33/01/31 1 Ezra Holten Nearly Loses A Claim (Log originally created by Terry Salmonson) 33/02/02 2 Jeb Is Framed For Murder Charges 33/02/04 3 The Building Of A Church 33/02/07 4 Railroads Being Built 33/02/09 5 A Contract Is Made 33/02/11 6 Helping A Wronged Man 33/02/14 7 Lone Ranger Helps The Law 33/02/16 8 Jim Is Accused Of Stealing Cattle 33/02/18 9 A Forest Fire 33/02/21 10 Restoring Faith In The Law 33/02/23 11 Bad Bill And The Cactus 33/02/25 12 Tonto Is Found 33/02/28 13 Crooked Men Try To Steal A Mine 33/03/02 14 Old Prindle Loses His Land For Taxes 33/03/04 15 A Girl Is Sold To The Highest Bidder 33/03/07 16 Wheat Field Are Set On Fire 33/03/09 17 A Pony Rider Turns Crook 33/03/11 18 A Man Fights His Girlfriend's Brother 33/03/14 19 Three Men Accused Of Murder 33/03/16 20 Tavish And The Bank 33/03/18 21 A Silver Bullet Spoils A Plot 33/03/21 22 The Ten Thousand Dollar Note 33/03/23 23 A Soldier Teaches His Son The Bayonet 33/03/25 24 A Woman Cattle Rancher 33/03/28 25 Purchased Votes 33/03/30 26 A Man Accused Of Murder 33/04/01 27 Worthless Land Is Bought For Gold Mining 33/04/04 28 The Hanford-Beebe Fued 33/04/06 29 The Community Meeting 33/04/08 30 Man Accused Of Thievery 33/04/11 31 The Cork Leg 33/04/13 32 The Red Berries 33/04/15 33 The Snakes Mark 33/04/18 34 33/04/20 35 33/04/22 36 33/04/25 37 33/04/27 38 33/04/29 39 33/05/02 40 33/05/04 41 33/05/06 42 33/05/09 43 33/05/11 44 33/05/13 45 33/05/16 46 33/05/18 47 33/05/20 48 33/05/23 49 33/05/25 50 33/05/27 51 33/05/30 52 33/06/01 53 33/06/03 54 33/06/06 55 33/06/08 56 33/06/10 57 33/06/13 58 33/06/15 59 33/06/17 60 33/06/20 61 33/06/22 62 33/06/24 63 33/06/27 64 33/06/29 65 33/07/01 66 33/07/04 67 33/07/06 68 33/07/08 69 33/07/11 70 33/07/13 71 33/07/15 72 33/07/18 73 33/07/20 74 33/07/22 75 33/07/25 76 33/07/27 77 33/07/29 78 33/08/01 79 33/08/03 80 33/08/05 81 33/08/08 82 33/08/10 83 33/08/12 84 33/08/15 85 33/08/17 86 33/08/19 87 33/08/22 88 33/08/24 89 33/08/26 90 33/08/29 91 33/08/31 92 33/09/02 93 33/09/05 94 33/09/07 95 33/09/09 96 33/09/12 97 33/09/14 98 33/09/16 99 33/09/19 100 33/09/21 101 33/09/23 102 33/09/26 103 33/09/28 104 33/09/30 105 33/10/03 106 33/10/05 107 33/10/07 108 33/10/10 109 33/10/12 110 33/10/14 111 33/10/17 112 33/10/19 113 33/10/21 114 33/10/24 115 33/10/26 116 33/10/28 117 33/10/31 118 33/11/02 119 33/11/04 120 33/11/07 121 33/11/09 122 33/11/11 123 33/11/14 124 33/11/16 125 33/11/18 126 33/11/21 127 33/11/23 128 33/11/25 129 33/11/29 130 33/12/01 131 33/12/04 132 33/12/06 133 33/12/08 134 33/12/11 135 33/12/13 136 33/12/15 137 33/12/18 138 33/12/20 139 33/12/22 140 33/12/25 141 33/12/27 142 33/12/29 143 34/01/01 144 34/01/03 145 34/01/05 146 34/01/08 147 34/01/10 148 34/01/12 149 34/01/15 150 34/01/17 151 34/01/19 152 34/01/22 153 34/01/24 154 34/01/26 155 34/01/29 156 34/01/31 157 34/02/02 158 34/02/05 159 34/02/07 160 34/02/09 161 34/02/12 162 34/02/14 163 34/02/16 164 34/02/19 165 34/02/21 166 34/02/23 167 34/02/26 168 34/02/28 169 34/03/02 170 34/03/05 171 34/03/07 172 34/03/09 