Thanks to Walt at
for this information

Don Quinn, main writer of "Fibber McGee and Molly", created a program revolving around the president of an Ivy-class college, his ex-actress wife, and various members of the faculty and student body. It's a very literate and funny look into the life of academia.

Perfectly cast as the president of Ivy College, Dr. William Todhunter Hall, is Ronald Colman. Colman was never interested in a weekly series until Quinn approached him with this idea. Dr. Hall's door is always open to faculty and student alike, always ready to solve any difficulty that comes his way, from getting wealthy alumni donations to 'calling in sick' and enjoying the day.

In the role of Mrs. Hall, 'the former Victoria Cromwell of the London musical comedy stage', is Colman's own wife, Benita Hume. Vicky is the shining light of Ivy, beautiful, intelligent, and ever-ready to lend a hand.

With a wonderful cast of supporting characters that include Willard Waterman, Herb Butterfield, Paula Winslow, Jerry Hausner, Herb Vigran, to name a few, "The Halls of Ivy" is still just as fresh today as it was during its 2 year run (Jan 6, 1950 to June 25, 1952).

"Halls of Ivy" is another show that seems to have no official titles. So this log lists all the titles we've found for each individual episode.

· Show Opening -- Format of each entry shows the episode date and title in bold, and sponsor. Alternate titles are listed below the bold title. The announcer's introduction follows.


Show Openings

06/22/49 Dr. Hall's Reappointment audition show
It is co-educational and non-sectarian, and its age is indicated by the fact that, until recently, the curriculum required two years of Greek. Ivy is All American. Its student body is a pretty fair cross section of our country's youthful seekers of knowledge, with a small smattering of time-wasters, those fun-loving rovers who infest every college campus. Dr. William Hall, PhD, LLD, and MA, is president of Ivy. At least until the end of the month. His reappointment will shortly be under discussion by the Board of Regents, now meeting in the board room in the East Wing of the library.
Dr Hall - Gale Gordon
Vicki - Edna Best
06/23/49 Dr. Hall's Reappointment audition show 2
For prospective sponsors
Starts with a man talking to Don Quinn about colleges for his son...
Dr Hall - Gale Gordon
Vicki - Edna Best
01/06/50 Reappointment of Dr. Hall Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
It is co-educational and non-sectarian, and its age is indicated by the fact that, until recently, the curriculum required two years of Greek. Ivy is All American. Its student body is a pretty fair cross section of our country's youthful seekers of knowledge. Dr. William Todhunter Hall, PhD, LLD, and MA, is president of Ivy. At least until the end of the month. His reappointment is under discussion now by the Board of Governors, now meeting in the East Wing of the library.
01/13/50 Student Editorial Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
We suppose most people regard a college president, when they happen to think of him at all, as a man concerned only with scholarly matters, such as a fat endowment or a new football stadium. This is a profound misconception. In most respects, college presidents have the same interests as we do. At this moment for example, Dr. William Todhunter Hall, the president of Ivy, sits book in hand, seeking the answer to the question millions of thoughtful Americans are asking themselves tonight, "Who dun it?" Mrs. Hall is going over the household accounts...
01/20/50 Gangster's Son
alt: Mike Mellot
Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
Dr. William Todhunter Hall, president of Ivy College, has all the troubles common to college presidents. They consist mostly of fiscal matters, financial affairs, and money. As he's often been heard to say, a man in his position must be one part babysitter, one part mediator, and 98 parts panhandler. But Dr. Hall has at least one advantage over his scholastic opposite number. He has a wife named Victoria, formerly a glimmering ornament of the English musical comedy theater, and now the epitome of what a tired man should come home to...
01/27/50 Charter Day Ceremonies
alt: Wellman's Nose
Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
Dr. Hall, Dr. William Todhunter Hall, the president of Ivy, has problems, shared by Mrs. Hall, the former Victoria Cromwell of the London stage. Problems not entirely curricular. Their immediate worry concerns the sudden, and so far undiagnosed illness of a last night's dinner guest Mr. Clarence Wellman, who's now recovering, everyone hopes, from an outrageously swollen nose in the extra bedroom...
02/03/50 Dr. Bromley, Shakespeare Expert Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
The last class the day has been dismissed and both students and faculty are relaxing. In the home of Dr. William Todhunter Hall, president of Ivy, and his wife, formerly a shining light of the London stage. Dr Hall is lying on the couch and Mrs. Hall is sitting on the floor beside him going over the afternoon mail which arrived a few minutes ago...
02/10/50 Snowman Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
Five people didn't go to bed at all last night here at Ivy. Grogan, the campus policeman who was making his rounds. Two sophomores and a freshman who were investigating certain mathematical phenomena, such as the odds of drawing to an inside straight. And Dr. William Todhunter Hall, the president of Ivy who's been working at his desk in the study of his home since shortly after dinner yesterday. The chapel bell is striking eight as his wife, former Victoria Cromwell of the London stage, enters and says...
