Poet Of Death 05/17/98 Episode 01 - In our first Sherlock Holmes adventure; A newly-written
pastiche authorized by the estate of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle finds
Holmes & Watson on a case of murder. The Sealed Room 07/05/98 Episode 02 - Holmes and Watson track down how, and why, a sensational
British government secret is stolen from a permanently sealed room. The Blind Man 10/11/98 Episode 03 - 1886, London. Holmes and Watson discover, surprise, a
dead body in the Thames river. The Painted Leaf 12/27/98 Episode 04 - A few days before Christmas, famous author H.G.Wells
hires Holmes to recover a missing manuscript from his next novel, "War
Of The Worlds". Secret Of The Fives 01/17/99 Episode 05 - Holmes is hired by the U.S. Government to find out who is
threatening to destroy buildings at he U.S. Capital The Woman From Virginia 04/04/99 Episode 06 - A Sherlock Holmes adventure; A man hires the great
detective duo to find his missing fiancé. The Quartermaine Curse 05/16/99 Episode 07 - Sherlock Holmes and Watson solve the mystery of a strange
sickness and a murder in the family of famous Egyptologist. The Adventure Of The Bishop's Ring 06/06/99 Episode 08 - Sherlock Holmes and Watson uncover how an "impossible"
theft of a priceless artifact was carried off. The Adventure Of The Samovar 08/01/99 Episode 09 - A Russian tea urn stolen and the thief turns up murdered. The Adventure Of The Seven Shares 09/26/99 Episode 10 - A visitor from South Africa is feared to be planning to
kill his English cousins. The Adventure of the Silver Siphon 10/31/99 Episode 11 - Blood, vampires, and macabre deaths challenege Holmes in
this hour-long Halloween special The Adventure Of The Red Death 12/12/99 Episode 12 - The great detective duo must find the cause behind two
strange deaths in the home of an eccentric inventor. The Dark Chamber 02/27/00 Episode 13 - Holmes and Watson must learn the identity of a mysterious
masked man who is pursuing a famous English actress. The Ragwort Puzzle 03/26/00 Episode 14 - Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson must find a spy deep in
the heart of the British Government. The Adventure Of The Mind-Reader 05/28/00 Episode 15 - Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson work to prevent the
assassination of a visiting dignitary. The Gambrinus Cure 8/20/00 Episode 16 - Holmes and Watson are asked to investigate the possible
disappearance of a businessman's wife, and find more than they
bargained for. The Billingsgate Horror 10/29/00 Episode 17 - Another Halloween thriller with Sherlock Holmes.This tale
begins with the discovery of a fish...with a human head attached! The Adventure of the Missing Link 11/26/00 Episode 18 - A distraught woman seeks the help of Sherlock Holmes and
Dr. Watson in clearing her husband of a murder charge. The Adventure of the Edison Sender 03/25/01 Episode 19 - A brand new Sherlock Holmes Adventure! Holmes' brother,
Mycroft, enlists teh aid of Dr. Watson for some unusual undercover
work. The Estonian Countess 05/27/01 Episode 20 - Dr. Watson comes to the aid of Mycroft Holmes in the
resurrection of a dead man. School For Scoundrels 07/15/01 Episode 21 - A brand new chapter in "The Further Adventures of Sherlock
Holmes", and introducing John PatrickLowrie as Holmes. Holmes is
engaged by an independently minded young woman to track down the man
who swindled her father and broke her heart. The Adventure of The Dover Maiden 08/19/01 Episode 22 - Holmes and Watson are on their way to one case when
another one develops before their eyes, involving a gunshot a coil of
rope and a corpse-less murder The Adventure of The Wycliffe Codicil 09/23/01 Episode 23 - A new Sherlock Holmes adventure: one that has Holmes and
Watson delving deep into the mystery of a dead brother, a wastrel son
and the secrets of a tower room. The Tuttman Gallery 10/31/01 Episode 24 - A new double length Sherlock Holmes adventure. A monster
is on a gruesome killing spree in London. Can Sherlock solve this
twisted crime? The Bee And The Spider 11/18/01 Episode 25 - A brand new Holmes and Watson adventure! Mycroft Holmes
has learned of an assassination plot against King Edward. He’s certain
only his younger brother can prevent any harm from coming to the
monarch, but Sherlock Holmes has retired to Sussex Downs to raise
Bees. The Man Who Believed In Nothing 12/23/01 Epsidoe 26 - A brand new adventure of Sherlock Holmes. In this
Victorian Christmas story, Holmes and Watson are out to recover a
troubled priest's most precious possession. The Death of Artemus Ludwig 1/13/02 Episode 27 - A young teacher comes to Holmes, begging the great
detective to stop a man who seems bent on taking over the educator’s
life. 1/13/02 36 Thayer Street 2/17/02 Episode 28 - A thrilling new episode of "The Further Adventures of
Sherlock Holmes". Is Sherlock Holmes dead? He must be, Dr. Watson has
just sent a bullet crashing into his brain. The Adventure of the Farnham Grange 3/17/02 Episode 29 - A brand new chapter in The Further Adventures of Sherlock
Holmes. This time Holmes and Watson are investigating the case of the
man who arrived home, after he died. The Adventure Of The Lonely Harvester 7/28/02 Episode 30 - A completely new episode in THE FURTHER ADVENTURES OF
SHERLOCK HOLMES! This time Holmes and Watson are called on to help
Scotland Yard find a man who is abducting young girls….so he can see
their feet? The Strange Death of Lady Sylvia Eichhorn 8/25/02 Episode 31 - Another brand new chapter in THE FURTHER ADVENTURES OF
SHERLOCK HOLMES! On the return voyage home from America, after
solving "The Secret of The Fives", Holmes and Watson encounter
Philadelphia bankers, their class-concious wives, an aging cosmetic
queen and death. Featuring Golden Age radio stars Dick Beals
(Gunsmoke & Suspense) and Rhoda Williams (Father Knows Best & The
Lux Radio Theatre). The Mystery Of The Patient Fisherman 10/27/02 Episode 32 - A new chapter in THE FURTHER ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK
HOLMES. To prove his sanity, a businessman begs Holmes and Watson to
prove the ghost of his dead partner isn't haunting him, although he
sees the specter several does Watson The Wizard of Baker Street 12/15/02 Episode 33 - Another new episode in THE FURTHER ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK
HOLMES. Holmes takes a decidedly active interest in the production of
a new play about himself. Much to Dr. Watson's confusion and dismay,
he thinks the piecee is dreadful. What could holmes be thinking about? The Diary Of Anthony Moltaire 1/19/03 Episode 34 - The latest episode in "The Further Adventures Of Sherlock
Holmes." An old army comrade of Watson's seeks Holmes' aid in ridding
himself of a blackmailer, even if it means murder. The Singular Affair Of Madame Planchette 2/16/03 Episode 35 - The newest case in "The Further Adventures of Sherlock
Holmes". This time the Great Detective takes on an adversary who
appears to be receiving an unusual amount of assistance from the
supernatural. The Bardsley Triangle 4/13/03 The 36th new entry in THE FURTHER ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES.
