DOC SAVAGE Program Number Seven "Radium Scramble" (Adapted From DOC SAVAGE MAGAZINE) CAST DOC SAVAGE............Deep voice, pleasant, educated. MONK..................Small voice, falsetto, careless English. BALLARD...............Harsh voice, not too much tough-guy. CLAIRE................Hardboiled gal. BIZ: 1--Door slams. 2--Thumps. 3--Footsteps. 4--Gong. 5--Low-throated bird whistle trilling. 6--Blows and groans of fight. Playing Time: 14 minutes. Script by: Lester Dent (Kenneth Robeson) EFFECT: (LOW-THROATED BIRD WHISTLE TRILLING) BALLARD: What's that noise? (PAUSE) Hey, get back! Get back! (BLOW) (GROANS) Oh-h-h-h! BIZ: (BLOWS OF FIGHT AND HOLD UNTIL CUE) DOC: Hold him, Monk! I got his gun! MONK: Whatcha think I'm tryin' to do, Doc? (YELLS) Ow-w-w! DOC: Hurt you, Monk? MONK: Kicked me in the face! Just for that... (BLOW)... and for interest... (BLOW). DOC: Monk! Monk! Don't lay him out! BIZ: (CUT FIGHT) MONK: Okay, Doc. He ain't so frisky now. DOC: I'll talk to him... (LOUDER) What is your name? BALLARD: Ballard. DOC: Ballard? BALLARD: Yeah August Ballard. DOC: What I want to know, Ballard, is why you were waiting here in the darkness with an automatic pistol. BALLARD: Who're you? DOC: Doc Savage. ANNOUNCER: May we interrupt, ladies and gentlemen, before this drama gets too far along, to tell you that these episodes from the life of Doc Savage are brought to you by Cystex. (PLUG) And now we return to Doc Savage and his assistant, Monk, and the man August Ballard, whom they have seized. DOC: Come on talk up! You say your name is August Ballard. Why were you hiding here with a gun? BALLARD: I wasn't hiding. DOC: You were behind the telephone pole. What do you call that if it's not hiding. BALLARD: You say you are Doc Savage? DOC: That's right. BALLARD: Who is this big baboon holding me? MONK: Crackin' wise about my looks, eh? Why, I'll pull your ears off. DOC: (INTERRUPTS) Monk, Monk, cut it out. Monk is my assistant, Ballard. BALLARD: All right, I'll tell you why I was behind that pole. I was on guard. DOC: On guard! BALLARD: Sure. DOC: I don't get this. BALLARD: I work for the hospital. DOC: You work for what hospital? BALLARD: The one right behind us. The rear door opens off this side street. DOC: I see. BALLARD: You don't need to pretend with us, Savage. I know why you are here at the hospital tonight. DOC: Just what do you know or think you know? BALLARD: Your life's work, Savage, is helping other people out of trouble. Isn't that right? DOC: It is. BALLARD: You are one of the greatest living scientists, and have made many discoveries of great benefit to the professions of medicine and surgery. You conduct extensive experiments in the fields of electricity and chemistry, experiments which usually result in discoveries of great benefit to mankind. Your work is known all over the world. Besides that, you have a reputation as a two-fisted fighter. MONK: Listen guy, everybody knows that stuff about Doc. Quit beatin' the bush. You said you knew why we were here. Out with it! BALLARD: You are conducting experiments with radium, and its application in the treatment of cancer. DOC: That's true. BALLARD: You need a large quantity of radium. The hospital, here, has one of the largest supplies in the world. They are going to loan it to you. You have come after it. MONK: Doc, he seems to know all the answers. DOC: Why were you hiding here, Ballard? BALLARD: I told you I was on guard. The radium is inside the hospital. It is usually locked up at night, or when not in use. There's over a quarter of a million dollars worth of it. Naturally, we weren't taking