173 34/03/12 174 34/03/14 175 34/03/16 176 34/03/19 177 34/03/21 178 34/03/23 179 34/03/26 180 34/03/28 181 34/03/30 182 34/04/02 183 34/04/04 184 34/04/06 185 34/04/09 186 34/04/11 187 34/04/13 188 34/04/16 189 34/04/18 190 34/04/20 191 34/04/23 192 34/04/25 193 34/04/27 194 34/04/30 195 34/05/02 196 34/05/04 197 34/05/07 198 34/05/09 199 34/05/11 200 34/05/14 201 34/05/16 202 34/05/18 203 34/05/21 204 34/05/23 205 34/05/25 206 34/05/28 207 34/05/30 208 34/06/01 209 34/06/04 210 34/06/06 211 34/06/08 212 34/06/11 213 34/06/13 214 34/06/15 215 34/06/18 216 34/06/20 217 34/06/22 218 34/06/25 219 34/06/27 220 34/06/29 221 34/07/02 222 34/07/04 223 34/07/06 224 34/07/09 225 34/07/11 226 34/07/13 227 34/07/16 228 34/07/18 229 34/07/20 230 34/07/23 231 34/07/25 232 34/07/27 233 34/07/30 234 34/08/01 235 34/08/03 236 34/08/06 237 34/08/08 238 34/08/10 239 34/08/13 240 34/08/15 241 34/08/17 242 34/08/20 243 34/08/22 244 34/08/24 245 34/08/27 246 34/08/29 247 34/08/31 248 34/09/03 249 34/09/05 250 34/09/07 251 34/09/10 252 34/09/12 253 34/09/14 254 34/09/17 255 34/09/19 256 34/09/21 257 34/09/24 258 34/09/26 259 34/09/28 260 34/10/01 261 34/10/03 262 34/10/05 263 34/10/08 264 34/10/10 265 34/10/12 266 34/10/15 267 34/10/17 268 34/10/19 269 34/10/22 270 34/10/24 271 34/10/26 272 34/10/29 273 34/10/31 274 34/11/02 275 34/11/05 276 34/11/07 277 34/11/09 278 34/11/12 279 34/11/14 280 34/11/16 281 34/11/19 282 34/11/21 283 34/11/23 284 34/11/26 285 34/11/28 286 34/11/30 286 34/12/03 287 34/12/05 288 34/12/07 289 34/12/10 290 34/12/12 291 34/12/14 292 34/12/17 293 34/12/19 294 34/12/21 295 34/12/24 296 34/12/26 297 34/12/28 298 34/12/31 299 35/01/02 300 35/01/04 301 35/01/07 302 35/01/09 303 35/01/11 304 35/01/14 305 35/01/16 306 35/01/18 307 35/01/21 308 35/01/23 309 35/01/25 310 35/01/28 311 35/01/30 312 35/02/01 313 35/02/04 314 35/02/06 315 35/02/08 316 35/02/11 317 35/02/13 318 35/02/15 319 35/02/18 320 35/02/20 321 35/02/22 322 35/02/25 323 35/02/27 324 35/03/01 325 35/03/04 326 35/03/06 327 35/03/08 328 35/03/11 329 35/03/13 330 35/03/15 331 35/03/18 332 35/03/20 333 35/03/22 334 35/03/25 335 35/03/27 336 35/03/29 337 35/04/01 338 35/04/03 339 35/04/05 340 35/04/08 341 35/04/10 342 35/04/12 343 35/04/15 344 35/04/17 345 35/04/19 346 35/04/22 347 35/04/24 348 35/04/26 349 35/04/29 350 35/05/01 351 35/05/03 352 35/05/06 353 35/05/08 354 35/05/10 355 35/05/13 356 35/05/15 357 35/05/17 358 35/05/20 359 35/05/22 360 35/05/24 361 35/05/27 362 35/05/29 363 35/05/31 364 35/06/03 365 35/06/05 366 35/06/07 367 35/06/10 368 35/06/12 369 35/06/14 370 35/06/17 371 35/06/19 372 35/06/21 373 35/06/24 374 35/06/26 375 35/06/28 376 35/07/01 377 35/07/03 378 35/07/05 379 35/07/08 380 35/07/10 381 35/07/12 382 35/07/15 383 35/07/17 384 35/07/19 385 35/07/22 386 35/07/24 387 35/07/26 388 35/07/29 389 35/07/31 390 35/08/02 391 35/08/05 392 35/08/07 393 35/08/09 394 35/08/12 395 35/08/14 396 35/08/16 397 35/08/19 398 35/08/21 399 35/08/23 400 35/08/26 401 35/08/28 402 35/08/30 403 35/09/02 404 35/09/04 405 