xx/xx/xx 1 Four Years xx/xx/xx 1 Here's a Kiss for You xx/xx/xx 1 Illuboo Roi xx/xx/xx 1 It Just Swallowed Kapoor xx/xx/xx 1 Magnifico, City of Malls xx/xx/xx 1 My Name Is Ruby Too xx/xx/xx 1 Möbius-Morpheus xx/xx/xx 1 One of Those Nights xx/xx/xx 1 The News is a Dream xx/xx/xx 1 The Twilight Master xx/xx/xx 2 Aum Cosmic Coil Tesla Om xx/xx/xx 2 Dead Robot, eh? xx/xx/xx 2 Dead Stop xx/xx/xx 2 Fast Talking Bulldada xx/xx/xx 2 Four Tentacles and a Red Fez xx/xx/xx 2 Home, Mustapha xx/xx/xx 2 Monet xx/xx/xx 2 The Archipelago Awakens xx/xx/xx 2 The Big Boo xx/xx/xx 2 The Slymies? xx/xx/xx 3 Android Sisters, "Subliminal" xx/xx/xx 3 Damn Chicquita Birds xx/xx/xx 3 He Stood There Waist Deep in Whispers xx/xx/xx 3 I Guess That's the Spot xx/xx/xx 3 Is She An Android? xx/xx/xx 3 Teru at Cafe Garcon xx/xx/xx 3 The Andriod Sisters! xx/xx/xx 3 The Nac-Cree xx/xx/xx 3 The Tombs xx/xx/xx 3 While Biting my Toes xx/xx/xx 4 All Aboard! xx/xx/xx 4 Angel Lips Speaks xx/xx/xx 4 Another Mummy xx/xx/xx 4 Ooo, Reptoids, Reptoids, Eee! xx/xx/xx 4 Return of the Rodent xx/xx/xx 4 The Black Hills of Erishigal xx/xx/xx 4 The Dark Angel of Doom xx/xx/xx 4 The Tookah xx/xx/xx 4 You Shuddered! xx/xx/xx 4 You're Drifting off Again xx/xx/xx 5 Escape from the Slimeys xx/xx/xx 5 Father Mojo xx/xx/xx 5 Her Angelness xx/xx/xx 5 I'll Give You Fire xx/xx/xx 5 Lizard Infested Planet xx/xx/xx 5 The Illuboos xx/xx/xx 5 Toots at Robo Eddy's xx/xx/xx 5 Undressing Me xx/xx/xx 5 We Scanned Your Brain xx/xx/xx 5 What a stinker xx/xx/xx 6 Digital Circus xx/xx/xx 6 Father? xx/xx/xx 6 Fuzzy Fizzy xx/xx/xx 6 I Escaped, But It Got My Pants xx/xx/xx 6 It's Just My Size xx/xx/xx 6 Mister Boo xx/xx/xx 6 Naughty Nick's xx/xx/xx 6 Rodant! Not Rodent! xx/xx/xx 6 The Threshold xx/xx/xx 6 Zen Koans xx/xx/xx 7 Great Ozymandias xx/xx/xx 7 Nicola Tesla xx/xx/xx 7 Oh, Those Astral Nights xx/xx/xx 7 Sue Foo and the Coco Coo xx/xx/xx 7 The Creeper xx/xx/xx 7 The Master Dream Machine xx/xx/xx 7 Under My Flat Wrathful Foot xx/xx/xx 7 We Were Goddesses xx/xx/xx 7 Welcome to the Gates of Hell xx/xx/xx 8 All We Need is a Nobody xx/xx/xx 8 Android Sisters, "Censor Ship" xx/xx/xx 8 My Horns Won't Fit xx/xx/xx 8 Not Yet, My Little Metal Munchkin xx/xx/xx 8 Pooka Dooka xx/xx/xx 8 T J Teru xx/xx/xx 8 The Butterfly Machine xx/xx/xx 8 The Speak Bubbles xx/xx/xx 8 Who Destroyed Old Earth? xx/xx/xx 9 Ancient Nullian City xx/xx/xx 9 Lulu?! xx/xx/xx 9 Okay, Worms xx/xx/xx 9 Place Your Bets xx/xx/xx 9 Quiet, You Little Rodent! xx/xx/xx 9 The Island of Tweet Twitter xx/xx/xx 9 The MRC xx/xx/xx 9 Theatre Nac-Cree xx/xx/xx 10 A Super Duper