* 08/09/14 0 Kick-Off Special - Actually Broadcast 2008-09-15 * 08/09/15 1 Lost Civilisations * 08/09/16 2 Bearer of Death * 08/09/17 3 Borderlands of the Spanish Superpower * 08/09/18 4 New France Astride America's Heartland * 08/09/19 5 English Planters * 08/09/22 6 Faith and Freedom in New England * 08/09/23 7 The Middle Colonies and the Melting Pot * 08/09/24 8 Awakenings and Nightmares * 08/09/25 9 The Battle for Empire * 08/09/26 10 Taxes, Tea and Rights * 08/09/29 11 Declaring Independence * 08/09/30 12 Winning Independence * 08/10/01 13 To Form a More Perfect Union * 08/10/02 14 Making the Republic Work * 08/10/03 15 Founding a Capital * 08/10/06 16 War and Terror * 08/10/07 17 Remember the Ladies * 08/10/08 18 Jefferson's Western Empire * 08/10/09 19 Victims of Liberty * 08/10/10 20 The Second War of Independence * 08/10/13 21 For Jackson and Democracy * 08/10/14 22 A Christian Republic * 08/10/15 23 The Indian Trail of Tears * 08/10/16 24 Frontier Values * 08/10/17 25 Let Us Conquer Space * 08/10/20 26 The Arsenic of Mexico * 08/10/21 27 Gold, God and the Little Giant * 08/10/22 28 Paddies, Papists and Demon Drink * 08/10/23 29 Slaves, Masters and the Slave Power * 08/10/24 30 A House Divided * 09/01/19 31 The Ninety- Day War * 09/01/20 32 The Killers Take Command * 09/01/21 33 Forever Free * 09/01/22 34 A New Nation * 09/01/23 35 War Behind the Lines * 09/01/26 36 The Passing of the Dead * 09/01/27 37 Dead States, New Birth * 09/01/28 38 Reunion but Not Reconstruction * 09/01/29 39 New South, Old Ways * 09/01/30 40 War and Memory * 09/02/02 41 Big Business * 09/02/03 42 Made in America * 09/02/04 43 The Cities - America's Pride and Shame * 09/02/05 44 The Farmers and Workers Revolt * 09/02/06 45 Huddled Masses, Savage Hordes * 09/02/09 46 Politics and Progress * 09/02/10 47 Roosevelt and Reform * 09/02/11 48 The Taste of Empire * 09/02/12 49 The Wild West * 09/02/13 50 Fun and God * 09/02/16 51 Too Proud to Fight * 09/02/17 52 A World Safe for Democracy * 09/02/18 53 The Lost Peace * 09/02/19 54 100 Percent American * 09/02/20 55 The Jazz Age Hits Main Street * 09/02/23 56 From Boom to Bust * 09/02/24 57 New Deal * 09/02/25 58 A War for the Survival of Democracy * 09/02/26 59 Floundering into War * 09/02/27 60 A Hell of a War * 09/06/01 61 Red or Dead * 09/06/02 62 A World Half- Slave, Half- Free * 09/06/03 63 The Suburban Republic * 09/06/04 64 Korea - the Cold War Turns Hot * 09/06/05 65 Defended to Death * 09/06/08 66 The Back of the Bus * 09/06/09 67 And We Shall Overcome * 09/06/10 68 Black Power * 09/06/11 69 Women's Liberation * 09/06/12 70 War on Poverty * 09/06/15 71 Cuba - That Four Letter Word * 09/06/16 72 Vietnam - the Battleground of Freedom * 09/06/17 73 1968 - Paralysis of a President * 09/06/18 74 Vietnam - Peace with Honour * 09/06/19 75 Watergate and the Imperial Presidency * 09/06/22 76 America in Retreat * 09/06/23 77 A Constitutional Abortion * 09/06/24 78 The Silent Majority Finds Its Voice * 09/06/25 79 Putting God Back into Politics * 09/06/26 80 Keeping Faith * 09/06/29 81 The Acting President * 09/06/30 82 Reagan and the Evil Empire * 09/07/01 83 The Information Revolution * 09/07/02 84 Tear Down This Wall * 09/07/03 85 A New World Order * 09/07/06 86 Sole Superpower, Edgy Americans * 09/07/07 87 Multiculturalism or Disintegration * 09/07/08 88 America Is Under Attack * 09/07/09 89 Iraq and the Axis of Evil * 09/07/10 90 To Shape an Uncertain Destiny