Broadcast History:

First Show: CBS Feb. 13-May 22, 1935 30min.

Cast: Jack Pearl as Peter Pfeiffer, middle aged German manager of a hotel and tavern whose "good nature is imposed upon by his guests to moth eaten advantage. Also: Cliff Hall, Pearl's straight man of long standing.

Music: Freddie Rich, with orchestra and a 12 voice choir Vocalist: Patty Chapin.

Series Description: Situation Comedy

Peter Pfeiffer was devised as a change of pace for dialectician Jack Pearl after Pearl's famous Baron Munchhausen had slipped badly in the ratings. Pfeiffer was an old musician; the epitome of Casper Milquetoast forced by circumstances into running a hotel, but was till able to give music lessons to a group of children who came for them.

References: On the Air; John Dunning