02/17/50 Chinese Student
alt: Prejudice
alt: Substitute for Reverend Gilby
Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
Dr. William Todhunter Hall, like any other college president or almost any kind of executive has to make certain concessions to his superior officers. For instance, he must on occasion have lunch with some of the members of the Board of Governors, when he would far prefer to spend that hour and a half playing a game of chess with his wife Victoria, who was, until her marriage, the toast of English musical comedy stage. With chess at the Hall's it doesn't matter much who wins, but a college president must not let himself be checkmated too many times by his Board of Governors. Even at a luncheon at the Faculty Club like this one...
02/24/50 Student Thief
alt: Vindication for Eddie Grey
alt: Is Eddie Grey a Thief?
Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
Mention of the sermon from last week
Dr. William Todhunter Hall, president of Ivy, has been working in his study all morning, but he leaves it now to join his wife, the former Victoria Cromwell of the English musical comedy stage. As he enters the livingroom, Mrs. Hall says...
03/03/50 Merton Savada's Crush
alt: Merton Savada's In Love
alt: 15 Year Old in Live with Vicki
Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
Spring came to Ivy a few days ago, and in spring, as we all know, a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love, just as it does in summer, and autumn, and in winter. Sometimes it doesn't turn lightly at all but with a resounding crash, and as in many crashes, it's the innocent bystanders who are most shaken up. No bystanders are more innocent this evening than DWTD, Ivy's president, and his wife, the former Victoria Cromwell of the English stage. It's shortly after dinner and Dr. Hall is in his study. Mrs. Hall enters and says...
03/10/50 Victoria's New Review
alt: Lead in New York Play
Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
It's a little past noon, and so far it's been an ordinary day. At the home of Ivy's president, Dr. William Todhunter Hall, and his wife, the former Victoria Cromwell of the English theater, Dr. Hall is just entering the living room where he meets Penny, their maidservant, and says...
03/17/50 Dirty Politics
alt: Town Politics
alt: Mr. Granger vs. Dr. Hall
Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
Today is the windiest day of the windiest month of the year here at Ivy. It's also the day chosen by the members of Ivy's Board of Governors for their quarterly meeting. Let those that will make the most of this coincidence. Ivy's president, Dr. William Todhunter Hall is out walking this afternoon with his wife, the former Victoria Cromwell of the English musical-comedy stage. As they round the corner of the library, Mrs. Hall says...
03/24/50 Professor Gerhardt's Secret
alt: Is Professor Gerhardt Cheating?
Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
Plea for National Society for Crippled Children and Adults/Easter Seals
The President of Ivy College has a residence on the campus that is known to the student body naturally enough as the Power House. And here are the powers themselves, Dr. William Todhunter Hall ans his wife Victoria, a former glittering ornament of the English musical comedy stage. They are playing chess, a game which can be played for either sheer intellectual diversion, or 10 cents a game...
03/31/50 Ivy Chamber Music and Knockwurst Society
alt: Music and Knockwurst Society
Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
Music, as we all know, has always played a large part in college life, and most college presidents enjoy it in all its forms, from the students Wiffenpoof Song, thru Beethoven's Ninth, right up to that most musical of all sounds, the rustle of a big fat endowment check. Dr. William Todhunter Hall, the president of Ivy, bows to no one when it comes to music appreciation. In fact, he's even an accomplished performer. Something his wife, the former Victoria Cromwell of the English stage, never knew until this evening. At the moment, both are seated on the porch of their home and Mrs. Hall says...
04/07/50 Toddy Plays Hooky
alt: Professor Hall Plays Sick
Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
A college president, as some of us may not know, leads a life of quiet desperation. You see, the more money the school needs, the harder he works. The harder he works, the more the school grows. The more it grows, the more it needs. And the more it needs, the harder he works. It doesn't require an IQ of 130+ to realize that from time to time something's got to give. Something is about to give this morning for Dr. William Todhunter Hall, the president of Ivy. Entering the living room, he confronts Mrs. Hall, the former Victoria Cromwell of the English musical comedy stage, and says...
04/14/50 Mrs. Foster's Lost Dog
alt: Lost Dog
Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
You know many people think of a college president who spends most of his time worrying about his school's financial situation. Now, this is a profound misconception. A college president does not worry about money most of the time. He worries about it all the time. And Dr. William Todhunter Hall, the president of Ivy is no exception. At the moment he and Mrs. Hall, the former Victoria Cromwell of the English stage are in a taxi on the way to a dinner party in which Dr. Hall is to be the guest of honor. Mrs. Millicent Foster, their hostess is very wealthy, and an endowment is in sight...
04/21/50 Traffic and Cocoanuts
alt: To Drugstore for Thermometer
alt: Recording of Victoria Singing
alt: Mrs. Halls Traffic Tickets
Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
It's early in the evening with the spring dusk settling over the campus and the vespers stillness spinning its quiet web over the great oaks and maples of Faculty Row. At the home of Dr. William Todhunter Hall, Ivy's president and his English ex-actress wife Victoria, there's a sudden noise which shatters the calm...
