Broadcast History:

WGN, Chicago 1930-ca early 1940s, 15m. various times.

CBS Oct. 10, 1933- Feb. 2, 1934 15m. 4 times a wk.

Mutual 1935-36 15m. 3 times a wk.

Blue Network April 29-Nov. 20, 1940 15m. wkdays

Cast: WGN, early 1930s: Irna Phillips and Irene Wicker in many roles.

CBS run 1933-34 Bess Flynn as Mother Moynihan, Mary Afflick, and Kay Chase.

Later years: Constance Crowder as Mother Moynihan.

Series Description: Soap Opera

Painted Dreams is generally considered radio's first soap opera. Created by Irna Phillips in 1930, it was aired by WGN Chicago where Miss Phillips had landed after abandoning a teaching career. She appeared in the serial in addition to writing it. Painted Dreams message was, "marriage is a women's finest career".

Phillips played her own lead character, kindly, sweet-hearted Mother Moynihan. The story revolved around Mother M., her grown children, and her friends. Most of it was carried through dialogue in Moynihan's home, usually between "Mother" and one other character. This would become a Phillips trademark, long expository scenes in which characters talked out their situations thoroughly.

More importantly, it was the first serial of Irna Phillips, who would make a career out of daytime melodramas, first on radio then on television; she is considered "the mother of soap opera."

When WGN spurned an offer from the network to carry Painted Dreams nationwide, Miss Phillips angrily quit and went to work for NBC. A suit filed by Miss Phillips to retain the rights to Painted Dreams was not successful. But she gained her revenge by creating a new serial, Today's Children which contained the same ingredients of Painted Dreams. Today's Children, became a hit for NBC and established Phillips reputation, while Painted Dreams faded into obscurity.


On the Air- John Dunning

Tune in Yesterday by John Dunning