Title: The FBI in Peace and War

Type: Crime drama

Length: 30 minutes

Broadcast history: Nov. 25, 1944 - Sept. 28, 1958 CBS.

1944 - 45; Saturday's at 8:30 PM.  Sponsor:  Lava Soap.

1945 - 47, Thursday's at 8:30 PM (late 1947, Friday's at 9:30 PM); Lava

1947 - 52, Thursday's at 9:00 PM; Sponsors:  Lava (to 1950); Wildroot Cream Oil (1951-52)

1952 - 55, Wednesday's at 8:00 PM; Sponsors: Lucky Strikes (1952); Nescafe (1953); Wrigley's Gum (1954)

1955 - 56, Wednesday's at 8:30 PM;

1956 - 57, Sunday's at 6:05 PM;

1957 - 58, Sunday's at 5:30 PM


Martin Blaine as Field Agent Sheppard

Donald Briggs as Mr. Andrews

Jackson Beck

Walter Greaza

Ralph Bell

Ed Begley

Elspeth Eric

Frank Readick

Rosemary Rice

Harold Huber

Edith Arnold

Robert Dryden

Charita Bauer

Grant Richards


Warren Sweeney; Len Sterling; Andre Baruch

This was one of two popular shows dedicated to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The other was "This Is Your FBI". There was really very little difference between them. "This Is Your FBI" had "official" FBI approval while "The FBI in Peace and War" did not; but it usually won in the ratings by several points. The authors of both series visited the FBI academy and the Bureau and its agents were always presented in the best possible light. In most episodes, the criminals were the main characters and the stories were presented from their point of view with, occasionally, a shift to the pursuing FBI agent.

The story staples were rackets and swindles.


On the Air - John Dunning