Glamour Manor

Situation comedy, Musical variety, audience interview.

Broadcast History:  Jul 3, 1944-Jun 27, 1947 Blue Network/ABC. 30m, weekdays at noon. Proctor & Gamble.

Announcers:  Jack Bailey, Terry O'Sullivan, Bob Bruce, Rod O'Connor, Don Wilson

Cast:  (1944 from Hollywood)

Manager -- Cliff Arquette
Captain Billy
Mrs Wilson
Gloria Kenyon -- Lurene Tuttle
Hamlet Mantel -- John McIntire

(Jan 1945 move to New York, Fall 1945 return to Hollywood)

Cast:  (June 1946)

Manager -- Kenny Baker
Barbara Dilley -- Barbara Eiler
Mrs. Biddle -- Elvia Allman
Schlepperman -- Sam Hearn

Misadventures of the hotel people dramatized on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays. Audience interviews conducted Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Source: On the Air - John Dunning