04/28/50 Scofield Prize Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
As most of us know, teachers are intensely concerned with books. Many of them write books, too. Dr. William Todhunter Hall, president of Ivy, is one of these. He finished writing a book early this spring and with mounting anxiety has been waiting to learn of it's acceptance or rejection by his publisher. At the moment, Dr. Hall and his wife, the former Victoria Cromwell of the English stage are in the livingroom of their home. It's shortly past noon. Dr. Hall says...
05/05/50 Student Actress
alt: Mrs. Hall's Letter
Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
It's that period of watchful waiting which happens every spring between Easter vacation and final exams. Dr. William Todhunter Hall, president of Ivy, spends his days now in careful consideration of possible results of year-end fatigue. His wife, the former Victoria Cromwell of the London stage is listening now as he says...
05/10/50 Mrs. Whitney's Statue Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
It's an old American custom that when an individual achieves pre-eminence in any particular field prescribes to him the wisdom and clairvoyance embracing the entire field of human activity. Thus the millionaire bobby pin manufacturer becomes an authority on Soviet Expansion in the near east. And a ranking first baseman is automatically raised to the top level of experts on agrarian economy. But the perennial target for opinion seekers is a college president. Come to know they in the editorial room and he's the publishers personal pigeon. So, at the home of Dr. William Todhunter Hall, president of Ivy College, and his wife, the former Victoria Cromwell of the London stage, we find a reporter from the Ivy News, a Mr. Crane, whose 34th question is...
05/17/50 Dr. Abel
alt: 60 Year Old Goes to College
Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
The campus has taken on an air of serenity and peace. There are no whistling students nor singing co-eds on the streets. All is quiet because final exams are on and the college year is almost over. Dr. William Todhunter Hall, president of Ivy, watches his wife, the former Victoria Cromwell of the English theater, as she sits on the floor of their home covered with travel folders...
05/24/50 Fighting Med Student
alt: Boxing vs. Medicine
alt: Boxing Promoter
Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
When a college student with a flair for literature or economics graduates into a high salaried position which utilizes his natural talents, he's honored and acclaimed. But when a college athlete, endowed with swift coordination and physical stamina graduates into professional sports for a large annual stipend, it is somehow considered degrading. Dr. William Todhunter Hall, president of Ivy College, is discussing this very subject with his wife Victoria, formerly of the London theater...
05/31/50 Sexton Award, the
alt: $250,000 donation
alt: Babysitting
Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
This is a most important night for Ivy and few realize it more than its president Dr. William Todhunter Hall. In twenty minutes, Dr. Hall and his wife, the former Victoria Cromwell of the London stage, will leave for a meeting where he is to formally accept the George A Sexton award. Now at the Hall home on Faculty Row...
06/07/50 D-Day
alt: Philip Weatherby A Farmer?
alt: Philip Weatherby's Dad
Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
It's an exceptionally warm, lazy, hazy, Saturday morning and most of the college staff members who live on Faculty Row are using the sun and their free time to excellent advantage. Professor Quincannon is trimming a hedge. Professor Warren is transplanting some flowering quince. Professor Heascliff is weeding his lawn. And Dr. William Todhunter Hall, Ivy's president, is upstairs in his bedroom, asleep. Now his English ex-actress wife Victoria cautiously enters the room...
06/14/50 Stolen First Edition
alt: Vicky Buys a Stolen Book
Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
It's quiet today, a day of contentment, if not fulfillment. Even the flies muffle their buzz in respect to the general repose. But judge not according to the appearance. In a dormitory, two students cramming for a final examination in calculus are engaged in a hot contest of Canasta. A professor of philosophy has just scalded his throat with a boiling cup of tea. And in the tranquil home of Ivy's President, Dr. William Todhunter Hall, his wife Victoria, erstwhile leading actress of the London stage, is pacing the floor as though waiting for a first night curtain...
06/21/50 Bentheimers and the Census Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
As it must to all men in these United States, the census taker has finally gotten around to that institution of learning presided over by Dr. William Todhunter Hall. At the moment, Dr. Hall and his wife, the former Victoria Cromwell of the London stage, are being interviewed by an efficient young lady with a red, white, and blue portfolio...
06/28/50 Faculty Raffle
alt: Professor Warren is Going Blind
Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
It's graduation week at Ivy, and like every small college, it has its own traditions and customs which will be carried out by both students and faculty. With some, it's a time of gaiety and excitement. For others a time of tears and sadness. For Ivy's President, Dr. William Todhunter Hall, it's a time of speech writing, conferences, and the disposing of countless detailed matters. But as he tells his English ex-actress wife Victoria...
07/05/50 Poetry Reading Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
It's Saturday afternoon, and the Ivy campus has the deserted air of a United States destroyer when the crew is away on shore leave. But there too still on deck is Commodore William Todhunter Hall, otherwise known as the president of Ivy, and his good mate the former Victoria Cromwell of the English theater. There's reason for the Halls to be aboard, but to Dr. Hall, the reason is far from good...