35/09/06 406 35/09/09 407 35/09/11 408 35/09/13 409 35/09/16 410 35/09/18 411 35/09/20 412 35/09/23 413 35/09/25 414 35/09/27 415 35/09/30 416 35/10/02 417 35/10/04 418 35/10/07 419 35/10/09 420 35/10/11 421 35/10/14 422 35/10/16 423 35/10/18 424 35/10/21 425 35/10/23 426 35/10/25 427 35/10/28 428 35/10/30 429 35/11/01 430 35/11/04 431 35/11/06 432 35/11/08 433 35/11/11 434 35/11/13 435 35/11/15 436 35/11/18 437 35/11/20 438 35/11/22 439 35/11/25 440 35/11/27 441 35/11/29 442 35/12/02 443 35/12/04 444 35/12/06 445 35/12/09 446 35/12/11 447 35/12/13 448 35/12/16 449 35/12/18 450 35/12/20 451 35/12/23 452 35/12/25 453 35/12/27 454 35/12/30 455 36/01/01 456 36/01/03 457 36/01/06 458 36/01/08 459 36/01/10 460 36/01/13 461 36/01/15 462 36/01/17 463 36/01/20 464 36/01/22 465 36/01/24 466 36/01/27 467 36/01/29 468 36/01/31 469 36/02/03 470 36/02/05 471 36/02/07 472 36/02/10 473 36/02/12 474 36/02/14 475 36/02/17 476 36/02/19 477 36/02/21 478 36/02/24 479 36/02/26 480 36/02/28 481 36/03/02 482 36/03/04 483 36/03/06 484 36/03/09 485 36/03/11 486 36/03/13 487 36/03/16 488 36/03/18 489 36/03/20 490 36/03/23 491 36/03/25 492 36/03/27 493 36/03/30 494 36/04/01 495 36/04/03 496 36/04/06 497 36/04/08 498 36/04/10 499 36/04/13 500 36/04/15 501 36/04/17 502 36/04/20 503 36/04/22 504 36/04/24 505 36/04/27 506 36/04/29 507 36/05/01 508 36/05/04 509 36/05/06 510 36/05/08 511 36/05/11 512 36/05/13 513 36/05/15 514 36/05/18 515 36/05/20 516 36/05/22 517 36/05/25 518 36/05/27 519 36/05/29 520 36/06/01 521 36/06/03 522 36/06/05 523 36/06/08 524 36/06/10 525 36/06/12 526 36/06/15 527 36/06/17 528 36/06/19 529 36/06/22 530 36/06/24 531 36/06/26 532 36/06/29 533 36/07/01 534 36/07/03 535 36/07/06 536 36/07/08 537 36/07/10 538 36/07/13 539 36/07/15 540 36/07/17 541 36/07/20 542 36/07/22 543 36/07/24 544 36/07/27 545 36/07/29 546 36/07/31 547 36/08/03 548 36/08/05 549 36/08/07 550 36/08/10 551 36/08/12 552 36/08/14 553 36/08/17 554 36/08/19 555 36/08/21 556 36/08/24 557 36/08/26 558 36/08/28 559 36/08/31 560 36/09/02 561 36/09/04 562 36/09/07 563 36/09/09 564 36/09/11 565 36/09/14 566 36/09/16 567 36/09/18 568 36/09/21 569 36/09/23 570 36/09/25 571 36/09/28 572 36/09/30 573 36/10/02 574 36/10/05 575 36/10/07 576 36/10/09 577 36/10/12 578 36/10/14 579 36/10/16 580 36/10/19 581 36/10/21 582 36/10/23 583 36/10/26 584 36/10/28 585 36/10/30 586 36/11/02 587 36/11/04 588 36/11/06 589 36/11/09 590 36/11/11 591 36/11/13 592 36/11/16 593 36/11/18 594 36/11/20 595 36/11/23 596 36/11/25 597 36/11/27 598 36/11/30 599 36/12/02 600 36/12/04 601 36/12/07 602 36/12/09 603 36/12/11 604 36/12/14 605 36/12/16 606 36/12/18 607 36/12/21 608 36/12/23 609 36/12/25 610 36/12/28 611 36/12/30 612 37/01/01 613 37/01/04 614 37/01/06 615 37/01/08 616 37/01/11 617 37/01/13 618 37/01/15 619 37/01/18 620 37/01/20 621 37/01/22 622 37/01/25 623 37/01/27 624 37/01/29 625 37/02/01 626 37/02/03 627 37/02/05 628 37/02/08 629 37/02/10 630 37/02/12 631 37/02/15 632 37/02/17 633 37/02/22 635 37/02/24 636 37/02/26 637 37/03/01 638 37/03/03 639 37/03/05 