F R O N T I E R   T O W N
                      ---------------   -------

                             1952 - 1953

First Show: Sep 26, 1952                      Last Show: Aug 14, 1953
Number Shows: 47                            Audition Show: none known

Series Description:

FRONTIER TOWN was a syndicated Western that aired on CBS stations and
ran through the 1952-1953 season.  It was syndicated by Broadcasters
Program Syndicate / Bruce Eells and Associates syndication.  The main
character, Chad Remington, a two fisted lawyer in the town of Dos
Rios, was played by Jeff Chandler who was billed as "Tex" Chandler.
He had a sidekick, Cherokee O'Bannon, played by Wade Crosby, who
spoke in a W. C. Fields dialect.  Mr. Chandler remained in the lead
role for the first 23 shows and was replaced by Reed Hadley who
played Remington until the end of the series.  Bill Forman was the
announcer for the series.

This is an action series, directed toward juvenile listener, more
in the spirit of THE LONE RANGER or WILD BILL HICKOK than the adult
westerns that became popular in the 1950's.

Log Comments:

There was a lot of title variation from source to source.  This was
mainly due to the fact that titles were not given at the start of the
shows.  The most common found is shown first with others listed
below the main title.

Some catalogs listed show titles without broadcast dates or episode
numbers.  Those that could not be identified as alternate titles
are listed after the last show.

Chronological Log:

Date          Day  Num  Title
------------  ---  ---  ---------------------------------------------
Sep 26, 1952  Fri    1  "Chan Returns Home"
                        AKA: "Return To Dos Rios"
                             "Chad Remington Returns"
                             "Chad's Father Is Killed"
Oct 03, 1952  Fri    2  "Chad Versus Harry Cummings"
                        AKA: "His Name Is John Smith"
                             "Bank Held Up By John Smith"
                             "Cherokee Captures A Bank Robber"
                             "Senator Dunston"
                             "Harry Cummings Story"
                             "Quade Dunsten, State Senator"
Oct 10, 1952  Fri    3  "Carne, Claim Jumper"
                        AKA: "Rocky Carew, Claim Jumper"
                             "Todd Ford"
                             "The Big Strike"
Oct 17, 1952  Fri    4  "Marie"
                        AKA: "Marie Hoxey"
                             "Gold Mine Map"
                             "Lost Continent Mine Map"
                             "Marie Hocksee And The Lost Continent
                                 Mine Map"
Oct 24, 1952  Fri    5  "The Poisoned Waterhole"
                        AKA: "Lefty Slaughter"
                             "Lefty Slaughter Poisons Waterholes"
Oct 31, 1952  Fri    6  "Confidence Man"
                        AKA: "Emily Bracket"
                             "Turkey Hunt"
                             "Tim Brackett Needs Money"
Nov 07, 1952  Fri    7  "The Seminole Strip"
                        AKA: "King Carson Of Seminole Strip"
Nov 14, 1952  Fri    8  "The Mexican Dialect"
                        AKA: "The Chavez Family"
                             "Chavez Land Grant"
                             "Navajo Pass Blockade"
Nov 21, 1952  Fri    9  "Badman Laredo and The Land Rush"
                        AKA: "The Opening of the Tioga Reserve"
                             "Tioga Land Rush"
                             "Land Rush"
                             "Laredo Jake"
Nov 28, 1952  Fri   10  "The Gambler, The Mayor, and High Taxes"
                        AKA: "Death and Taxes"
                             "High Taxes"
                             "The Tax Collector"
                             "Tax Collector of Medicine Creek"
                             "Crooked Mayor Of Medicine Creek"
Dec 05, 1952  Fri   11  "Sixgun Justice"
                        AKA: "Sixgun Lawyer"
                             "Judge Pegleg Cooper"
Dec 12, 1952  Fri   12  "Return of the Badmen"
Dec 19, 1952  Fri   13  "The Valley of the Lawless Men"
Dec 26, 1952  Fri   14  "The Guns of Wrath"
Jan 02, 1953  Fri   15  "Her Name is Burbon Kate"
                        AKA: "Burbon Kate"
Jan 09, 1953  Fri   16  "Trouble Is His Target"
                        AKA: "The Railroad, Dam and The Water Works
                                 or Where's Lulu"
Jan 16, 1953  Fri   17  "Land Grab"
Jan 23, 1953  Fri   18  "The Jailbird Rangers"
Jan 30, 1953  Fri   19  "Five Gun Final"
Feb 06, 1953  Fri   20  "Valley of the Varments"
Feb 13, 1953  Fri   21  "All Trails Lead To Trouble"
Feb 20, 1953  Fri   22  "Forest Fire"
Feb 27, 1953  Fri   23  "Thunder Over Texas"     (last Chandler show)
Mar 06, 1953  Fri   24  "Gun Trouble Valley"      (first Hadley show)
Mar 13, 1953  Fri   25  "Branding The Badlands"
Mar 20, 1953  Fri   26  "South Of Santa Fe"
Mar 27, 1953  Fri   27  "Maverick Town"
Apr 03, 1953  Fri   28  "The Coach Arrived Missing"
Apr 10, 1953  Fri   29  "Western Empire"
Apr 17, 1953  Fri   30  "Sixgun Lawyer"
Apr 24, 1953  Fri   31  "Sundown Valley"
May 01, 1953  Fri   32  "The Glory Trail"
May 08, 1953  Fri   33  "Trouble Rides The Rails"
May 15, 1953  Fri   34  "Open Range"
May 22, 1953  Fri   35  "The Chase"
May 29, 1953  Fri   36  "Bullets For Boot Hill"
Jun 05, 1953  Fri   37  "On The Prod"
                        AKA: "On The Prowl"
Jun 12, 1953  Fri   38  "The Trail Drive"
Jun 19, 1953  Fri   39  "Fort Disaster"
Jun 26, 1953  Fri   40  "End Of The Trail"
Jul 03, 1953  Fri   41  "Canyon Of The Wanted Men"
Jul 10, 1953  Fri   42  "Days Of The Road Agent"
Jul 17, 1953  Fri   43  "Stampede"
Jul 24, 1953  Fri   44  "The Badlands"
Jul 31, 1953  Fri   45  "Boom Town"
Aug 07, 1953  Fri   46  "Where Men Are Men"
Aug 14, 1953  Fri   47  "Lady Luck"                       (last show)