07/12/50 Education of Annie Belle Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
This is the "last show of the semester"
Night has descended upon the Ivy Campus. The athletes have surreptitiously stubbed out their last cigarettes of the day. The weary professors have settled down with their Restoration novels -- or gone to Western movies. The Kappas, and the Deeks, and the Sigs and the Phi Dels have gone to their Greek slumbers. And at the Power House, the home of Dr. William Todhunter Hall, the president of Ivy, and his wife Victoria, formerly of the English stage, the Sandman is getting a trifle impatient as the doctor says...
09/27/50 Leslie Hoff Painting Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
When a student manages to distinguish himself in any field, usually one of the first persons contacted for a statement is the president of his college. That's because under normal conditions this learned head is supposed to know all about the activities and achievments of his thousands of charges, past and present. So, at the home of Dr. William Todhunter Hall, who is the president of Ivy, and his wife Victoria, the former English actress, we find a reporter from the Ivy News, a Mr. Crane, whose first remark is...
10/04/50 New English Teacher
alt: Best Looking Instructor
alt: English Instructor
alt: Victoria's College Course In Literature
Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
Autumn days, filled with the excitement of the coming first snow, and football, and there's a zing in the air. But to Dr. William Todhunter Hall, president of Ivy, and his ex-actress wife Victoria, autumn means new students, a lot of new professors, and receptions ad nauseum. As the lovely Mrs. Hall so well says...
10/11/50 Phone Problems
alt: Moving Furniture
alt: House is Falling Apart, the
Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
The inimitable Dr. Johnson once observed that "there must be a time in which every man trifles, And the only choice that nature offers us to trifle in company or alone." Dr. William Todhunter Hall, president of Ivy, has made his choice. He prefers to share his trifling, as well as all other things, with his wife, the former Victoria Cromwell of the London stage. Now Josia Todhunter, Dr. Hall's maternal grandfather was no trifle in his time, and neither is the moving of his portrait...
11/22/50 Jack Benny Visits Ivy
For the past few days, Dr. William Todhunter Hall, president of Ivy College, has been almost completely unaware of the undercover campus activities of his wife Victoria, former star of the English stage. In fact he betrays his unawareness by asking at the breakfast table...
01/03/51 Professor Barrette's Play Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
A vast silence has recently descended upon the campus, and midterm examinations will soon begin, and like most college presidents, Dr. William Todhunter Hall enjoys this terminal lull. It gives him the chance to lock himself in his study and polish off the accumulated unfinished business. And that's what he's doing at the moment. His wife, the former Victoria Cromwell of the London stage has just answered the front doorbell, here in the livingroom with a visitor and says...
01/24/51 The Goya Bequest
alt: Ivy Willed a Masterpiece Painting
Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
It's morning in the household of the William Todhunter Halls, the doctor is sitting at his desk. His wife Victoria enters to overhear the muttering that invariably seem to accompany the president's perusal of the morning mail...
01/31/51 Professor Warren's Retirement Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
It's one of those nights that makes home a real haven. Dr. William Todhunter Hall, president of Ivy is thankful to be home at last after a dinner meeting with the board to don his dressing gown and slippers and join his wife Victoria before the fireplace...
02/28/51 French Scholarship
alt: English Visitors
Second perhaps on the list of well known presidents who play the piano is William Todhunter Hall, president of Ivy College. He never was nor will be of concert calibre but his journeyman knowledge of Bach, Berlin, Brahms, Beethoven, and Jellyroll Morton. He's quite modest about his musical accomplishments, and if you listen attentively, you'll see why...
03/07/51 Eddie Gray's Wedding
alt: Eddie Gray's Romance
Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
The lull between Christmas and Easter, between the hibernation basketball and the awakening of baseball can be a period of acute concern to a college president. Thus the unnatural calm which pervades the Ivy campus is a matter of warped speculation to Dr. William Todhunter Hall, Ivy's president, as he says to his wife Victoria...
04/18/51 Romiette and Julio
alt: School Play
alt: Antoneum Club
Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
The annual theatrical production of the Antoneum is only a few weeks away. So far, against all tradition, there's been no announcement about what play they're doing. It's unthinkable, of course that they should not do "The Important of Being Ernest", "The Rival", "Lady Windemere's Fan", or something equally public domain, but who knows? Even at the home of Dr. William Todhunter Hall, the president of Ivy, it's under discussion. With the authority of her years in the English theater, Victoria Cromwell Hall says...
04/25/51 Note The Quote Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
William Todhunter Hall is an erudite man. Nobody's ever questioned that fact. He's always prided himself on the fact that most of the quotable quotes from the literature of the world are at his fingertips and on the tip of his tongue. On this particular morning, Mrs. Hall, the former Victoria Cromwell of the English stage, has her mind on a different subject...
05/02/51 Campus Unrest and Draft
alt: Student Vandalism And The Draft
alt: Champ Waterfield
Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
Special broadcast from Wash DC, Peabody Award given, 10 min post show talk -- repeat of 4/04/51
Like millions of other citizens, the president of Ivy, Dr. William Todhunter Hall, scans each morning paper for some little ray of hope that the world may be tottering on the brink of sanity. As he says to his wife Victoria, former reigning beauty of the London stage...
