The New Adventures of Nero Wolfe 

                  In American mystery, there is probably no better known house 
                  than the little brownstone on W. 35th street that is the home 
                  and office of Nero Wolfe and Archie Goodwin. The only mystery 
                  residence that surpasses it in fame is the Baker Street flat 
                  of Sherlock Holmes (which unlike Wolfe's home, can actually be 
                  found on the map). It is no coincidence that mention the most 
                  famous British detective when talking about Wolfe, because the 
                  Nero Wolfe stories, written by Rex Stout, are a compelling 
                  blend of the British-style "drawing room" mysteries and the 
                  American "hard boiled" mysteries. 

                  Rex Stout, the author of the Nero Wolfe mysteries, wrote more 
                  than 40 books starring the gargantuan detective starting with 
                  1934's Fer-de-Lance and ending in 1975 with A Family Affair. 
                  He had written several other books (that never had the same 
                  success) including a book featuring Inspector Cramer (Red 
                  Threads) and a couple with a female detective, Dol Bonner. 
                  However, his most enduring stories are the ones involving 
                  Wolfe and Archie. 

                  Nero Wolfe, a man born in Montenegro (later part of 
                  Yugoslavia) is a large figure, often stated by Archie as being 
                  "a seventh of a ton" in bulk. Aside from being a genius in 
                  detection, the large man was also a gourmand with expensive 
                  tastes in food, a gardener of orchids, and a voracious reader. 
                  He rarely leaves his home, and never on business, preferring 
                  to solve the crimes in his office, in a style similar to the 
                  British drawing room mysteries. His daily schedule is 
                  inviolate, including two 2-hour periods up in the plant rooms 
                  and time set aside for lunch and dinner. (Business is never 
                  spoken during meals.) While he is superb at his detection, he 
                  is indolent to the point of needing a prodding from Archie to 
                  work for money. 

                  Archie Goodwin, on the other hand, fits the mold of standard 
                  hard-boiled detective to a "T". He is sarcastic and witty and 
                  far more the man-of-action. Acting as Wolfe's legman (as well 
                  as Boswell, similar to Watson's penning of Holmes' stories), 
                  he is the one to go out and get the facts (and bring home the 
                  suspects for questioning) while Wolfe tends to his orchids. 
                  His is the voice that can prod Wolfe into taking a case, and 
                  his skill and knowledge brings the pieces of information that 
                  Wolfe needs to solve the crimes. 

                  Of course, Wolfe and Goodwin don't live in a vacuum. There are 
                  other characters that round out the cast and give the stories 
                  a true richness. 

                  The aforementioned Inspector Cramer is a good example. At 
                  times a help and often a hinderance to Wolfe, Cramer is often 
                  distrustful of Wolfe's intervention in a case that he is 
                  working on. (Admittedly, with the tricks that Wolfe and Archie 
                  play during a case, he has some reason to be.) Still, he can 
                  often be counted on to gather suspects to Wolfe's office and 
                  take his place of honor in the red chair near the desk. 

                  Fritz Brenner, a chef of great skill, keeps Wolfe's appetite 
                  filled with fine food and the bottles of beer Wolfe drinks 
                  when solving the case. He is an understated and indispensible 
                  member of the Wolfe household. 

                  Saul Panzer, Orrie Cather and Fred Durkin fill in as 
                  operatives when more help than Archie can provide is needed on 
                  a case. Highly dependable, but each with their own style, they 
                  are often essential in narrowing down a case. 

                  Seargent Purley Stebbins, another homicide cop, is perhaps 
                  Archie's greatest foil in the stories. He's as distrustful as 
                  Cramer but not as smart. 

                  Other characters come and go, but these represent the core 
                  characters of the series of Rex Stout stories and make their 
                  appearances on the radio show. 

                  The radio show had a run of several years, starting with 
                  Santos Ortega playing Wolfe in 1943. In 1945-46, Francis X. 
                  Bushman took the role of the orchid fancying detective with 
                  Elliot Lewis as Archie. Finally, in 1950-51, Sydney 
                  Greenstreet (best known for his roles in Casablanca and The 
                  Maltese Falcon) took the role as Wolfe. Due to failing 
                  ratings, the network went through six different actors playing 
                  Archie: Wally Mahr, Lamont Johnson, Herb Ellis, Larry Dobkin, 
                  Gerald Mohr, and Harvey Bartell. (Some say that it was 
                  Greenstreet's overacting that was the cause of the slumping 
                  ratings, but since he couldn't admit that he was the problem, 
                  he just kept changing Archies.) These were original stories 
                  written in the same style of Rex Stout's Wolfe stories (and 
                  they caught the style nicely). 

                  Of course, this isn't the end of Wolfe stories on the radio. 
                  In 1982, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation created 13 
                  one-hour episodes of Nero Wolfe that were based, directly, on 
                  the stories by Rex Stout. This was said to be a great version 
                  (that I hope to get my grubby little hands on soon).