55/04/29 1 55/05/06 2 55/05/13 3 55/05/20 4 * 55/05/27 5 Lew Worsham Holes Out * 55/06/03 6 Jesse Owens And the 1936 Olympics 55/06/10 7 55/06/17 8 Jack Dempsey - Gene Tunney 'Long Count' Fight * 55/06/24 9 Joe Louis Almost Beaten by Wolcott * 55/07/01 10 Rams Vs Browns Championship of Dec 24, 1950 55/07/08 11 Wilbur Shaw & the 1927 Indy 500 race 55/07/15 12 Mickey Owens Famous Passed Ball * 55/07/22 13 Glenn Cunningham & Bill Bonthron