The Clock show openings

Thanks to Walt at
for providing this information.

"Sunrise and Sunset, Promise and Fulfillment, Birth and Death.
The whole drama of life is written in the sands of time."

And so Father Time opens this show of suspense and human interest.

On November 3, 1946, The Clock started its broadcast history from New York. It seems there was no set cast for this anthology series until March 4, 1948 when the show moved to Hollywood. At that point, Cathy and Elliot Lewis and Jeannette Nolan take the starring roles, with William Conrad as the announcer Father Time. William Speir takes the reins as director, having just left a long stint as producer/director of Suspense. The show left the air after the broadcast of May 23, 1948.

The Bold titles are the titles based on Jerry Haendiges' log for The Clock. I've settled on his list to be basis for episode names and have listed the alternate titles under these.


11/03/46 Wilber aka My Loving Wife
'Got a little time to spare? 30 minutes maybe by the clock? But first, maybe, I'd better introduce myself. Wilbur Cook and the time clock. 13 years of never being late or absent.'

11/10/46 The Actor aka Cain's Dept. Store aka Story of Jeanne Claire
' Am I disturbing you? I hope not. I don't mean to intrude. I just stopped in for half an hour with a story. Jeanie Claire and the guy with the gloves.'

11/17/46 All the Money in the World aka Millionaire aka Joey
'Hello, nice to see you again. Fun to be back? Got a little time to spare? 30 Minutes Joey Harper.'

11/24/46 Story of John Littlefield aka Mr. Littlefield
'Good evening. I'm glad to see you set your clock again for me. I've brought you another story. It was told to me by a friend of mine .Mr. Littlefield's wife does not like him working late.

12/01/46 One-Eyed Cat
'Have you ever seen a one-eyed cat? I saw one once, and its skin was the color of polished ebony. Jasper Wake's cat.'

12/08/46 Jungle Drums aka Love Triangle
'Would it surprise you if I said I was a rather frivolous fellow? Well, I am. I know your answer - Rio - a city where anything can happen - and everything does.'

12/15/46 Aunt Emmy aka Story of Lucy
'City people are gregarious by nature and they feel more at home in a crowd. Rural folks, on the other hand, usually prefer solitude. Niece comes to visit aunt in rural setting.'

12/29/46 Helping Hand aka Summerville aka Chance & Coincidence
'The wheels of chance, like the hands of time move slowly. But time is more dependable. Chance is not only a gamble.Chance and coincidence - a fine pair. Howard Williams - a recent arrival in Summerville'

01/12/47 Lively Ghost aka Cowlings & Ghosts aka Past or Present aka Ghost Stories
'Do you like ghost stories? Do you like to feel the blood run down your spinal column like the mercury in a thermometer that's been plunged into ice cold water?'

01/19/47 Return of the Vanished Wife aka Other Woman aka Story of Emma Stewart 'Our time, as you probably know, is a measurement of the earth's rotation of its axis. Irma Stewart - lost seven years.'

01/26/47 Spangler's Attic aka Time in Reverse aka Loring Square aka Lily Spangler 'Good evening all - I'd like to tell you of an interesting theory in regard to time. There are some who say the past is never gone.'

02/02/47 Bank Vault aka Bill Phillips, Safecracker
'I suppose that most of the words that poets and philosophers have written throughout the ages are notations on the human heart.

02/09/47 Hitchhiker aka Lefty and Delilah
'Time is uniform. There are just so many seconds and hours and minutes in each day. Their length never changes, and yet.On the road alone to Salt Lake City. Driver picks up girl at gas station.'

02/23/47 Dr. Carter's Experiment aka Savage Experiment aka Double Cross aka Professor Leonard Higgins
'The passage of time has made a profound difference in the habits of the human race. There are isolated spots where time may just have well not existed.Scientific observations of a true barbarian.'

03/02/47 Man Who Lived Once Before aka Reincarnation aka Story of John Shepley 'Felus Domesticus, better known as the common house cat is rumored to have nine lives, while man is presumed to have but one. Such is the common conception.John Shefley returned to a life he had once lived before as a murderer.'

03/09/47 Good Valet aka Poor Exchange aka Fair Exchange
'Time and distance are closely related and one is often measured by the other. For instance, the distance to the stars is not measured in miles.Former valet to Gregory Richards.'

03/16/47 Island of Women aka Adam and Eve aka Amazon Island aka Original Man and Original Woman
'The story of Adam and Eve goes back in time to the very beginning of time and it is a tale that keeps repeating itself. Doris Nettle on cruise from SF to Honolulu'

03/23/47 Pretty Cousin Amy
'Have you ever noticed that time has a sameness about itself? For instance, an hour will always remain exactly that - 60 minutes, no more, no less.'

04/06/47 Man with the Strange Trunk aka Death Valley aka Jail Break
'The dictionary defines the word "tourist" as "one who makes a tour" , a traveler. Someone who goes from place to place. Man with trunk stays in Death Valley motor hotel.'

