W A R   A N D   P E A C E
                      -----   -----   ---------

                             1997 - 1998

First Show: 16 Nov, 1997                      Last Show: 25 Jan, 1998
Number Shows: 10                                  Audition Show: none

Series Description:

WAR AND PEACE is Leo Tolstoy's epic novel, originally published as
"Voyna i mir" in 1865-1869.  It's a study of early 19th-century
Russian society, primarily concerned with the histories of five
aristocratic families, portrayed against the background of the time
of war against Napoleon.  There is no question that this massive work
is one of the world's great novels.

Because of the size and scope or the novel, adapting this work for
radio is a monumental task.  If the detail and imagery is maintained,
the adaptation will be huge.  If it's time constrained, much of the
novel's original power will be lost.

The first known attempt at adaptation was done in 1945.  In September
of that year, a 6-part adaptation aired in NBC's WORLD'S GREAT NOVELS
series.  Each episode was 30 minutes long.  Unfortunately, it is not
believed to have survived.

In 1997, the BBC decided to tackle the novel, this time in 10 1-hour
episodes.  It was presented unabridged on Radio 4's CLASSIC SERIALS
program.  The episodes aired weekly at 2:30 PM.  In the usual BBC
fashion, the production is lush, full of image-creating sound and
first rate acting.

If you haven't read the novel and don't know the story line, it would
be wise to read at least a synopsis first.  With so many main
characters, it can be a little difficult following their individual
stories, especially in the first few episodes.

Like the novel, tackling this 10-hour epic in 1-hour parts can be a
bit daunting.  It is well worth the effort.

If you still want more after listening to the series, try, "Making
Love, War And Peace", which depicts Leo Tolstoy's life during the
time he was writing "War And Peace".  It aired on BBC Radio 4 on 10
January, 1998.

The BBC has released the series on tape in the United Kingdom, ISBN:
0563382732.  In the US, it is marketed through Bantam Doubleday
Audiobooks, ISBN: 0553479431, and is sold in bookstores.

Log Comments:

Although not a part of the serial, "Making Love, War And Peace" is
included in the log.

Chronological Log:

         Date          Day  Num  Title
         ------------  ---  ---  ----------------------------
         16 Nov, 1997  Sun    1  "Plots And Stratagems"
         23 Nov, 1997  Sun    2  "Disillusionment"
         30 Nov, 1997  Sun    3  "Things Fall Apart"
         07 Dec, 1997  Sun    4  "Spring"
         14 Dec, 1997  Sun    5  "Country Pleasures"
         21 Dec, 1997  Sun       .... no show ....
         28 Dec, 1997  Sun    6  "Natacha's Crucible"
         04 Jan, 1998  Sun    7  "The Old World Lost"
         11 Jan, 1998  Sun    8  "Borodine"
         18 Jan, 1998  Sun    9  "At The Gates Of Moscow"
         25 Jan, 1998  Sun   10  "The World Transformed"

         10 Jan, 1998  Sat   --  "Making Love, War And Peace"
                                    (90 minutes)

Last Update: May 20, 2004

This log is informational only and does not imply that I have these
shows for trade or sale.  The shows are still protected under
copyright law and should be obtained only from authorized dealers.

The log may be freely reproduced and published on a no-profit basis.
Please send error corrections or additional information to Frank M.
Passage, 109 Elmwood Road, Verona, NJ 07044 (email: wb2ntp@arrl.net).