* 51/xx/xx 93 Alan Ladd * 51/xx/xx 94 The Body Builder * 51/xx/xx 95 Ruth Hussey * 51/xx/xx 96 Hollywood Kids In The Chips * 51/xx/xx 97 Irene Dunne as Queen Victoria * 51/xx/xx 98 Danny Thomas * 51/xx/xx 99 Middle-Aged New Stars * 51/xx/xx 100 The Tough Life * 51/xx/xx 101 The High Cost Of Living--1910 * 51/xx/xx 102 Rhonda Fleming's Introduction To Movies * 51/xx/xx 103 How Faith Domergue Was Discovered * 51/xx/xx 104 Type-Casting...Good and Bad * 51/xx/xx 105 Unknown Singers * 51/xx/xx 106 Unusual Occupations * 51/xx/xx 107 The Thelma Ritter Story * 51/xx/xx 108 Studio Club For Cats * 51/xx/xx 109 Mexicans Aren't Villains * 51/xx/xx 110 Picture Making In Blighty * 51/xx/xx 111 Boy Meets Girl...and How * 51/xx/xx 112 Hindustani Spoken Here * 51/xx/xx 113 The Face On The Cutting Room Floor * 51/xx/xx 114 Lid Flippers, Sand Dabblers, etc * 51/xx/xx 115 Rules For Fishing * 51/xx/xx 116 Background For Comedy * 51/xx/xx 117 Making Love Movie Style...It's Fun * 51/xx/xx 118 Movie Fan...Van Heflin * 51/xx/xx 119 George Fisher...Casting Director! * 51/xx/xx 120 Little Theatre...Good Or Bad? * 51/xx/xx 121 House Remodeled...Every Week * 51/xx/xx 122 Couples Should Separate...Occasionally * 51/xx/xx 123 No Personal Life * 51/xx/xx 124 Red Skelton...Natural Comic * 51/xx/xx 129 The Vanishing Actors * 51/xx/xx 130 Movie's Man Of The Year * 51/xx/xx 131 Liz Taylor Grows Up * 51/xx/xx 132 The Poor Publicity Praisers * 51/xx/xx 133 Touring The Studios * 51/xx/xx 134 A Practical Movie Star * 51/xx/xx 135 Going Hollywood * 51/xx/xx 136 The Glamorous Grandmother * 51/xx/xx 137 The Movies' Greatest Battle * 51/xx/xx 138 You've Got To Be Lucky * 51/xx/xx 139 A Comic Turns Tragic * 51/xx/xx 140 Script Changes * 51/xx/xx 165 Babes From Britain * 51/xx/xx 166 Type Casting Kills Box Office * 51/xx/xx 167 Why Glamor Is Going * 51/xx/xx 168 Little Theatres Don't Help * 52/xx/xx 177 The World's Greatest Actor * 52/xx/xx 178 People In Pictures * 52/xx/xx 179 Singing Stars * 52/xx/xx 180 Portrait Of A Star