05/09/51 Glory Golightly Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
It is spring. The flowers appear on the earth. The time of the singing of birds has come. And the voice of the turtle is heard in our land. Yes, music is in the air of Ivy, too. Victoria Cromwell Hall has been spilling cadenzas like a bird over her coffee while William Todhunter Hall, president of Ivy, though no turtle he, is tuning up with his own Do Re Mi...
05/23/51 Cook's Night Out Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
William Todhunter Hall, president of Ivy, is no alarmist. But after his wife Victoria spent a couple of days living on aspirin and fruit juices and still felt the miseries, he called the doctor. The diagnosis was quick, if ambiguous, the prescription was illegible but impressive, and with the customary admonition to stay in bed and take it easy... [noise kills the rest]
05/30/51 Finals Day Award
alt: Nobeling Dale Science Award
Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
The Hounds of Spring are yapping merrily at Ivy's president, Dr. William Todhunter Hall. Their happy barking announces that summer, as Chaucer so quaintly put it, is "a-comin' in" and that the academic year is "a goin' out." Relishing the idea, Dr. Hall sits in the afternoon sun, perusing that handbook of the male species, a sporting goods catalog...
06/13/51 Finals Season Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
With the student body and the faculty of Ivy College in the grip of final examinations, and the administrative chores of the academic year completed, Dr. William Todhunter Hall has found an idle hour or so to reaquaint himself with a small volume which is not included but should be in the Great Books Course. It's called a checkbook...
06/20/51 Pork Barrel Politics Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
Ivy's president, Dr. William Todhunter Hall, was a guest last night at a civic banquet. He went perforce and came home persuaded. As he tells his wife Victoria, former reigning beauty of the London stage, this morning...
10/03/51 Adoption Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
Coleman welcomes listeners to the new semester
... which is still in the throes of settling down for the academic year. The professors are still scanning new faces for signs of concealed intelligence. The football coaches and the coeds are estimating the approximate number of attempted passes in the coming season. And the Board of Governors is rechecking its list of wealthy alumni. Object: sentimental extortion. As Ivy's president, Dr. William Todhunter Hall says to his wife, the former Victoria Cromwell of the London stage, "at this time of the year I feel like the director of the mint, taking in raw metal to be turned out as coin of the realm, stamped to a certain pattern, but put to a million various uses." At least that's what he intends to say, as soon as she gets off the t elephone....
10/10/51 Editorial in the Ivy Bull Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
Autumn is a season beloved of poets, football coaches, painters, wholesalers of woolen goods, and at least one college president. Dr. William Todhunter Hall, of Ivy takes a moment from his multifarious duties to stand at the window of his living room with his wife Victoria...
10/17/51 Student Council Election
alt: Student Presidential Election
Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
The fall semester being well under way, Ivy's president, Dr. William Todhunter Hall can steal a few moments now and then to dip into a magazine or scan a newspaper. With an educator, of course, who should maintain at least a nodding acquaintance with current affairs, this temporal theft is not subject to reproach. It's what might be termed as 'stainless steal', as he says to his wife Victoria, former star of the English stage, ....
10/24/51 Mrs Why?
alt: Grandmother Enrolls at Ivy
Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
The first few weeks of every new college season more or less resemble a shake-down trip on a newly launched cruiser. Faculty and students must learn their battle stations. Also it's a good thing to know how to approach the big guns, and for the big guns to clear their sights. The biggest gun at Ivy College, Dr. William Todhunter Hall, president, is just finishing lunch at home with Victoria Hall, his wife, former ornament of the London stage...
10/31/51 Football Coach Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
In any well regulated college, the departments of science, medicine, mathmatics, and philosophy are of top-drawer importance. But their special interests [caveat] the general. The one department which is all things to all students is the campus confectionary. Whether it be known as the Sugar Bowl, Sweet Shop, The Last Straw, or as here at Ivy, Calorie Corner. It's a place where appetites mingle, and emotions are exchanged. Where you can discuss the pianistic virtuosities of George Sheering over a Hot Fudge Whip or you can lead a Phosphate worse than death. Or if you are Dr. William Todhunter Hall, president of Ivy, you can drop in with your wife. As he says to the proprietor...
11/07/51 Halloween Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
On Halloween, by old tradition, evil spirits are allowed to roam the earth after dark and hold high revel until the stroke of midnight when the chimes usher in the Christian festival of All Saints. As in most places, the inhabitants of Ivy are not all saints nor very evil, but a varying blend of the two. On this fine November morning there is little evidence around the campus of Halloween jinx, high or low, as Victoria Hall returns from her marketing to join her husband, William Todhunter Hall, president of Ivy College...
11/14/51 Late Student
alt: Car Trouble
Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
Some people can go out for an evening simply because they want to go out, and with no apologies to anyone. But Dr. William Todhunter Hall, president of Ivy, who takes his responsibilities and obligations quite seriously, feels that taking his wife for a drive in the country demands some kind of justification. He tries to expiate his sense of guilt with a little help from Walt Whitman...