640 37/03/08 641 37/03/10 642 37/03/12 643 37/03/15 644 37/03/17 645 37/03/19 646 37/03/22 647 37/03/24 648 37/03/26 649 37/03/29 650 37/03/31 651 37/04/02 652 37/04/05 653 37/04/07 654 37/04/09 655 37/04/12 656 37/04/14 657 37/04/16 658 37/04/19 659 37/04/21 660 37/04/23 661 37/04/26 662 37/04/28 663 37/04/30 664 37/05/03 665 37/05/05 666 37/05/07 667 37/05/10 668 37/05/12 669 37/05/14 670 37/05/17 671 37/05/19 672 37/05/21 673 37/05/24 674 37/05/26 675 37/05/28 676 37/05/31 677 37/06/02 678 37/06/04 679 37/06/07 680 37/06/09 681 37/06/11 682 37/06/14 683 37/06/16 684 37/06/18 685 37/06/21 686 37/06/23 687 37/06/25 688 37/06/28 689 37/06/30 690 37/07/02 691 37/07/05 692 37/07/07 693 37/07/09 694 37/07/12 695 37/07/14 696 37/07/16 697 37/07/19 698 37/07/21 699 37/07/23 700 37/07/26 701 37/07/28 702 37/07/30 703 37/08/02 704 37/08/04 705 37/08/06 706 37/08/09 707 37/08/11 708 37/08/13 709 37/08/16 710 37/08/18 711 37/08/20 712 37/08/23 713 37/08/25 714 37/08/27 715 37/08/30 716 37/09/01 717 37/09/03 718 37/09/06 719 37/09/08 720 37/09/10 721 37/09/13 722 37/09/15 723 37/09/17 724 37/09/20 725 37/09/22 726 37/09/24 727 37/09/27 728 37/09/29 729 37/10/01 730 37/10/04 731 37/10/06 732 37/10/08 733 37/10/11 734 37/10/13 735 37/10/15 736 37/10/18 737 37/10/20 738 37/10/22 739 37/10/25 740 37/10/27 741 37/10/29 742 37/11/01 743 37/11/03 744 37/11/05 745 37/11/08 746 37/11/10 747 37/11/12 748 37/11/15 749 37/11/17 750 37/11/19 751 37/11/22 752 37/11/24 753 37/11/26 754 37/11/29 755 37/12/01 756 37/12/03 757 37/12/06 758 37/12/08 759 37/12/10 760 37/12/13 761 37/12/15 762 37/12/17 763 37/12/20 764 37/12/22 765 37/12/24 766 37/12/27 767 37/12/29 768 37/12/31 769 38/01/03 770 38/01/05 771 38/01/07 772 38/01/10 773 38/01/12 774 38/01/14 775 38/01/17 776 * 38/01/19 777 Crooked Banker and Sheriff * 38/01/21 778 Frameup for Profit * 38/01/24 779 Silver Mine Surprise 38/01/26 780 We Better Leave Mail (Op Line) 38/01/28 781 * 38/01/31 782 Horse Thieves Steal Silver aka Abilene Horse Thieves 38/02/02 783 38/02/04 784 Must Make You Feel Sort Of (Op Line) * 38/02/07 785 Contraband Liquor * 38/02/09 786 The Kansas Kid and the Stagecoach Murders 38/02/11 787 Jimmy Loomis Pardon 38/02/14 788 That's It Boys, Git The Cattle (Op Line) 38/02/16 789 Come On Barkeep, Fill My (Op Line) * 38/02/18 790 Panamint Nash * 38/02/21 791 Jim Flood's Mine * 38/02/23 792 The Missing Letter 38/02/25 793 38/02/28 794 * 38/03/02 795 The Apache Kid 38/03/04 796 * 38/03/07 797 Jim Murdock's Mine 38/03/09 798 * 38/03/11 799 Andy Beechum, Prospector * 38/03/14 800 Homesteader Jeb Martin * 38/03/16 801 Amos Franklyn, Sheepherder * 38/03/18 802 Jed Garrett Tries To Clean Up Town * 38/03/21 803 Pitfall Trap * 38/03/23 804 Coming of Age * 38/03/25 805 Revenge for Mendoza * 38/03/28 806 Faked Bank Robbery * 38/03/30 807 Night Stage to Dalton 38/04/01 808 * 38/04/04 809 * 38/04/06 810 The Red Part 1 aka Tonto Accused 38/04/08 811 * 38/04/11 812 The Raiders * 38/04/13 813 Reward Money 38/04/15 814 * 38/04/18 815 King of the Country * 38/04/20 816 The Price of Wool * 38/04/22 817 Murder of Pony Express Rider * 38/04/25 818 A Toll in Cattle * 38/04/27 819 Trap for a Gambler * 38/04/29 820 Train Wreck Plot * 38/05/02 821 Mine Claim Scheme * 38/05/04 822 Bart Colt Gang * 38/05/06 823 Kidnapped Boy * 38/05/09 824 Ammunition for the Indians * 38/05/11 825 Framed for Murder * 38/05/13 826 New Fangled Justice * 38/05/16 827 No Worse Enemy * 38/05/18 828 The Man Least Suspected * 38/05/20 829 Confederate Money * 38/05/23 830 Cottonwood Dam * 38/05/25 831 The Word of a Soldier * 38/05/27 832 Border Rustlers * 38/05/30 833 The Rosalinda Mine * 38/06/01 834 Oil Lease Swindle * 38/06/03 835 A Woman in Hacksaw * 38/06/06 836 The Silver Spur * 38/06/08 837 The Ranger Impersonates * 38/06/10 838 The Clue of the Lazy Y * 38/06/13 839 Snake Oil * 38/06/15 840 The Banker Reforms * 38/06/17 841 Gunning for the Sheriff * 38/06/20 842 Food For Valley Center 38/06/22 843 * 38/06/24 844 Lone Ranger: Thief * 38/06/27 845 A Deal For Soldiers * 38/06/29 846 Three Against Geronimo * 38/07/01 847 The Secret Land * 38/07/04 848 When the Blind See 38/07/06 849 * 38/07/08 850 Half a Claim * 38/07/11 851 The Wrong Pete Lorenzo * 38/07/13 852 Signed Confession * 38/07/15 853 The Horse with the Cross- J Brand * 38/07/18 854 The Crawford Sisters * 38/07/20 855 The Town With No Guns * 38/07/22 856 Mortgage on Wheat * 38/07/25 857 Branded a Coward * 38/07/27 858 The Package * 38/07/29 859 Women of the Wagon Train * 38/08/01 860 Blame the Lone Ranger * 38/08/03 861 Guilty Knowledge * 38/08/05 862 Four Day Ride * 38/08/08 863 Conspiracy for Revenge * 38/08/10 864 The Incriminating Letter * 38/08/12 865 The Treasure Trove Mine * 38/08/15 866 Red Stevens Held for Ransom * 38/08/17 867 Election at Buffalo Point * 38/08/19 868 Crooked Sheriff * 38/08/22 869 Medicine Man's Treachery * 38/08/24 870 Siege of Fort Mason * 38/08/26 871 Jailed for Rustling * 38/08/29 872 Stolen Diamond * 38/08/31 873 Land for the Railroad * 38/09/02 874 Border Dope Smuggling * 38/09/05 875 Forgotten Laws * 38/09/07 876 The Little Red Schoolhouse * 38/09/09 877 Caught Red- Handed * 38/09/12 878 Reward Notice * 38/09/14 879 Water Rights * 38/09/16 880 The Trust of Barnaby * 38/09/19 881 A Bullet For Tonto * 38/09/21 882 Bad Water * 38/09/23 883 Moccasin Prints * 38/09/26 884 Gold Mine Boundary * 38/09/28 885 Mortgage Payment Due * 38/09/30 886 Trouble at Fort Gardner * 38/10/03 887 A Second Chance * 38/10/05 888 Water For Cows and Sheep * 38/10/07 889 Red Barber Helps the Lampsons * 38/10/10 890 Canyon of Danger * 38/10/12 891 Wagon Train Survivor * 38/10/14 892 Andy's Mule 38/10/17 893 * 38/10/19 894 A False Story * 38/10/21 895 Children of the West * 38/10/23 896 Indian Agent Kidnapped * 38/10/26 897 The Deserter * 38/10/28 898 A Nester Accused * 38/10/31 899 Hard of Hearing 38/11/02 900 Stolen Cattle * 38/11/04 901 Railroad Bridge * 38/11/07 902 Trouble at the Cooley Ranch * 38/11/09 903 Sheriff Vic * 38/11/11 904 The Vigilantes * 38/11/14 905 Deputy To Be * 38/11/16 906 