
Lorenzo Jones


Comedy Soap Opera

Broadcast History

Apr 26, 1937-Sep 30, 1955 NBC 15m, weekday continuation at 4:00 1937-1938; at 11:15am 1938-1939; at 4:30, 1939-1951; at 5:30, 1951-1954; at 5:15, 1954-1955. Sterling Drugs for Phillips Milk of Magnesia and Bayer Aspirin 1937-1949; Procter & Gamble 1949-1955.


Don Lowe, George Putnam


Phillips Milk of Magnesia, Dreft


Lorenzo Jones Karl Swenson

Belle Jones, wife Betty Garde, Lucille Wall

Abby Matson Jean McCoy

Sandy Matson Joseph Julian

Jim Barker John Brown

Irma Barker Nancy Sheridan, Mary Wickes, Grace Keddy

Nick Elliotte Reid

Judy Colleen Ward

Garage mechanic who spent most of the time inventine seemingly useless gadgets.

Source: Radio's Golden Years by Vincent Terrace

Source: On the Air - John Dunning