Jimmy Durante Show - Comedy-Variety

September 10, 1933 to June 30,1950 Shows Extant: 67

"Radio gave Jimmy Durante new life as an entertainer. After a solid career onstage throughout the probation era, Durante's star had cooled: though he remained highly visible on Broadway: (Jumbo and Red Hot and Blue), radio reignited Hollywood's interest and helped keep him a household word in the forties."

The Durante show had many incarnations. "The Camel Caravan show date was to have long term significance. Intended to be a single guest appearance. It propelled Durante again to the national spotlight……on the same bill was young comedian named Gary Moore." A new co-billing . "The first show….. new life as an entertainer." "Durante wrapped it up each week with the enduring line "Good night Mrs. Calabash wherever you are."

Source: Dunning - On the Air - Hickerson - History of Network Radio Programming.

Series Information compiled by Terry Davies