Behind The Front Page (AKA A Brighter Tomorrow)

Broadcast History:
Oct 13, 1946-Aug 31, 1947	Mutual. 30m, Sundays at 10:00, 8:30 from July 20. A Brighter Tomorrow AKA The Gabriel 
Heatter Show. Mutual of Omaha. Sep 7, 1947-Jul 25, 1948 Mutual. 30m, Sndays at 10:00. New title Behind the Front Page. Mutual of Omaha.
Continued as The Gabriel Heatter Comments. Sundays at 7:30, until Dec 19, 1948. Host/Narrator: Gabriel Heatter Announcer: Cy Harrice Dramatisations of 'Front Page' stories. Purporting to tell the story behind the news it had tales of 'love, hate, jealousy and fear' but each proving in the end that every cloud had a silver lining. A Brighter Tomorrow stories had conflict but upbeat endings. Source: On the Air - John Dunning Source: Radios Golden Years - Vincent Terrace