                        ..... date and episode number not known .....

                        "Burnside Brothers Argue Over
                            The County Seat"          (Jeff Chandler)
                        "Argument Over the County
                            Seat"                     (Jeff Chandler)
                        "Slaughter's Plan"            (Jeff Chandler)
                        "Blackjack Turner"              (Reed Hadley)
                        "Bonanza City"                  (Reed Hadley)
                        "Chicago Eddie Soolen"          (Reed Hadley)
                        "Floyd Hunsacker"               (Reed Hadley)
                        "Judy McGovern and Slash
                             Stones"                    (Reed Hadley)
                        "Packrat Scott Biggings"        (Reed Hadley)
                        "Pecos Raughly Gang"            (Reed Hadley)
                        "Phil Hardwell"                 (Reed Hadley)
                        "The Wounded Prospector"

Alphabetical Listing:

Title                                                   Date     Num
------------------------------------------------------- -------- ---
All Trails Lead To Trouble                              53-02-13  21
Argument Over the County Seat                           unknown   ??
Badlands, The                                           53-07-24  44
Badman Laredo and The Land Rush                         52-11-21   9
Bank Held Up By John Smith                              52-10-03   2
Big Strike, The                                         52-10-10   3
Blackjack Turner                                        unknown   ??
Bonanza City                                            unknown   ??
Boom Town                                               53-07-31  45
Branding The Badlands                                   53-03-13  25
Bullets For Boot Hill                                   53-05-29  36
Burbon Kate                                             53-01-02  15
Burnside Brothers Argue Over The County Seat            unknown   ??
Canyon Of The Wanted Men                                53-07-03  41
Carne, Claim Jumper                                     52-10-10   3
Chad's Father Is Killed                                 52-09-26   1
Chad Remington Returns                                  52-09-26   1
Chad Versus Harry Cummings                              52-10-03   2
Chan Returns Home                                       52-09-26   1
Chase, The                                              53-05-22  35
Chavez Family, The                                      52-11-14   8
Chavez Land Grant                                       52-11-14   8
Cherokee Captures A Bank Robber                         52-10-03   2
Chicago Eddie Soolen                                    unknown   ??
Coach Arrived Missing, The                              53-04-03  28
Confidence Man                                          52-10-31   6
Crooked Mayor Of Medicine Creek                         52-11-28  10
Days Of The Road Agent                                  53-07-10  42
Death and Taxes                                         52-11-28  10
Emily Bracket                                           52-10-31   6
End Of The Trail                                        53-06-26  40
Five Gun Final                                          53-01-30  19
Floyd Hunsacker                                         unknown   ??
Forest Fire                                             53-02-20  22
Fort Disaster                                           53-06-19  39
Gambler, The Mayor, and High Taxes, The                 52-11-28  10
Glory Trail, The                                        53-05-01  32
Gold Mine Map                                           52-10-17   4
Gun Trouble Valley                                      53-03-06  24
Guns of Wrath, The                                      52-12-26  14
Harry Cummings Story                                    52-10-03   2
Her Name is Burbon Kate                                 53-01-02  15
High Taxes                                              52-11-28  10
His Name Is John Smith                                  52-10-03   2
Jailbird Rangers, The                                   53-01-23  18
Judge Pegleg Cooper                                     52-12-05  11
Judy McGovern and Slash Stones                          unknown   ??
King Carson Of Seminole Strip                           52-11-07   7
Lady Luck                                               53-08-14  47
Land Grab                                               53-01-16  17
Land Rush                                               52-11-21   9
Laredo Jake                                             52-11-21   9
