Title: The Fire Chief

Type: Variety

Length: 30 minutes

Broadcast history: April 26, 1932 - June 4, 1935 NBC. Tuesdays at 9:30 PM. Sponsored by Texaco.


Ed Wynn as the Fire Chief

Graham McNamee as his straight man

This was the first and most successful attempt at a radio career for Wynn, who never wanted to be on the radio at all. He was a vaudeville star whose routine was based on vaudeville style sight gags and slapstick. He reportedly came to radio when an adman asked Wynn what it would take to get him on the air. Wynn tossed out the absurd (at the time) figure of $5000 per week. He was amazed when the adman produced a contract and pen. Wynn had severe mike fright and never felt comfortable in the studio.

The shows basic routine was for Wynn and McNamee to toss several jokes and one liners back and forth and then go to a musical segment; then more jokes, then more music, etc.. It was vaudeville on the radio.

Wynn even performed in costume because, he said, it "made me feel funny, and if I felt funny I hoped I would sound funny."

This show was also known as "The Texaco Fire Chief".


Louis Witten


On the Air - John Dunning