F R O N T I E R   F I G H T E R S
                  ---------------   ---------------


First Show: not known                            Last Show: not known
Number Shows: 39                            Audition Show: none known

Series Description:

FRONTIER FIGHTERS was a syndicated series that ran sometime during
the 1930's.  Each show dealt with some bit of history about the
early West and ran for approximately 15 minute.

Log Comments:

No broadcast dates were found in any catalogs.  Show numbers were
obtained from the AVPRO and NARA catalogs and Jerry Haendiges' log.
Show titles differed from source to source.  Where slight, I used the
one that offered more information.  Otherwise, the most common is
first, followed by others listed as alternates.  Two titles couldn't
be matched to others in the list and are placed below the main list.

Chronological Log:

        Num  Title
        ---  ------------------------------------
          1  Robert LaSalle
          2  Lewis & Clark
          3  Zebulon Mt. Pike
          4  John C. Freemont
          5  Kit Carson
          6  Jebediah S. Smith
          7  Dr. Marcus Whitman
          8  John McLaughlin
          9  The Donner Party
         10  Fall of the Alamo
         11  General Stephan Watts Kearney
         12  Brigham Young
         13  Joseph L. Meek
         14  Lyman A. Culter & George C. Pickett
         15  John A. Sutter & James W. Marshall
         16  William F. Cody (Buffalo Bill)
         17  Pike's Peak Rush
             Alt: Idaho Territory
         18  Santa Fe Trail
         19  James B. Hickok (Wild Bill Hickok)
         20  Reverend Thomas Starr King
         21  Cochise and Captain T. J. Jefferts
         22  Grenville, Dodge & Leland Stanford
             Alt: Union Pacific & Central Pacific
         23  Massacre At Taos
             Alt: New Mexico Territory
         24  Custer's Last Stand
             Alt: Little Big Horn
         25  Stephan F. Austin
         26  Oregon 54-40 Or Fight
             Alt: Oregon Territory
         27  Nevada And The Comstock Lode
         28  John F. Phillips
             Alt: Bozeman Trail
             Alt: John F. Phillips, Hero of Fort
         29  Oklahoma Land Rush
             Alt: Oklahoma Territory
         30  Oregon And The Pacific Republic
             Alt: Oregon Territory
         31  Annie D. Tallent
         32  I. Bert Perrine
         33  Wells Fargo
         34  Anton P. K. Stafford
         35  Arthus A. Denny
         36  Yellowstone National Park
         37  Eliza Ann Brooks
         38  General Nelson A. Niles
         39  Alaska

         ??  Dakota Territory
         ??  Idaho Territory


* "The Ultimate History of Network Radio Programming and Guide To All
  Circulating Shows", by Jay Hickerson, Box 4321, Hamden, CT 06514

* OTR club and vendor catalogs or web sites:
  * AVPRO, Don Aston, PO Box 1392, Lake Elsinore, CA 92531-1392
  * Jerry Haendiges Productions, Jerry Haendiges, 13808 Sunset Dr.,
    Whittier, CA 90602
  * North American Radio Archives, 134 Vincewood Dr., Nicolasville,
    KY 40356
  * Radio Historical Association of Colorado, PO Box 1908,
    Englewood, CO 80150
  * Radio Showcase, Steve Kelez, PO Box 4357, Santa Rosa, CA 95402

Other Logs or Books:

* FRONTIER FIGHTERS log, Jerry Haendiges Productions, 13808 Sunset
  Dr., Whittier, CA 90602 (http://www.otrsite.com)

Last Update: May 20, 2004

This log is informational only.  It does not imply that I or my
references have these shows for trade or sale.  The shows may still 
be protected under copyright law and should be obtained only from 
authorized dealers.

The log may be freely reproduced and published on a no-profit basis.
Please send error corrections or additional information to Frank M.
Passage, 109 Elmwood Road, Verona, NJ 07044 (email: wb2ntp@arrl.net).