Lefty Slaughter                                         52-10-24   5
Lefty Slaughter Poisons Waterholes                      52-10-24   5
Lost Continent Mine Map                                 52-10-17   4
Marie                                                   52-10-17   4
Marie Hocksee And The Lost Continent Mine Map           52-10-17   4
Marie Hoxey                                             52-10-17   4
Maverick Town                                           53-03-27  27
Mexican Dialect, The                                    52-11-14   8
Navajo Pass Blockade                                    52-11-14   8
On The Prod                                             53-06-05  37
On The Prowl                                            53-06-05  37
Open Range                                              53-05-15  34
Opening of the Tioga Reserve, The                       52-11-21   9
Packrat Scott Biggings                                  unknown   ??
Pecos Raughly Gang                                      unknown   ??
Phil Hardwell                                           unknown   ??
Poisoned Waterhole, The                                 52-10-24   5
Quade Dunsten, State Senator                            52-10-03   2
Railroad, Dam and The Water Works or Where's Lulu, The  53-01-09  16
Return of the Badmen                                    52-12-12  12
Return To Dos Rios                                      52-09-26   1
Rocky Carew, Claim Jumper                               52-10-10   3
Seminole Strip, The                                     52-11-07   7
Senator Dunston                                         52-10-03   2
Sixgun Justice                                          52-12-05  11
Sixgun Lawyer                                           52-12-05  11
Sixgun Lawyer                                           53-04-17  30
Slaughter's Plan                                        unknown   ??
South Of Santa Fe                                       53-03-20  26
Stampede                                                53-07-17  43
Sundown Valley                                          53-04-24  31
Tax Collector of Medicine Creek                         52-11-28  10
Tax Collector, The                                      52-11-28  10
Thunder Over Texas                                      53-02-27  23
Tim Brackett Needs Money                                52-10-31   6
Tioga Land Rush                                         52-11-21   9
Todd Ford                                               52-10-10   3
Trail Drive, The                                        53-06-12  38
Trouble Is His Target                                   53-01-09  16
Trouble Rides The Rails                                 53-05-08  33
Turkey Hunt                                             52-10-31   6
Valley of the Lawless Men, The                          52-12-19  13
Valley of the Varments                                  53-02-06  20
Western Empire                                          53-04-10  29
Where Men Are Men                                       53-08-07  46
Wounded Prospector, The                                 unknown   ??


* "The Ultimate History of Network Radio Programming and Guide To All
  Circulating Shows", by Jay Hickerson, Box 4321, Hamden, CT 06514

* OTR club and vendor catalogs or web sites:
  * Crabapple Sound, Henry Hinkel, 254 Florida Ave., Amsterdam, NY
  * Memories Of Radio, Dick Judge, PO Box 67800, Rochester NY 14617
  * North American Radio Archives, 134 Vincewood Dr., Nicolasville,
    KY 40356
  * Radio Historical Association of Colorado, PO Box 1908,
    Englewood, CO 80150
  * Radio Memories, Ted Davenport, 1600 Wewoka St., North Little
    Rock, AR 72116
  * Radio Showcase, Steve Kelez, PO Box 4357, Santa Rosa, CA 95402
  * Society to Preserve and Encourage Radio Drama, Variety And
    Comedy, PO Box 7177, Van Nuys, CA 91409-7177

Reader Feedback:

* Dick Judge identified some titles without date or episode number.
* Joseph Russell sent some additional titles.

Other Logs or Books:

* FRONTIER TOWN log, Jerry Haendiges Productions, 13808 Sunset Dr.,
  Whittier, CA 90602 (http://www.otrsite.com)

* FRONTIER TOWN log, Audio Classics Archive, Terry Salomonson, P.O.
  Box 347, Howell, MI 48844-0347 (http://www.audio-classics.com)

Last Update: May 20, 2004

This log is informational only.  It does not imply that I or my
references have these shows for trade or sale.  The shows may still 
be protected under copyright law and should be obtained only from 
authorized dealers.

The log may be freely reproduced and published on a no-profit basis.
Please send error corrections or additional information to Frank M.
Passage, 109 Elmwood Road, Verona, NJ 07044 (email: wb2ntp@arrl.net).