28/02/29 First Episode 34/09/26 34/10/06 35/05/11 36/10/03 * 37/06/05 The Script Was Re-used on the Program 37/06/26 42/12/28 43/11/11 * 45/12/28 A 'Friendly' Visit from Hiram Nebel 46/01/13 * 46/03/31 Riz Biscuits * 46/04/14 Mr Abbott Has Died * 46/04/21 Grampa Is Too Ill * 46/04/28 Herbie Is Playing Hookie 46/04/28 Herbie Is Playing Hookie, and Hiram * 46/05/04 Charlie Has Died 46/06/16 Last Episode * xx/xx/xx Grand Sir * xx/xx/xx Truant Officer