Holmes and Watson become embroiled in a tale of buried treasure, a
treasure map and a household where all is not as it appears. The Strange Case Of Lord Halworth’s Kitchen 5/18/03 The 37th new adventure in the ‘Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes’.
An advancement in the world of medical science thrusts Holmes and
Watson into a tale of murder and greed. The Adventure Of Voodoo Curse 6/22/03 Episode 38 in "The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes." From the
depths of the Haitian jungle comes the latest foe for the great
detective, the like of which he has never encountered before. The Mystery Of The Ten Pound 7/27/03 Episode 39 in "The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes." Once again
Holmes' older brother Mycroft seeks the younger man's aid in saving
England; this time from complete financial ruin. The Adventure Of The Great American 8/24/03 Episode 40 in "The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" A kidnapped
wife and an offer that an American Publisher is certain Holmes won't
refuse combine to present the wizard of Baker Street with a case
worthy of his attention. Featuring "Golden Age Radio" star Harry
Bartell. The Amateur Mendicant Society 9/28/03 Episode 41 in "The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes." A
bedraggled youngman bursts into 221B Baker Street with a tale of
wealthy panhandlers, imprisonment and strangling. The Adventure Of The Tontine 10/26/03 Episode 42 in "The Further Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes." The Great
Detective committed to a mad house? Yes, and Watson is his only hope
of escape. But the good Doctor hasn’t any idea of where his friend is. The Goldolphin Arabian 11/23/03 Episode 43 in "The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" A wealthy
man's racehorses are being stabbed and slashed. In order to stop this
cruelty Holmes must first find the motive behind the attacks The Living Weapon 12/28/03 Episode 44 in "The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes." A brazen
murder on the very steps of 221B Baker Street threatens to drive a
wedge between Holmes and Watson. The Blackmailer Of Lancaster Gate 1/25/04 Episode 45 in "The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes." The
redoubtable Mrs. Hudson gets the Baker Street duo involved in a tale
of blackmail, murder and the Napoleon of crime. The Problem Of Pennington Flash 2/22/04 Episode 46 in "The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes". A murder
has been committed, and what are the clues? There's too much blood,
a knife with paint on it and the fact that no one could have done it.
A pretty puzzle for Sherlock Holmes The Forgotten Throne 3/28/04 Episode 47 in "The Further Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes." This time
their client literally falls at the feet of Holmes and Watson as they
investigate the lost afternoon of a beautiful woman. The Speaking Machine 4/25/04 Episode 48 in "The Further Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes." Death
prowls the midway as Holmes and Watson attend the carnival in hopes of
exposing the charlatan. The Adventure Of The Serpent's Tooth 5/16/04 Episode 49 in "The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes." What looks
like a straight case of embezzlement suddenly takes a dark turn much
to the surprise of Sherlock Holmes. The Dreadnaught Papers 6/27/04 Episode 50 in "The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes." What
mastermind plotted and carried out the theft of the plans for
England's newest weapon of war? The Covetous Huntsman 7/25/04 Episode 51 in "The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes." Holmes and
Watson take on a case that has all of the earmarks of murder for
revenge. The Master Craftsman 8/22/04 Episode 52 in "The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes." Holmes and
Watson are asked to discover how a young woman was murdered in a room
in which she was alone and all of the doors and windows bolted? The Margate Deception 9/26/04 Episode 53 in "The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes." Holmes
turns a case down as being beneath his talents with tragic results. The Head Of Jean Malreaux 10/17/04 Episode 54 in "The Further Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes." The Great
Detective and his Boswell are ready to do battle with the supernatural
in this adventure of revenge from the grave. The Ripper Inheritance 11/28/04 Episode 55 in "The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes." In this
special double length story, Holmes and Watson race against time to
stop an insane killer who takes the fingers of his victim’s right hand
as souvenirs. The Bonesteel Covenant 12/26/04 Episode 56 in "The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes." Holmes and
Watson rush to the aid of a former client’s wife to discover what
could have possibly driven her husband to take the most drastic and
dramatic actions of his life. The Great Ansceni 1/16/05 Episode 57 in "The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes." A new
consulting detective has appeared on the scene prepared to give Holmes
a run for his money and perhaps, much more.