11/15/51 Don Quinn Interview
content indicates the interview was conducted over summer of 1952
Owen Cunningham talks to Don Quinn
11/21/51 Minister's Son
alt: Reverend Jarvis' Son
alt: Reverend Jarvis' Seeks Help
Full Halls of Ivy theme sung at end
It might reasonably seem that after many years of experience the opportunities and the importunities of a college president's life, would have become so standardized and so repetitions that all problems could be settled by rule of thumb. The problem with using a rule of thumb is it's too frequently one knuckle short of adequacy. As Dr. Hall, Ivy's president, said to his wife, the former Victoria Cromwell of the English theater...
11/28/51 Professor Warren's Girlfriend
alt: Professor Warren's Romantic Folly
alt: Dinner at Professor Warren's
Full Halls of Ivy theme sung at end
For many families, breakfast is a small pandemonium, filled with a clatter of cups, a confusion of tongues, desperate last gulps of scorching coffee and a mad dash for the bus station. But for Dr. William Todhunter Hall, president of Ivy, and his wife Victoria, it's usually an unruffled few moments, put aside for their private lives. This morning, for instance, Victoria's arranging a bowl of flowers on the table while Dr. Hall is thoughtfully staring at a highly polished spoon...
12/05/51 Calhoun Gaddy's Agricultural Development
alt: Agricultural Developments
It's a well known fact that the residence of Dr. William Todhunter Hall, president of Ivy, and his wife Victoria, is always open house, the keeping of which is a minor miracle. Through circumstances beyond their control, the Halls lost their housekeeper Penny last year, so now it's with great relief that they have at last found a replacement, the highly recommended and notably efficient Miss Louisa Tate...
12/12/51 Professor Royce Returns Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
At this time of the year, academic responsibilities are pushed around by social obligations. And while great public issues wait for action, momentous personal decisions must be made. For instance, what gifts to buy for Aunt Edith and Cousin Ted. Dr. William Todhunter Hall, president of Ivy, in common with most men, solves such major problems by leaving the Christmas shopping to his wife Victoria, who at the moment comes in ladened with packages...
12/26/51 Sweet Sorrow
alt: Drama Class Auditions
alt: Dramatic Club Try-Outs
Full Halls of Ivy theme sung at end
Presidents of colleges normally spend their days coping with complexities which would unseat the reason of lesser men. Well, Dr. William Todhunter Hall, president of Ivy College, is able to maintain his serenity because Number One Faculty Row is a little oasis of peace and sanity, well tended by his delightful wife, the former Victoria Cromwell of the London stage, from which and whom he's loath to depart each morning, as evidenced by his usual prolonged breakfast...
01/02/52 Hell Week Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
It's the post-perendial period at Number One Faculty Row, post-perendial being a euphamism for, "Oh let's let the dinner dishes go for a while." And Dr. William Todhunter Hall, Ivy's president, sinks happily into his big leather chair for a little after dinner conversation with his wife Victoria, who is almost too beautiful to be as intelligent as she is. Dr. Hall says...
01/09/52 Avoiding Professor Hamlin's Class
alt: Nelson Carter's Son
alt: Professor Hamlin's Class
Henry Ward Beecher once observed that nothing is orderly until man's taken ahold of it. Everything in creation lies around loose. For the president of any university there are many loose ends in any normal week. But Dr. William Todhunter Hall, president of Ivy, is enjoying the abnormal satisfaction of having everything in apple pie order. A triumph which he's celebrating with his wife Victoria as he tops off his luncheon with, of all things, some apple pie...
01/16/52 Art Society
alt: Art Exhibit
alt: Art Show Judge
Full Halls of Ivy theme sung at end
... the president of which, Dr. William Todhunter Hall, is engaged in one of America's favorite indoor sports. No, not table tennis. Not bridge. Not charades. Not putting gold balls into a paper cup. This pastime requires more accuracy and more muscle and more finesse than any of those. It's called "Rearranging the Living Room Furniture", and as his wife Victoria so well says...
01/23/52 Medal of Honor Winner
alt: Congressional Medal Winner
alt: Daughter of Medal of Honor Winner
Full theme at end
It's a problem with any good executive just how much authority to delegate. A top ranking official must walk the tightrope of decision, strung between the posts of authority and delegation. Dr. William Todhunter Hall has solved the situation rather neatly. Executive and academic matters are disposed of at his office in the administration building as they come up. Student and personal problems he prefers to deal with in the quiet of his own home at #1 Faculty Row, where at the present moment, he and his lovely wife Victoria are talking with Charles Meriwether, a member of the governing board. Dr. Hall is saying...
01/30/52 Track Star Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
On almost any campus, Saturday morning is the occasion for late rising, eager preparation for various forms of violent relaxation, and assorted escapes from academic confinement. Dr. William Todhunter Hall, president of Ivy, also appreciates the boundless promise of the day. But even more, he appreciates his beautiful wife Victoria, to whom he is saying...