A Spaniard’s Pride * 38/11/18 907 Campaign of Unrest * 38/11/21 908 The Blue Star Mine * 38/11/23 909 Stage Robbery Evidence * 38/11/25 910 The Hawk * 38/11/28 911 Almost A Man 38/11/30 912 38/12/02 913 Wagon Train Guide * 38/12/05 914 Arizona Pete Jumps A Claim * 38/12/07 915 The Origin Of Tonto * 38/12/09 916 The Origin Of Silver * 38/12/12 917 Missing Pardon * 38/12/14 918 Rain Making Gun * 38/12/16 919 Pioneers * 38/12/19 920 Trapped Traders * 38/12/21 921 Homestead Swindle * 38/12/23 922 Three Partners * 38/12/26 923 Missouri Mike's Horse Race * 38/12/28 924 Sheep Killers * 38/12/30 925 Reluctant Horse Thief * 39/01/02 926 The False Outlaw * 39/01/04 927 Lafe Custer's Cattle * 39/01/06 928 Indian's Beef * 39/01/09 929 When An Innocent Man Looks Guilty * 39/01/11 930 The Mystery Of Apache Valley * 39/01/13 931 Swindler Claims To Be Father * 39/01/16 932 Wagon Train Escape * 39/01/18 933 Keeping Faith With General Custer * 39/01/20 934 Law Of The Custom * 39/01/23 935 Enemy Of Justice * 39/01/25 936 Indian Hostage * 39/01/27 937 Trestle Of Death * 39/01/30 938 The Making Of A Coward * 39/02/01 939 Merrick's Outlaws * 39/02/03 940 Election For Capitol * 39/02/06 941 Johnny's Gold Mine * 39/02/08 942 Texas Ranger Blackmailed * 39/02/10 943 Ministers Courage * 39/02/13 944 Black Caballero - Part 1 * 39/02/15 945 Black Caballero - Part 2 * 39/02/17 946 Black Caballero - Part 3 39/02/20 947 In The White House (Op Line) * 39/02/22 948 Mysterious Wagons * 39/02/24 949 Great Winston Repertory Company 39/02/27 950 Banker Kline * 39/03/01 951 Contraband Whiskey * 39/03/03 952 Snake River Dam * 39/03/06 953 Mistreated Boy * 39/03/08 954 Race To Cattle Market * 39/03/10 955 Trail Across The Desert * 39/03/13 956 Curiosity Traps The Killer * 39/03/15 957 False Wagon Train Guides * 39/03/17 958 Lobo Lawson's Greed * 39/03/20 959 Mustang Mag Dispossessed * 39/03/22 960 Mustang Mag's Cattle Drive * 39/03/24 961 Mustang Mag Buys Sheep * 39/03/27 962 Thad Packard's Revenge * 39/03/29 963 Wellington And Osage * 39/03/31 964 Ranger Jailed For Murder * 39/04/03 965 Arizona Plays A Part * 39/04/05 966 Trouble At Gold King Mine * 39/04/07 967 Evidence Against The Lone Ranger * 39/04/10 968 Caleb Bixby's Last Chance * 39/04/12 969 Run On The Bank * 39/04/14 970 Caleb Bixby's Mortgage * 39/04/17 971 Fight Over Government Beef Contract * 39/04/19 972 The Not-So-Crooked Election * 39/04/21 973 Thirty Day Option 39/04/24 974 39/04/26 975 Bull Kirby Promotes A Duel 39/04/28 976 39/05/01 977 * 39/05/03 978 Secret Of Aztec Cave * 39/05/05 979 Rustling At The Half Circle C 39/05/08 980 A Pony Express Rider Was Spurring His Mount (Op Line) * 39/05/10 981 False Grandson * 39/05/12 982 Bat Freeman's Supply Scheme * 39/05/15 983 Pablo And The Baby * 39/05/17 984 Fisheye Confesses * 39/05/19 985 Women For Red Fox * 39/05/22 986 Trail Of The Train Robbers * 39/05/24 987 Andy's Identity * 39/05/26 988 Mustang Mag And The Nesters * 39/05/29 989 Black Hole * 39/05/31 990 Raids Along The Border 39/06/02 991 Underground