Amos' Wedding Wed. Dec. 25th, 1935. "AMOS AND ANDY" by Correll & Gosden Episode No. 2225 The following conversation between Amos and Andy took place in the little room near the altar, but was not broadcast. Amos---De only thing now, Andy, is de ring. Don't lose it--please. Andy---(nervous) Whut did I do wid it? Amos---Yo' got it in yo' left vest pocket dere. Andy---I betteh put it in my right vest pocket. Amos---Well, just remember where yo' put it, will yo'? I'se so nervous I don't know whut to do. Andy---I'se standin' up heah shakin' like a leaf. Whut do we do next? Amos---We do just like de REhearsal was---soon as we hear de organ start playin' de Weddin' March, we go out dis door, an' walk up to de altar. Andy---I'se so nervous, I don't think I kin make it--- anybody would think I was gittin' married. Amos---Yo' know Andy, I done had a lot o' things happen to me in my life, but I never thought dat I'd be lucky enough to have a thing like dis happen to me. I'se so happy I can't he'p but cry. Andy---Did I give you de ring? Amos---No, yo' got it in yo' pocket dere somewhere. Andy---Oh, me. Dis job o' bein' de best man is worse dan bein' de groom. Amos---Stick wid me now, Andy--I'se nervous myself. Andy---Son, lemme put my hand 'round your shouldeh. I wanna tell yo' dat I know whut all dis means to you, an' I want you to know dat I'se happy cause I know you is happy. Amos---Thank yo' Andy. An' after me an' Ruby is married, me an' you will still be de same good friends, an' we'll always be as close to each other as we'se ever been. Andy---I know it, Amos. Amos---(excited) Wait a minute, I hear de music. (Open- ing door to church) Come on! Andy---(nervous) Wait a minute---WHERE'S DE RING? Amos---Come on, Andy. Come on! (BROADCAST BEGAN HERE) BILL HAY: Tonight the wedding of Ruby Taylor and Amos Jones is taking place. They have selected December the 25th, Christmas night, as their wedding day. The scene is in a small church in Harlem. The hour of the wedding is almost here. The church is beautifully decorated with flowers and ferns, and the guests have all arrived. In the very front row we find the Kingfish and his wife seated next to Brother Crawford and his wife. In a little room just to the left of the altar, Amos and his best man, Andy, are nervously awaiting the strains of the wedding march. In the rear of the church, Ruby Taylor, her father, Madame Queen, her matron of honor, are also waiting to start their march to the altar. As the scene opens now we find the crowded church very excited just before the ceremonies start. Here they are:-- (Mumbling of voices) (Organ music starts introduction of "I Love You Truly") (At start of organ music, voices fade out) (Quartette sings "I Love You Truly) (At finish of song, organ modulates immediately into "Lohengrin's Wedding March") Kingfish---(soft) Look Brother Crawford, dere comes Amos an' Andy out de door over dere on de right. Bro. Crawford---And here comes Ruby down the aisle look- ing sweeter than I've ever seen her be- fore. Mrs. Crawford---Shut up. Bro. Crawford---Yes, dear. (Pause) Kingfish---(very soft) Andy is shakin' more dan Amos. (Organ stops after once through) Preacher---We are here gathered to unite this man and this woman in marriage, which is an institu- tion ordained of nature in the very laws of our being for the happiness and welfare of mankind. To be true, this outward ceremony must be but a symbol of that which is inner and real. Marriage is not meant for happi- ness alone, but for the discipline and devel- opment of character. To this end there must be a consecration of each to the other, and of both to the noblest purposes of life. If there be any here present who knows any just cause why they may not lawfully be joined in marriage, I require him now to make it known, or ever after to hold his peace. (Three-second pause) Preacher---(continues) Will you, Amos, take this woman, Ruby, to be your wedded wife, to live to- gether after the ordinance of marriage? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, in prosperity and adversity, so long as you both shall live? Amos-------I will. Preacher---Will you, Ruby, take this man, Amos, to be your wedded huband, to live together after the ordinance of marriage? Will you love him, comfort him, honor him, and keep him in sickness and in health, in prosperity and adversity so long as you both shall live? Ruby-------I will. Preacher---Who giveth this woman to be married to this man? Ruby's Father---I do. Preacher---What pledge do you offer that you will ful- fill these vows? (softly to Amos) The ring. Amos-------(to Andy) (soft) Andy, gimme de ring. Andy-------Yeh---(nervous) Wait a minute---I had it in heah---oh, heah 'tis. Preacher---What pledge do you offer that you will ful- fill these vows? Amos-------(to Preacher) Dis ring. Preacher---Do you, Ruby, accept this token of the same? Ruby-------I do. Preacher---You will then, Amos, place it on the fourth finger of the left hand. You will now join right hands. These two persons having solemnly promised to live together in mar- riage according to the laws of the land, and having declared the same by joining their right hands, and by the giving and receiving of the marriage ring, I, by virtue of author- ity vested in me by the State, and in the name of our Father in Heaven, pronounce them husband and wife. And whom Love hath joined together let no man put asunder. (To Amos and Ruby, soft) Will you please kneel? Preacher---Let us pray. Our Heavenly Father, who hath put it into the hearts of these Thy servants to live together in holy wedlock, grant unto them, we pray, Thy continual protection and defense. Help them to fulfill their solemn vows, and to live together in holiness, in mutual love, and in the ways of Thy command- ments. Bless them, we beseech Thee, that not in word only, or in outward form, they may be united, but by Thy presence in their hearts they may be made one spirit in Thee. Amen. (To Ruby and Amos softly) Please stand. Preacher---And so, my children, you have been united in Holy Matrimony on Christmas Day in this Holy Temple. Here before your friends you have each taken your vow. May the gates of Happi- ness open wide before you both, and may the path of love await you wherever you may go. Remember that love turns all thorns into roses, and you will find that every cloud will reveal the splendor of Heaven. May your days be long and full of beauty, and may your strength be sufficient for your tasks. And my children, may love guard you without and within from this sacred day forth forever- more. Amen. Preacher---You may kiss the bride. Amos-------(soft) Thank yo' sir. Come heah darlin'. (Mumbling starts) Andy-------Git away from dere Amos---don't take all night---yo' know, I kisses her next. (Mumbling louder) (Organ music starts with mumbling in back- ground) (All fade out) BILL HAY: Speaking for those who may be listening, Amos, may I congratulate you? And to you Ruby, may I wish happiness? (Organ music plays Christmas carols.)