* 4x/xx/xx Hitler's Phone Number * 44/11/23 Who Ate the Most at the First Thanksgiving Dinner the Indians! the System Cue (or Station I D ) Has Been Deleted Albert Mitchell 14 -15 Audio Condition - Excellent * 45/05/08 Does the British 'who's Who' Still List Hitler's Telephone Number * 45/08/14 Is There Really Such a Thing as a Pair of Left-handed Scissors * 45/11/22 First Question - Do Savage Wolves Wag Their Tails * 45/11/22 How High Are Sky Writing Letters * 46/11/28 How Far Will a Grasshopper Travel in a Day * 46/11/28 How Long Did It Take the Pilgrims to Eat the First Thanksgiving Dinner * 48/09/21 How Many Hours Are There in a Year * 48/10/12 Does a Rattlesnamke Always Rattle Before It Strikes * 48/10/19 Does a Hen Lay an Egg Because She Wants to or Because She Has To * 50/05/26 How Many Steps Would You Have to Climb to Get All the Way up Inside the Statue of Liberty to Her Torch * 59/03/02 Do Men Or Women Have The Keener Touch * 59/03/04 Did The Indians Ever Fight With Their Fists * 59/03/05 What Animals Grow Smaller As They Grow Up * 59/03/06 How Thick Is The Earth's Crust * 59/03/09 What Is The Reason Birds Sing So Much * xx/xx/xx 1 What Color Was Washington's Inaugural Suit * xx/xx/xx 10 How Much Does My Skin Weigh * xx/xx/xx 11 What Is the Most Common Phobia * xx/xx/xx Skywriting