chances on some crook walking off with it. MONK: Huh! It looks like we made a mistake. BALLARD: I'll tell the world you did. MONK: Well, Doc saw you fiddlin' around here with the gun and thought we'd better nab you. BALLARD: It's pitch dark here. How'd you spot me? MONK: Doc done that. BALLARD: Now? MONK: You smoke, don't you? BALLARD: Cigarettes? BALLARD: Yeah, cigarettes. MONK: They've got kind of a peculiar aroma to 'em, ain't they? BALLARD: Yes, they are very distinctive. A friend of mine in the Orient, an internee in a hospital out there, ships them to me. MONK: Very special cigarettes, eh? BALLARD: What has this talk to do with how you located me? MONK: Nothin', except that they gave you away. BALLARD: But I wasn't smoking! MONK: I know. But the perfume from the things sticks to your clothing. Doc caught it several yards away. I can smell it myself now. DOC: Ballard, it was unfortunate that we mistook you for a hold up. BALLARD: I'll say. Boy, did Monk, here, lam me two good ones. DOC: I have certain experiments under way and need that radium urgently. I suggest that we go inside and get it. BALLARD: Of course. But first, tell me one thing. DOC: Yes. BALLARD: What was that noise I heard just before you jumped me. DOC: You mean this? BIZ: (BOWÑTHROATED BIRD WHISTLE TRILLING, PITCHED LOW) BALLARD: That's the noise. What is it? DOC: It's sort of an unconscious habit, Ballard. BALLARD: You mean you make that sound, Mr. Savage? DOC: Yes, subconsciously without thinking... usually when there is excitement. BALLARD: I'll be darned. Well, let's go get that radium. DOC: Yes. I must have it tonight. MONK: Watch your step, Doc. It's sure dark. BIZ: (FOOTSTEPS) BALLARD: Here's the back door, gentlemen. The doctor in charge of the hospital will turn the radium over to you, Mr. Savage. Come this way. EFFECT: (GONG) BIZ: (DOOR SLAM) (FOOTSTEPS AND HOLD FOR CUE) MONK: Whew! I'm glad we're away from there. DOC: Don't like hospitals, do you, Monk? MONK: Naw, Doc. They get in my hair. DOC: We'll walk over a couple of blocks and find a taxi. The cabs don't play these side streets. MONK: Say, Doc, are you keepin' a hand on that stuff? DOC: The radium, you mean? Of course. MONK: Boy, when that head guy drug that little lead case out and said there was a quarter of a million dollars worth of radium in it--did my eyes stick out! I'll bet birds could have roosted on 'em. DOC: The quantity of radium is much smaller than the case, Monk. MONK: Yeah. Say, you don't get much for your money when you buy that stuff, do you? DOC: Not in bulk. But radium is invaluable to surgeons. MONK: Here's the first corner. That street lamp looks blamed near as bright as the sun. Doc, you sure you've got that radium? DOC: It's right in my pocket. MONK: Okay. If we lose that stuff--hey, Doc! BIZ: (CUT FOOTSTEPS) DOC: Quiet, Monk. MONK: Do you see-- DOC: Yes. I saw her even before you called. MONK: A woman... running this way. DOC: She's young... seems to be excited. MONK: Not hard to look at, either. A blonde! BIZ: (FOOTSTEPS AWAY FROM MIKE, THEN BRING THEM CLOSE) CLAIRE: (OUT OF BREATH) Doc Savage! DOC: You know me? CLAIRE: Oh, yes. I've seen your picture in the newspapers. When you walked under that street light, I recognized you. Come quickly, please! DOC: What's wrong? CLAIRE: My father... I think he has been killed. DOC: Killed! CLAIRE: This man... he was small and dark... He had a knife. He stabbed my father and seized the photographs and the negatives. DOC: I don't get this. Who are you? CLAIRE: Claire Caldwell... My father is a lawyer. The photographs and negatives were evidence