[I'm checking on this episode date. Sponsorship by JSBC seems to have s topped a while ago, but here it is again. ]
02/06/52 Glee Club Donation
Every college president to be successful must have some talent for improvisation. And all good improvising, being compounded of memory, inventiveness, and facility. The position of these qualities makes Dr. William Todhunter Hall, Ivy's president, a gifted extemporizor. Just now, as his decorative wife Victoria enters the room, he's applying his knack for improvisation to the piano...
02/13/52 Dean Huxley Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
Coleman dedicates the show to Dr. Lynn Townsend White, Jr,, president of Mills College, Oakland CA
It's five o'clock on a dark winter's afternoon and the campus is in a soggy state. Trees are dripping, the ivy's drooping, and only the sturdier students are seen sloshing along in the mud-stained snow. All of which seems to have had no affect on Dr. William Todhunter Hall, president of Ivy, who returns home to #1 Faculty Row in a bouyant, triumphant mood, as his delighted and delightful wife Victoria says...
02/20/52 Voice Of The Ivy Vine
alt: Ivy Vine Gossip Show
alt: Radio Gossip Show
If you live in a small college town, and had an hour or two free in the evening, you might choose to spend it in the library, or the student's union, or you might drop in at the malt shop or just wander through the tree-lined pathways of the campus. But chances are the one place you wouldn't visit voluntarily would be the Police Station. But that is exactly where Dr. William Todhunter Hall, president of Ivy, has spent the evening while his wife Victoria has attended a rehearsal of the freshman play. They have just returned home together when Mrs. Hall is saying...
02/27/52 Budget Problems Voice of America
When the endowments lag behind, boards of governors are quite justified in trimming their sails to the prevailing financial zephyrs, which is what Ivy's governing board did at a budget meeting last night. As a result of which, Dr. William Todhunter Hall, president of Ivy, has come down to breakfast in what for him is a black mood. As he says to his beautiful wife Victoria, who has a community property approach to her husband's moods...
03/05/52 Astronomy Exam, the Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
Coleman dedicates the show to Dr. Marion T. Harrington, president of Texas A&M College
It's been an eventful day on the campus. Not because of the usual activities of the faculty and student body, not because of what anybody did, but because of what one undergraduate refused to do. His action has thrown the college into an uproar, with factions beginning to form on all sides. But Dr. William Todhunter Hall, president of Ivy, is completely unaware of the incident since he and his wife Victoria have been at the state capital all day attending an educational conference. It's dusk as they're driving back home, and they've just turned up Elm Street on their way to #1 Faculty Row a s Dr. Hall is saying...
03/12/52 Lame Girl and the Hypochondriac
alt: Sheila Quincannon
Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
Coleman dedicates the show to Dr. Horace Mann Bond, president of Lincoln University, Chester Co., PA
When one thinks of a college president, it's got to be in terms of mortar board, academic gowns, and a portentous harried individual pouring over lists of the wealthy alumni for some untapped vein of gold and endowments. This is a caricature, of course, but caricatures are merely distorted portraits. Without the distortion, at least one college president, Dr. William Todhunter Hall is a man in a business suit who is neither portentous nor harried, and he has friends and neighbors like everybody else. One of them is waiting for him now, in he study at Number One Faculty Row. And as he enters the front door, his wife Victoria says...
03/19/52 Founder's Day Celebration
alt: Oldest Living Graduate
no sponsor
Most institutions such as Ivy seem quickly to acquire an atmosphere of age and permanence. So much so that it's hard to imagine the day when they were brash new infants in the field of education. But everything good has a beginning, and Ivy's beginning is commemorated each year at the annual Founder's Day Celebrations. This year's honored guest is Ivy's oldest living alumnus, Silas Livingston, who arrived late last night at the home of President William Todhunter Hall. And so we find Dr. Hall's lovely wife Victoria quietly planning a breakfast tray in the kitchen.
03/26/52 Stolen Money
alt: Stolen $25
alt: Spring Fever
There's a contagious disease spreading around the college these days, and you don't have to be a doctor to recognize the symptoms. A wandering eye, the listless manner, and the unwonted eagerness and rejoicing with which the dismissal bell is greeted. All these are the signs of spring fever. And no one at Ivy seems to have escaped the affliction, least of all Dr. William Todhunter Hall, the president and his wife Victoria, who are taking an afternoon stroll through the campus.
04/02/52 Professor Grimes Challenged
alt: Halls and Misunderstandings
alt: Misunderstanding Between Two Professors
"Reading maketh a full man" said Francis Bacon many years ago, but it's a notorious fact that college presidents get very little time to read. Thus it's a rare and precious scene that we're permitted to view this evening as we look into the livingroom of Number One Faculty Row. There by the hearth, enjoying the fire and basking in the warmth of each other's company sit Dr. William Todhunter Hall, president of Ivy, and his wife Victoria, reading...
04/09/52 Faculty Marriage
alt: Two Teachers to Marry
alt: Teachers Marry Against The Rules
You know, many a man takes his wife a box of candy or a bunch of flowers on occasion, but the occasion is usually a birthday or anniversary. It's a rare husband indeed who takes his wife a bunch of violets simply because it's spring and there are flowers for sale on street corners and he happens to be fond of her. But that's how it is with Dr. William Todhunter Hall, president of Ivy, as he enters his own front door at Number One Faculty Row...