Passage * 39/06/05 992 Asa Flinder's Lesson * 39/06/07 993 Water Hole Rights * 39/06/09 994 End Of A Feud * 39/06/12 995 Amos Todd's Ring * 39/06/14 996 Pedro Accuses * 39/06/16 997 Blackmail For Marriage * 39/06/19 998 Lame Crow's Prisoner * 39/06/21 999 Plans To The Fort * 39/06/23 1000 Grogan's Outlaw Army * 39/06/26 1001 The Prodigal Brother * 39/06/28 1002 Dusk Was Falling In The Hills (Op Line) * 39/06/30 1003 The Stage Line Challenge - Part 1 * 39/07/03 1004 The Stage Line Challenge - Part 2 * 39/07/05 1005 The Stage Line Challenge - Part 3 * 39/07/07 1006 The Stage Line Challenge - Part 4 * 39/07/10 1007 The Stage Line Challenge - Part 5 * 39/07/12 1008 The Stage Line Challenge - Part 6 * 39/07/14 1009 The Stage Line Challenge - Part 7 * 39/07/17 1010 The Stage Line Challenge - Part 8 * 39/07/19 1011 Manhunt * 39/07/21 1012 The Masked Outlaw * 39/07/24 1013 Twenty-Five Years Of Hate * 39/07/26 1014 Ben Eates' Redemption * 39/07/28 1015 Trap For Three Gamblers * 39/07/31 1016 Smilin' Kid * 39/08/02 1017 Tobin Brothers 39/08/04 1018 A Doctor's Aid 39/08/07 1019 Gold In Forbidden Valley 39/08/09 1020 Pancho's Plan 39/08/11 1021 Abby's Murder Plan 39/08/14 1022 Pot Luck Potter's Mule 39/08/16 1023 Stolen Paper Money 39/08/18 1024 White Medicine Man 39/08/21 1025 Mine Blasts Bring Trouble 39/08/23 1026 Testimony 39/08/25 1027 Sheriff's Credentials * 39/08/28 1028 Arizona's Dog 39/08/30 1029 Grubstake for Ike 39/09/01 1030 Sandy's Badge 39/09/04 1031 Breed's Shirt 39/09/06 1032 Lonesome's Map 39/09/08 1033 A Letter For Gold 39/09/11 1034 Lem Tolliver's Stolen Cash Box * 39/09/13 1035 Respect For The Law 39/09/15 1036 Wagon Trail Without Guides * 39/09/18 1037 Mexico - Part 1 * 39/09/20 1038 Mexico - Part 2 * 39/09/22 1039 Mexico - Part 3 39/09/25 1040 Mustang Mag's Land Option 39/09/27 1041 Breaking Bull's Silence 39/09/29 1042 The Option Exercised 39/10/02 1043 Maybe An Outlaw 39/10/04 1044 Sheepman's At War 39/10/06 1045 Evan Stoke's Property Deal 39/10/09 1046 Mrs. Endicott's Letter 39/10/11 1047 Brother's Jealousy 39/10/13 1048 Neal Butler's Stage Ride 39/10/16 1049 Young Matt Crowley 39/10/18 1050 A Question Of Evidence * 39/10/20 1051 Rifles For Red Skins * 39/10/23 1052 Trapped By The Hawk * 39/10/25 1053 Missing : Mike Walter * 39/10/27 1054 Terror Or Reign In Salinas County * 39/10/30 1055 Billy - Part 1 * 39/11/01 1056 Billy - Part 2 * 39/11/03 1057 Billy - Part 3 * 39/11/06 1058 Brother's Love * 39/11/08 1059 Jimmy Lane's Gambling Debt * 39/11/10 1060 Killer, The Horse * 39/11/13 1061 Threat At Three Pines Ranch * 39/11/15 1062 Evils Of Tobacco * 39/11/17 1063 Dam Project At Wolf Creek * 39/11/20 1064 Thomas Christy's Wife - Part 1 * 39/11/22 1065 Thomas Christy's Wife - Part 2 * 39/11/24 1066 Thomas Christy's Wife - Part 3 * 39/11/27 1067 Water From Jones Creek * 39/11/29 1068 Rustled Indian Cattle * 39/12/01 1069 Tom McGraw’s Campaign * 39/12/04 1070 John Barton Cattle Deal * 39/12/06 1071 Stage Coach Robberies * 39/12/08 1072 Note For Horses * 39/12/11 1073 Sarah's