Title: Burns and Allen

Type: Comedy with George Burns and Gracie Allen

Broadcast History:

1929 BBC, London first appearance on the air

Feb 15, 1932-Jun 13, 1934 CBS. 30m, Mondays at 10:00 through May 16, 1932, then Wednesdays at 9:00 until Jan 4, 1933, then Wednesdays at 9:30. Initally The Guy Lombardo Show for Robert Burns Panatella and, from May 1933, White Owl Cigars. Burns & Allen joined in progress, the Lombardo series for General Cigar having begun in 1929.

Sep 19, 1934-Mar 24, 1937 CBS. 30m, Wednesdays at 9:30 until May 29, 1935, then at 10:00 until Oct 2, 1935, then at 8:30. The Adventures of Gracie through Sept 23, 1936, then The Burns and Allen Show. White Owl Cigars through Sep 1935, then Campbell Soups.

Apr 12, 1937-Aug 1, 1938 NBC. 30m, Fridays at 8:00. Grape Nuts

Sep 30, 1938-Jun 23, 1939 CBS. 30m, Fridays at 8:30. Chesterfield Cigarettes

Oct 4, 1939-Jun 26, 1940 CBS. 30m, Wednesdays at 7:30. Hinds Cream

Jul1, 1940-Mar 24, 1941 NBC. 30m, Mondays at 7:30. Hormel Meats

Oct 7, 1941-Jun 30, 1942 NBC. 30m, Tuesdays at 7:30. Lever Brothes, Swan Soap

Oct 6, 1942-Jun 25, 1945 CBS. 30m, Tuesdays at 9:00 through December 1944, then Mondays at 8:30. Swan Soaps

Sep 20, 1945-Jun 23, 1949 NBC. 30m, Thrusdays at 8:00, 1945-1946, then Thursdays at 8:30. Maxwell House Coffee Time. General Foods.

Sep 21, 1949-May 17, 1950 CBS. 30m Wednesdays at 10.00. Block Drugs


George Burns Himself

Gracie Allen Herself

Tootsie Sagwell Elvia Allman

Happy Postman Mel Blanc

Mrs. Billingsley Mararet Brayton


Bill Goodwin, Harry Von Zell, Tobe Reed

Originally based on their vaudeville routines their show developed more detailed storylines revolving around Gracies scatterbrained outlook upon the world and her misadventures.

Source: On the Air - John Dunning