Title: The Easy Aces

Type: Situation Comedy

Broadcast History:

March 01,1932 to January 17, 1945.The series was revived in 1948 as Mr. Ace and Jane (Feb.14 to Dec.31)


Goodman and Jane Ace as "The Easy Aces" for the first series and the revival.

The comedy of this show is similar to Burns and Allen. Like Burns, Goodman Ace relies on male logic and reason; however " Jane Ace consistently maneuvers him into linguistic and cognitive labyrinths he could not begin to find his way out of". "Jane Ace was especially known for her malapropisms and misquotes, known as Janeacisms . Like Gracie Allen, Jane appears to be a scatterbrain, but language is putty in her hands as she reshapes existing clichés into entendres and pointed jokes. "Were insufferable friends" and "Time wound all heels." Others are equally good "we're all cremated equal", "Working our head to the bone", "Up at the crank of dawn", and "You've got to take the bitter with the badder".

Source: Radio and the American Imagination - Listening In

Source: 1.Dunning-On the Air. Hickerson- ..History of Network Radio Programming..

Series Information compiled by Terry Davies