Scientist xx/xx/xx 10 Dancing for Mister Concertina xx/xx/xx 10 Feedback City xx/xx/xx 10 Oh No, Not My Mother! xx/xx/xx 10 Ruby Queen of the Cosmos xx/xx/xx 10 The Boulevard of Dreams xx/xx/xx 10 We'd Better Run Teru xx/xx/xx 10 Zee Leggies xx/xx/xx 11 Digital Dentist xx/xx/xx 11 Far Flung Farouk xx/xx/xx 11 It's a Dream Conspiracy xx/xx/xx 11 Moles of Zeeboos xx/xx/xx 11 Molie Must Find Tango! xx/xx/xx 11 The rusted slidewalk xx/xx/xx 11 This Red Door xx/xx/xx 11 We'll Peel His Toes xx/xx/xx 12 Android Intuition xx/xx/xx 12 His Brains Are Smoking xx/xx/xx 12 How you doin, TJ? xx/xx/xx 12 I Don't Like Guns xx/xx/xx 12 Moliere, Chief of the Moles xx/xx/xx 12 Poo Poo Poppies xx/xx/xx 12 Ruby, It's Not Real xx/xx/xx 12 The Big Mollusk xx/xx/xx 13 Arrgh, etc xx/xx/xx 13 Cosmic Pinball xx/xx/xx 13 Oscillator Theatre xx/xx/xx 13 Picnic time for Teddy Bears xx/xx/xx 13 The Blo Balls Come Bouncing xx/xx/xx 13 The Clay People xx/xx/xx 13 The Dance of the Dualistic God xx/xx/xx 14 Glass Palace xx/xx/xx 14 Meanwhile, back at the monastery xx/xx/xx 14 Solar Sailing xx/xx/xx 14 Something's up xx/xx/xx 14 The Terminator Teddy Bears xx/xx/xx 14 What, No Gas xx/xx/xx 14 Whatever Happened to Ruby? xx/xx/xx 15 And/Or Ascended xx/xx/xx 15 Android Sisters, "Ray-dee-ohh" xx/xx/xx 15 Buzz Words! Buzz Words! xx/xx/xx 15 Clay people? xx/xx/xx 15 Freddie the Foo Foo xx/xx/xx 15 Monet, the Aurorian xx/xx/xx 15 Nano-Mites xx/xx/xx 16 Casino City xx/xx/xx 16 Gardens of the Bulldada xx/xx/xx 16 Here Come the Snouts xx/xx/xx 16 I Think It Smiled xx/xx/xx 16 My Name is Nipples xx/xx/xx 16 The Punishing Stones xx/xx/xx 16 The Revenge of the Cream Puff xx/xx/xx 17 A Peaceful Place xx/xx/xx 17 A Window Appears xx/xx/xx 17 No Real Women Anymore xx/xx/xx 17 Pretty weird xx/xx/xx 17 Rub me too xx/xx/xx 17 The Dead is Indeed Done xx/xx/xx 17 Walk with Monet xx/xx/xx 18 Blam! Blam! the Slimeys xx/xx/xx 18 Bruno don't read xx/xx/xx 18 Circle of Hashibahbah xx/xx/xx 18 I hate puns xx/xx/xx 18 On Day Three xx/xx/xx 18 Sam & Sal, Robots at Home xx/xx/xx 18 Seek go Hide xx/xx/xx 19 Android Sisters, Robots xx/xx/xx 19 Down at the Dunfe Docks xx/xx/xx 19 Molar Mystery Theatre xx/xx/xx 19 My Life Among the Robots xx/xx/xx 19 Nicola Tesla! xx/xx/xx 19 Talking Noses of Zoots xx/xx/xx 19 The Gate of Temptation xx/xx/xx 20 Bio-Gookies xx/xx/xx 20 House of Whoopie xx/xx/xx 20 Its Tongue, Its Lips xx/xx/xx 20 Palsy Walsy Panda xx/xx/xx 20 Puff puff puff xx/xx/xx 20 So Long, Monet xx/xx/xx 20 Yes, oh Maharani? xx/xx/xx 21 Ah, temptation xx/xx/xx 21 Delicious Noogies xx/xx/xx 21 Onoffon & Offonoff xx/xx/xx 