04/16/52 French Exchange Student, the Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
Coleman dedicates this episode to E. Wilson Lyon, president of Pomona College, Clairmont, CA
One of the most important qualifications of an executive is the ability to make decisions. This is not always easy, as Dr. William Todhunter Hall, president of Ivy has just been reminded. So it was with a good deal of thought and consideration that he finally picked out a new hat at Ivy's leading habidashery. And now, mission accomplished, he meets his wife Victoria in front of the Ivy department store....
04/23/52 Professor Walden's Son
alt: Help man realize son's intelligence
As a highly competent administrator, a fast clearer-upper of disposable details, and a disciple of the clean desk, the president of Ivy College is not one to linger unnecessarily in his administration building's sanctum when his work is done. Whether it be noon, three o'clock, or midnight. It's now 2:30 in the afternoon and he's signing the last letter of the day's correspondence, with his faithful secretary Miss Goodson standing by, blotter in her right hand, presidential fedora in the other, he says...
04/30/52 Faculty Follies 1 Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
Coleman dedicates 100th broadcast to Tufts College, Medford, MA and president Leonard Charmichael
Sadly enough there are people who make a dubious living from trumped-up lawsuits, professional litigants. There are also professional witnesses who, for $15 or so, will swear to the sun rising in the west. Professional bondsmen and other full-time legal fringe practitioners. But professional defendants are rare, and among them are college presidents. The must be constantly defending their policies, their plans, and their day-to-day actions. As President William Todhunter Hall of Ivy College tells his lovely wife Victoria...
05/07/52 Faculty Follies 2 Voice of America
For the past week, administrative chores have been delegated as much as possible because President William Todhunter Hall and his wife Victoria have been and are deeply involved with a benefit theatrical production for the Undergraduate Ivy Players. Written, acted and presented by the staff and known as the Faculty Follies. This is the first rehearsal day and the Halls are waiting for Sidney Mullen, manager of the student players to arrive with a progress report. Dr. Hall is saying...
05/14/52 Student Singer
alt: Music Student to Drop Out
alt: Singing Student's Hearing Loss
Voice of America
Running a college is a serious responsibility, entailing as it does the care and mental feeding of some hundreds of future citizens. It is therefore a happy and therapeutic event when its president, in this case Dr. William Todhunter Hall, Ivy's head man, can come home to his lovely wife, in this case Victoria Hall, smiling hand happy over an amusing incident, as he says...
05/21/52 Dr. Spatzen
alt: Psychology Department Opening
alt: New Psychology Professor
Voice of America
This evening Dr. William Todhunter Hall is attending a Board of Governor's meeting leaving his wife Victoria to preside at Number One Faculty Row. It's still early and Mrs. Hall has found the right book and the right chair and is well prepared to spend the next couple of hours in gainful solitude when suddenly she hears the front door knob turn, the door slowly open and close, and footsteps approach the living room...
05/28/52 Mummynapper
alt: Stolen Mummy
Voice of America
Dr. William Todhunter Hall, president of Ivy, has more than ordinary fortitude and forbearance. But even he has moments when he gives way under the many disturbances inevitably encountered in any given day. At the moment he appears to be quarreling with a small magazine, turning the pages with more than the usual vigor and vehemence, a fact that is noted by his noteworthy wife Victoria who says...
06/04/52 Pregnant Student
alt: Campus Baby
Voice of America
Somebody once observed that a letter is an unannounced visitor and the Postman is thus the agent of impolite surprises. Well, it looks as though Dr. William Todhunter Hall is going to have a lot of epistolary company this morning when his wife Victoria brings an armful of letters into his study and says...
06/11/52 Wellman's Come to Dinner
alt: Professor Wellman Comes for Dinner
alt: Wellman's Early For Dinner
alt: Millionaire Alumni to Donate
alt: Dinner a Week Early
Voice of America
The final weeks of any college semester are crowded ones, and Dr. William Todhunter Hall, president of Ivy has just put in a strenuous day at his office and returns home to Number One Faculty Row, and his wife Victoria with gratitude and relief...
06/18/52 Math Professor
alt: Woman Hired as Math Professor
alt: Hires Female Math Instructor
alt: Female Instructor Hired
As in thousands of such institutions across America, students have come here to prepare themselves for life in a rather uncertain world. A world where courage is needed. And a B belief in great and lasting truths. And most of these truths have been the lifelong career of Dr. William Todhunter Hall, president of Ivy, who at the moment is seated in his study reading the evening paper. Victoria is reading a pocket magazine between desultory attempts at conversation...
06/25/52 Summer Vacation
alt: Closing for the Summer
alt: Ivy Is Closing For The Summer
Dr. William Todhunter Hall, president of Ivy, starts this week on his vacation, accompanied, need we say, by his charming wife Victoria. And here in his administration building office, metaphorically putting up the shutters, cutting off the utilities, and stopping the milk deliveries for the summer, we find Dr. Hall and his secretary, the indispensable Miss Goodson...