in a trial he is conducting. That was why the man with the knife wanted them. MONK: Let's go, Doc. DOC: Wait, Miss Claire--do you know--anyone at the hospital down the street? Are you acquainted with anyone there, I mean. CLAIRE: Oh, no, no! Hurry, please. DOC: All right. Come on, Monk. MONK: With you, Monk. BIZ: (RAPID FOOTSTEPS AND HOLD FOR CUE) DOC: Just a minute, young lady! BIZ: (CUT FOOTSTEPS) CLAIRE: Oh, why are you holding my arm? Let me go! DOC: It won't work, young lady! CLAIRE: I tell you, my father-- DOC: The father story was fairly clever, I'll admit. MONK: Doc, you mean she was lyin' to us? DOC: I doubt if a word she told us was the truth. MONK: How can you tell? DOC: Come over here where you can catch her breath. MONK: (PAUSE) Huh... Smells like she'd been drinkin' perfume. DOC: Remember those cigarettes Ballard said he smoked--the cigarettes which enabled us to locate him in that darkened street? MONK: Good night! I get it now! This girl has been smoking some of those cigarettes. DOC: Exactly. MONK: Ballard said they were not common fags. Strange they should both smoke the same kind. DOC: Very strange, Monk. Here, you hold our blonde girl friend. CLAIRE: Keep your hands off me, you big ape! BIZ: (BLOWS) (CLAIRE GASPS A FEW TIMES) MONK: Ouch! Leggo that ear, you hussy! Well, if I gotta sit on you, I gotta. (THUMP) (RELIEVED VOICE) I got her, Doc. DOC: Hold her here. MONK: Where you goin'? DOC: To have a look at that house. There's just a chance the story about the lawyer, the photographs and the dark man with the knife might have been true. I'm going to make sure. BALLARD: I'll save you the trouble. Put your hands up! MONK: Well, for-- BALLARD: Grab the stars, both of you mugs! MONK: Ballard! BALLARD: Yeah Ballard. Stand still, monkey face! I'd love to pay you back for the pasting you handed me in the street. DOC: So the girl was lying. BALLARD: She was doing her part. DOC: The idea being to get-- BALLARD: To get the radium. You said it. MONK: But you work at the hospital-- BALLARD: Sure. Been there almost a year, monkey face. Just waiting for my chance. Back up, you two. DOC: What-- BALLARD: Dry up, Savage! Head for the house. The girl was gonna take you there and hold your attention while I came up behind. But you saw through the scheme. Get a move on. BIZ: (FOOTSTEPS) CLAIRE: I'll open the door. BALLARD: Do that, honey. Here's an extra flashlight. BIZ: (DOOR OPEN, PAUSE, CLOSE) MONK: Hey, there ain't no furniture in this joint. BALLARD: Sure. Just an empty house, monkey face. MONK: Say, lay off callin' me that, or I'll-- BALLARD: You'll what? MONK: (PAUSE) Never mind. BALLARD: Maybe this'll teach you to keep that baboon mouth shut! BIZ: (BLOW) MONK: (GROANS) Oh-h-h, why you--gun or no gun-- DOC: (INTERRUPTS) Monk! Monk! He'll shoot you. Keep your head. MONK: Guess you're right, Doc. BALLARD: You bet I'll shoot him, Savage. Hand over that radium. DOC: It's in my pocket. BALLARD: Hand it over, I said. I ain't takin' chances on getting close to you. DOC: (PAUSE) Here it is. BALLARD: Hot dog! CLAIRE: Did you get it, Augie? BALLARD: Sure did, hon. Now, you get that wire clothesline we found in the back room. CLAIRE: Will I! BIZ: (FOOTSTEPS GO AWAY) (PAUSE) (FOOTSTEPS COME BACK) CLAIRE: Here it is. BALLARD: Tie them. CLAIRE: With the greatest of pleasure. BALLARD: Be careful with Savage. They say he's stronger than a dozen ordinary men. CLAIRE: He'll have to be two dozen to get out of this wire. (PAUSE)... All right. Now for monkey face. MONK: Now listen, I don't like to be called-- CLAIRE: Shut up, or I'll tie this wire around your