21 Question, Teru? xx/xx/xx 21 That's Rodant, 'Not Rodent' xx/xx/xx 21 Tiny Terminators Teddys xx/xx/xx 21 You Little Rat xx/xx/xx 22 Big Pink xx/xx/xx 22 Island, Volcano, Trap xx/xx/xx 22 Papa Kapoor? xx/xx/xx 22 Shoe Bot, Shoe Wah xx/xx/xx 22 The Big Squeeze xx/xx/xx 22 The Rise and Fall of Rodant Kapoor xx/xx/xx 23 Mother Kapoor & the Tiny Teddys xx/xx/xx 23 Ruby Disarms xx/xx/xx 23 Squeeze time xx/xx/xx 23 The Great Levitator xx/xx/xx 23 Times We Live In xx/xx/xx 23 We aim to please xx/xx/xx 24 Android Sisters, "Come the Christian Inquisition!" xx/xx/xx 24 Big Baits the Hook xx/xx/xx 24 It's Coming from out There xx/xx/xx 24 Lights on, idiot xx/xx/xx 24 Oh Great! What Next xx/xx/xx 24 Teru Meets Mr. Bubble xx/xx/xx 25 Ah Ha, You Again xx/xx/xx 25 Inflateable City xx/xx/xx 25 Mr. Bubble Inflated xx/xx/xx 25 The Final Gate xx/xx/xx 25 The Next Step xx/xx/xx 25 The Robots, Home Again xx/xx/xx 26 Doctor Laser! xx/xx/xx 26 Does Your Cat Look Like This xx/xx/xx 26 Hello, Inky xx/xx/xx 26 I'll Play, I'll Play xx/xx/xx 26 Millie's Milk Bar xx/xx/xx 26 The Cafe Garcon Ascends xx/xx/xx 27 Android Sisters, "Sheep" xx/xx/xx 27 City of Glass xx/xx/xx 27 Holy smokes! xx/xx/xx 27 Le Chat Jazz Cafe xx/xx/xx 27 Set her free xx/xx/xx 27 Sisters Treasury Wizards xx/xx/xx 28 A Fond Farewell xx/xx/xx 28 Electric 50's xx/xx/xx 28 Frog Begone xx/xx/xx 28 I Quit, I Quit xx/xx/xx 28 Rosie, Right xx/xx/xx 28 The Assault Upon the City of Malls xx/xx/xx 29 I Am Levitating xx/xx/xx 29 I hate malls xx/xx/xx 29 Macho Bleepholes xx/xx/xx 29 Still fishing? xx/xx/xx 29 Telephone Terror Theatre xx/xx/xx 29 The 100th Monkey xx/xx/xx 30 Android Sisters, "Donkphants" xx/xx/xx 30 Get Your Sticky Paws Off xx/xx/xx 30 Mr. Mollusk Clams Up xx/xx/xx 30 Never! Grrr xx/xx/xx 30 Ride the current! xx/xx/xx 30 Ruby & Angel Lips Talk xx/xx/xx 31 A Little Action xx/xx/xx 31 Morphogenic Fields xx/xx/xx 31 My Mother Koan xx/xx/xx 31 Teru Tangos with the Moles xx/xx/xx 32 Android Sisters, "Sacred Cows" xx/xx/xx 32 More Mole Puns xx/xx/xx 32 Mother's Fuzzy Logic xx/xx/xx 32 The Coins Please xx/xx/xx 33 Cigars & Angels xx/xx/xx 33 Surfing on Magnetic Waves xx/xx/xx 33 Wrap Around xx/xx/xx 34 Ruby, Terminated xx/xx/xx 34 Surf's Out xx/xx/xx 34 Time for Science xx/xx/xx 35 Bomb Android Sisters xx/xx/xx 35 Oh No, the Boogerman xx/xx/xx 35 The Isis Class xx/xx/xx 36 Hall of Shadows xx/xx/xx 36 Oh Wimpy! xx/xx/xx 36 Warm & Plastic xx/xx/xx 37 Android Sisters, "Barking" xx/xx/xx 37 Return of Ruby 1 xx/xx/xx 37 Ruby Meets Moonbeam xx/xx/xx 38 Falls in Love xx/xx/xx 38 Limb to Shining Limb xx/xx/xx 38 Return