These are the episode title assigned by Otter. Some of the ones at the end are alternate titles of the same episodes. As near as I can tell the episode first lines are all there are. 49/06/07 Final Curtain Call 49/09/13 Boarder Killed 50/05/25 Carol Carson Murdered 50/07/18 Arson Case 50/07/25 Carl Fortune 50/08/29 A Judge Is Shot 52/02/08 Dr Alanby Case 52/07/09 Gangster Dan Wilmore Murdered 52/07/24 Eddie Phillips, Escaped Killer 52/08/07 Murder in The Dentist's Office 52/08/14 Captian Mendoz's Treasure Map 52/08/21 Professor Allenby Murdered 52/08/27 An Alderman Is Murdered 52/xx/xx The Jean Harling Case 52/xx/xx The Kalare Temple 52/xx/xx Truck Engine Murder It is believed that the only available episodes are the 13 that follow. 490607 Final Curtain Call Dialog First Line: "...And here is Mr. Kegg to tell us just what that means." "Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen." "Mr. Kegg just what is meant by Amicus Curiae?" "Translated from the Latin, it means simply Friend of the Court..." Alt. Titles: 490913 Boarder Killed Dialog First Line: " is Jonathan Kegg." "Good Evening. As each of us has the right to trial by jury, so each of us has the duty to bear witness truthfully when we're called upon to do so. It might happen to you tomorrow..." Alt. Titles: 500525 Carol Carson Murdered Dialog First Line: (Train Whistle) I beg your pardon. Is this seat taken?" "No it isn't. Sit down won't you?" "Thanks. Where you headed for?" "Bear Lake, Illinois to do a little fishing." Alt. Titles: 500718 Arson Case Dialog First Line: "Dinner will be ready in a few minutes, Jonathan. Did you have a pleasant drive up?" "Yes, thank you, Sarah." "I'm often complimented on my famous brother, Jonathan Kegg, these days. This work you do as Amicus Curiae..." Alt. Titles: Teenager Burns Store 500725 Carl Fortune Dialog First Line: Start delayed by News report of first North Korean Night Attack. The usual intro ends with introduction completed by Jonathan Kegg. (Music, Auto motor) Don't you think you're driving a little fast, Carl" Alt. Titles: 500829 A Judge Is Shot Dialog First Line: "Good night, Nathan." "Good night, Sir, Miss Pamela." "Ah, Nathan is the perfect butler. A wonderful dinner, good coffee in the study and this swell brandy..." Alt. Titles: Judge Hardy Shot 520709 Gangster, Dan Wilmore Murdered Dialog First Line:No Intro. "One more letter, Miss Rogers and then you may go home." "Thank you Mr. Kegg. I'm in no hurry." "We've had a long day. This will be the last." Alt. Titles: Gangster, Dan Wilmore Murder 520724 Eddie Phillips, Escaped Killer Dialog First Line: (Sweet toodling) "It's almost six o'clock, Sharon" "Wally dear, why couldn't Randal come up here to your apartment to meet me." "Honey, you still don't understand, do you?..." Alt. Titles: Eddie Phillips Escapes From Jail 520807 Murder in The Dentist's Office Dialog First Line:Here's your key, Mr. Kegg, Room 102. Thanks Jim, I can always count on you to remember my room number. Alt. Titles: Murder At the Eye Doctor's, Murder At the Doctor's Office 520814 Dialog First Line: "Paper Here! Paper Here! Get your paper here! Amusement Park Killer Accused, Read all about it! Blah. Blah." "Give me the Times, Joe". it! Alt. Titles: Jean Harding (Harling) Case Captain (Capitan, Captian) Mendoz's (Mendoza's) Treasure Map 520821 Kalare Temple Dialog First Line: "Anything else, Miss Rogers?" "Here's something, Mr. Kegg. A note from the Alumni Secretary at the University..." Alt. Titles: Professor (Dr.) Allenby (Alanby) Murdered (Case) 520828(7) An Alderman Is Murdered Dialog First Line: (Car engine sounds) "You look like you have something on your mind, Sid. Some of the boys been bothering you, your books?" "The operation is running smooth as silk. Cadie there's a small personal matter of 15,000, remember?" Alt. Titles: The Alderman 52xxxx Truck Engine Murder Dialog First Line: "Good Evening Mr. Kegg, how are you?" "Fine, thank you, William, and you?" Alt. Titles: Truck Engine