04/13/47 Star-Crossed Lovers aka Cliff and Juliet
'Time makes many changes. The passage of years affects our habits, our thoughts and our physical appearance.Fear of the unknown. '

04/20/47 Hollywood Heartache aka Actor aka Story of George and Arlene
'A family quarrel is not unusual, and I suppose the best of us have one once in a while. My family is no exception. Once a year we have a battle royal.George Finney meets wife in Santa Monica.'

04/27/47 Criminal Mind aka Perfect Crime aka Detective Killer
'Have you ever seen the inside of a watch? Of course you have. Unless you happened to be a watch-maker by trade, it must have presented a rather confusing picture. Detective Lieutenant - creates the perfect crime.'

05/04/47 Guilty, As Always aka Mistaken Identity aka Story of Mark Wainhart
'Time is a ???? and as frisky as a colt and very fond of parlor tricks. Its collaborator in practical skullduggery is the Detective Brophy - 10-year veteran.'

05/11/47 Only Death is Timeless aka Mrs. Crocker
'Time moves slowly but its power is great. There is nothing material on this earth that can escape its effects. The mighty coliseum. Billy injured at school.'

05/25/47 Angel with Two Faces aka Yesterday's Newspaper aka Eddie aka Exclusive Story
'From the point of view of time, the world is filled with objects that are aged. The giant redwood trees in California .Francine Multon acquitted of murder.'

06/08/47 Coming Events aka Death in Red aka Fortune Teller
'There are three provinces in the kingdom of time; the past, the present, and the future.1912 Carnival Fortune Teller - predicts danger in red.'

06/15/47 Island Paradise aka Singapore aka Preston and Reagan
' Halfway around the world at the tip of the Malay peninsula a sprawling city lies baking in the tropic sun - Singapore. Singapore which has sometimes given shelter to a murderer.'

06/22/47 Man Who Couldn't Lose aka Thou Shalt Not Kill aka Gambler's Luck
'The world is full of statistics and statistics are often measured from the point of view of time.'

06/29/47 Behind the Mask aka Crippled Wife-Seductress
'There is a theory that man, like time, has two identities. Time's countenance is day and its alter ego is night.'

07/06/47 Hypnotist aka After Midnight aka Party aka Hypnotic Murders aka Luther
'Time is most dramatic in the streets of a great metropolis. Like a three-act play, it divides itself into. Girl is followed and steals wallet from a man who hypnotizes her.'

07/21/47 Gus Fowler aka Death Announces Her Visit aka Rendezvous with Death 'Time is usually something we take for granted - something dependable that we rarely think of directly unless the need is vital.'

07/28/47 Flaming Frances aka Fire
'Many thousands of years ago when man was still sporting a bear-skin coat, a matted beard and a taste for raw meat, he discovered fire. Hired cook - pyromaniac...'

08/11/47 Ted and Cora aka Power of Suggestion aka Dream House aka Ghost Story 'The human mind reacts in two separate ways. While we are awake, out conscious mind is more or less in command..Cheap house for rent.'

08/18/47 Mental Telepathy aka Murder Will Out aka Dummy
' All natural phenomena exist in some form or substance, even though we ourselves are unable to perceive it. Alfred the dummy in a ventriloquist act....'

09/18/47 Ophelia aka Ophelia the Cat aka Strike Back from the Grave
'From the point of view of time there are three critical events in the life of a human being and all three are represented by the proper documents.'

09/25/47 Deadlier Than the Male aka Retribution aka Cleo
'Have you ever seen a ghost? I mean a real honest-to-goodness phantom complete with translucent bed-sheets and staring eyes. Ghosts do exist for some people - only to them it is "retribution".

10/02/47 Jekyll and Hyde Gangster aka Beauty and the Beast
'How many stories have you heard that begin with the words "once upon a time"? Hundreds, perhaps.'

10/16/47 Hazel aka Charlie Gifford's Destiny aka Mystery of Loring Square aka Husband's Life Insurance
'Good evening all. Do you realize that at this very moment the world is teeming with important events? A man in Hong Kong is. Wife Hazel is sick and tired of poor Charlie's meager salary.'

11/20/47 Lover Boy
'The passage of time and the forward trend of civilization have both had a profound influence in changing man. One woman can be more than enough for any man to handle.'

01/01/48 Gertrude aka Girl With the Animal Charm
It is recorded that in the beginning of time Cain slew his brother Abel and then'

03/04/48 Nicky aka Don't Bury Me - I'm Not Dead aka Nicky Crane
'The meaning and value of time appears to vary according to age. For the infant, time is merely a necessary interval between feedings. '

04/25/48 Bad Dreams aka Man Dreams of Electrocution aka Perchance to Dream 'Clocks - all over the city - clocks; little clocks, big ones, new ones just learning to count, old ones - old hands at the game.'

05/02/48 Bank Holiday
'On the 42nd Bank and Trust Company where Jane Evans used to work, you can hear the clock atop Amy Semple McPhearson's Angelus Temple.'

05/09/48 Liz
'Time is a cautious banker who seldom floats a loan and he numbers his depositors in the billions. When you open an account.'