to the Robo Werks xx/xx/xx 39 Cool Canals of Chloe xx/xx/xx 39 The Stealth Suit xx/xx/xx 39 Whose Nose xx/xx/xx 40 Lowest Common Denominator xx/xx/xx 40 Open Your Eyes xx/xx/xx 40 Ozymandias Returns xx/xx/xx 41 Android Sisters, "Digital Dream" xx/xx/xx 41 Laugh at It All, Ha Ha xx/xx/xx 41 Pops the Question xx/xx/xx 42 Have a Nice Nap? xx/xx/xx 42 Hello, Ruby xx/xx/xx 42 Sam the Bardroid xx/xx/xx 43 I Can't Bear This xx/xx/xx 43 Printer Sisters xx/xx/xx 43 Teru & the Tookak Talk xx/xx/xx 44 Blow Your Bugle, Teddy! xx/xx/xx 44 P U Slimys xx/xx/xx 44 Tookah Puffs up & Explodes xx/xx/xx 45 I've Got the Drop on You Kapoor xx/xx/xx 45 Oh, You Naughty Ninjas xx/xx/xx 45 Temporary Insanity Installation xx/xx/xx 46 Android Sisters, "A Yello Cello?" xx/xx/xx 46 Electric Sheep xx/xx/xx 46 Return to the Mrc xx/xx/xx 47 A Mechanical Finger? xx/xx/xx 47 Julio Hot Stuff Sanchez xx/xx/xx 47 Teru and Angel Lips xx/xx/xx 48 Brave Bwana xx/xx/xx 48 Citadel xx/xx/xx 48 Spank Their Furry Bottoms xx/xx/xx 49 Robotics, Do Your Stuff xx/xx/xx 49 Ruby Found at Last xx/xx/xx 49 Shall I Unzip? xx/xx/xx 50 Before He's Fried and Eaten xx/xx/xx 50 He Tickles Me xx/xx/xx 50 Too Many Mutants xx/xx/xx 51 Ai yi yi, Spoolaga! xx/xx/xx 51 Android Sisters, "Great Man" xx/xx/xx 51 Toots Mutant Of the Zoot Mutants xx/xx/xx 52 Ant Begone xx/xx/xx 52 Money xx/xx/xx 52 Professor Toto LeToe xx/xx/xx 53 And Then It Hit Me xx/xx/xx 53 Let's Go Home xx/xx/xx 53 Voices of the Old Ones xx/xx/xx 54 Indiana Isis xx/xx/xx 54 Lazars Android Works xx/xx/xx 54 So Nice to Be Home xx/xx/xx 55 A Long Tickley Feather xx/xx/xx 55 How to Activate a Male Android xx/xx/xx 55 Revenge of the Boogerman xx/xx/xx 56 It's All Bulldada xx/xx/xx 56 Programmer, Matisse xx/xx/xx 56 Witty Repartee xx/xx/xx 57 Let's Kill some Slimies! xx/xx/xx 57 Matisse Talks xx/xx/xx 57 One for the 'ol Digitawl Drill xx/xx/xx 58 He Just Came Apart xx/xx/xx 58 Hee Hee, Hee Hee, Heeee xx/xx/xx 58 Mother Kapoor & Her Rodent xx/xx/xx 59 Teru Fondly Reminisces xx/xx/xx 59 Tico and Pico xx/xx/xx 59 Zoots Fantasy Fever xx/xx/xx 60 Fool Around xx/xx/xx 60 It's Xavier Cugat Month xx/xx/xx 60 No Senor Boogerman xx/xx/xx 61 More Oscillator Theatre xx/xx/xx 61 Nest xx/xx/xx 61 The Big Wiggly xx/xx/xx 62 Big Battle with the Slimeys xx/xx/xx 62 Ooooo, I'm Scared xx/xx/xx 62 Talk and Talk Fast xx/xx/xx 63 Conclusion of the Slimeys xx/xx/xx 63 I Won't Bite You xx/xx/xx 63 Old Double Cross xx/xx/xx 64 Farewell Big Money xx/xx/xx 64 Maybe There Is No End xx/xx/xx 64 This Must Be the End xx/xx/xx 65 Teru Ad Libs the Credits xx/xx/xx 65 Teru Has at the Credits