 The Big Dance * 48/09/11 Borrowing a Tire Jack * 48/09/18 Archie's in Love * 48/09/25 Free Movie Tickets 48/10/02 48/10/09 48/10/15 48/10/23 * 48/10/30 Halloween Party * 48/11/06 Locked Out Of The House * 48/11/13 A Good Night's Sleep * 48/11/20 Guests Are Coming For Dinner * 48/11/27 Laryngitis Ruins Dad's Nap * 48/12/04 Job at the Drugstore 48/12/11 48/12/18 48/12/25 * 48/xx/xx Dinner In A Restaurant 49/01/01 49/01/08 49/01/15 49/01/22 49/01/29 49/02/05 49/02/12 49/02/19 49/02/26 49/03/05 49/03/12 49/03/19 49/03/26 49/04/02 49/04/09 49/04/16 49/04/23 49/04/30 49/05/07 49/05/14 * 49/05/21 The New TV Set * 49/05/28 Careful - Don't Waken Father * 49/06/04 Veronica's Sub - Deb's Formal - No Tux 49/06/08 49/06/11 49/06/15 49/06/18 49/06/22 49/06/25 49/06/29 49/07/02 49/07/06 49/07/09 * 49/07/13 Sun Burned 49/07/16 49/07/20 49/07/23 49/07/27 49/07/30 49/08/03 49/08/06 49/08/10 49/08/13 49/08/17 49/08/20 * 49/08/24 Trying To Go Fishing 49/08/27 49/08/31 49/09/03 49/09/07 49/09/10 49/09/14 49/09/17 49/09/24 49/10/01 49/10/08 49/10/15 49/10/22 49/10/29 49/11/05 49/11/12 49/11/19 49/11/26 49/12/03 49/12/10 * 49/12/17 Christmas Shopping 49/12/24 49/12/31 * 50/03/04 Archie Is Nowhere To Be Found * 50/11/11 Mouse In The House * 50/11/18 The Charleston Contest * 51/03/10 Mailing The Income Tax * 51/03/17 Too Much Noise * 51/05/05 Jalopy Won't Start 51/05/12 51/05/13 * 51/05/20 Big Ballgame * 51/05/27 Babysitting * 51/06/03 The Economy Program 51/06/10 51/06/17 53/09/05 53/09/12 Last Episode * xx/xx/xx Bankrupt Rumor * xx/xx/xx Football Tickets * xx/xx/xx Helping Dad At The Office * xx/xx/xx Horseback Riding Lessons * xx/xx/xx Late For School