neck. BIZ: (PAUSE DURING WHICH GROANS AND GRUNTS HEARD) BALLARD: Got 'em tied. CLAIRE: Have I? Say, if they get out of this-- BALLARD: All right, all right. Gag them. CLAIRE: What'll I use? BALLARD: Stuff their handkerchiefs in their mouths. Tie 'em there. CLAIRE: Okay. I'll take monkey face first. Say Ah-h-h, monkey face. MONK: Now listen, I told you-- (INCOHERENT SOUND AS GAG IS FORCED IN) (PAUSE) CLAIRE: Say something, monkey face. MONK: (NASAL NOISE) Uh-h-h-h-h! Uh-h-h-h-h-h-h-h! CLAIRE: Swell. Now for Savage. BALLARD: Be careful, kid. CLAIRE: Don't worry. EFFECT: (PAUSE) BALLARD: You got him gagged! CLAIRE: Yes. Only thing he can do now is sound like a buzz saw. BALLARD: Come on. There's an old table in the other room. We'll take a look at this case. Boy, oh boy--a quarter of a million in radium. Think of it, kid. CLAIRE: I have been--for a long time. But what about these two? BALLARD: Savage and his man-monkey pal? We'll have to get rid of them, of course. CLAIRE: You mean-- BALLARD: Croak them. CLAIRE: I don't like that. BALLARD: We'll talk about it later. Let's look at the radium, kid. Come on into the other room. BIZ: (DOOR SLAM) (RATHER LONG PAUSE) CLAIRE: (SCREAMS) Oh-h-h! BIZ: (TWO DISTANT THUMPS) (LONG PAUSE) MONK: (INCOHERENT NASAL WHIZZING NOISE) Uh-h-h-h-h! EFFECT: (PAUSE) MONK: Uh-h-h-h-h-h-h! EFFECT: (PAUSE) DOC: (CLEARS THROAT) Finally got that gag out. MONK: Uh-h-h-h-h! DOC: Hold still, Monk. I'll untie the knot of your gag with my teeth. MONK: Uh-h-h-h-h! EFFECT: (PAUSE) DOC: There... it's out. MONK: Doc, what happened in the other room? The girl screamed. DOC: Let's see if we can untie each other. MONK: Okay, Doc. Say, that thing in the other room gets me. After the girl screamed, it sounded like they both fell over, or something. DOC: Think I can finish my knots, Monk... Yes, they're loose. Now, I'll get yours. EFFECT: (PAUSE) MONK: I'm all right. DOC: Got your ankles free? MONK: Yeah. DOC: Let's go into the other room. BIZ: (DOOR SLAM) MONK: Good night, Doc! They're both dead! DOC: Not dead, Monk. They're just unconscious. MONK: But what laid 'em out' Doc? DOC: The case which supposedly held the radium. MONK: Supposedly! What do you mean? DOC: The case actually held a subtle and very powerful anesthetic gas which brought quick unconsciousness when they opened the container. The gas is gone by now. MONK: Hm-m-m. I'll look 'em over. (PAUSE)... Yeah they're just unconscious. Say, where is the radium, anyway? DOC: In the hospital safe. MONK: Safe... you mean... locked up? DOC: Exactly. MONK: But I thought DOC: You thought we came to the hospital tonight to borrow their radium supply... but we did not come for any such purpose. MONK: For cryin' out loud! DOC: This fellow Ballard has been keeping an eye on the radium for some time and the hospital authorities noticed it and became suspicious. They called me in. He cooked up this little trap for Ballard. We couldn't afford to wait until we were sure he was a thief. MONK: But Doc, you didn't tell me about this, earlier. DOC: Monk, you're one swell guy, but you're also a bum actor. MONK: Yeah. (LAUGHS) Ha, ha! I guess youÕre right at that. When I do things, I don't pretend. For example, take what I'm gonna do to this mug Ballard when he wakes up. DOC: Don't hurt him. MONK: I won't much! But he's gonna think twice before he calls the next guy monkey-face. ANNOUNCER: Cystex brings you these episodes from the life of Doc Savage with the special permission of Street & Smith, copyright owners of Doc Savage Magazine. Tune in next week at this time for the next thrilling Doc Savage drama.