Yates' Valley * 39/12/13 1074 Ne'er-do-Wells Return * 39/12/15 1075 Telegrams Across The Ocean * 39/12/18 1076 Brad Wallace Took The Blame * 39/12/20 1077 Snyder Strikes Back * 39/12/22 1078 Brad Confesses To A Robbery 39/12/25 1079 Special Christmas Show * 39/12/27 1080 Red Wolf's White Brother * 39/12/29 1081 Bart Frazzenton’s Daughter 40/01/01 1082 Cattle Drive To Death 40/01/03 1083 A Small Group Of Leading Citizens (Op Line) 40/01/05 1084 Amos Foley's Cattle Gang 40/01/08 1085 An Excited Crowd Had Gathered (Op Line) 40/01/10 1086 Blame For A Brother 40/01/12 1087 Ransom For A Daughter * 40/01/15 1088 Land Scrip * 40/01/17 1089 Search For The City Of Gold 40/01/19 1090 Mysterious Kidnappings 40/01/22 1091 Foiling Black Fox's Hostage Plan 40/01/24 1092 Tommy Gets A Change To Make Good 40/01/26 1093 False Witness To Murder 40/01/29 1094 Cattle Scheme 40/01/31 1095 New Men At The Bank 40/02/02 1096 Gold Psychology 40/02/05 1097 Scheme To Pay The Church Mortgage 40/02/07 1098 Guardian's Greed 40/02/09 1099 Indian Land Leases 40/02/12 1100 Outlaw Brothers 40/02/14 1101 Basis For Trust 40/02/16 1102 A Doctor Redeemed 40/02/19 1103 Menace In The Mines 40/02/21 1104 Taste Of Revenge 40/02/23 1105 Job For Flash 40/02/26 1106 A Boy, A Mine, And A Baby 40/02/28 1107 Send A Killer To Catch A Killer 40/03/01 1108 Food Of The Flood 40/03/04 1109 Two Men In A Lonely Line Cabin (Op Line) 40/03/06 1110 Too Old For A Foreman 40/03/08 1111 Lone Ranger Meets Billy The Kid 40/03/11 1112 Sheriff Baldy's Outlaw Friend 40/03/13 1113 Vance Brothers vs The Ranchers 40/03/15 1114 Mustang Mag's Timber 40/03/18 1115 Swift Eagle's Treachery * 40/03/20 1116 Willing To Fight 40/03/22 1117 Sioux Valley Trail 40/03/25 1118 Land For The Railroad 40/03/27 1119 Bart Hurley's Accusation 40/03/29 1120 Ezra Stoke's Irrigation Project 40/04/01 1121 Forged Check 40/04/03 1122 Guilt By Family Association 40/04/05 1123 Dan Brewer's Overconfidence 40/04/08 1124 The Rio Kid * 40/04/10 1125 Gold, Prospectors, Homesteaders 40/04/12 1126 Scared Of Horses 40/04/15 1127 Lone Ranger Gives An Alibi 40/04/17 1128 Bodyguard To Murder 40/04/19 1129 A Woman's Daring To Do Her Duty 40/04/22 1130 Marked Robbery Money 40/04/24 1131 Ordeal In The Desert 40/04/26 1132 Dan Riley's Last Fight 40/04/29 1133 Jason Lang's Bad Luck 40/05/01 1134 What The, Oh, It's You Pike (Op Line) 40/05/03 1135 Klein's Finish 40/05/06 1136 Money From A Dead Son 40/05/08 1137 The Snow's Getting Deeper, Tonto (Op Line) 40/05/10 1138 An Honest Man's Dilemma 40/05/13 1139 Jed Pelkey's Lost Sight 40/05/15 1140 Campaign Against Sweeney 40/05/17 1141 Tornado Justice 40/05/20 1142 Drums Of Tom Tom Valley 40/05/22 1143 You Can't Hate A Man You've Done A Favor 40/05/24 1144 Immigrant Killings 40/05/27 1145 Caught You At It (Op Line) 40/05/29 1146 Railroad Bonds 40/05/31 1147 Eureka Grove's Land Swindle 40/06/03 1148 Pablo And Maria's Rebellion 40/06/05 1149 The Ghost Of Matt Carpenter 40/06/07 1150 Bank Currency Scheme 40/06/10 1151 The Trumpet Of Victory 40/06/12 1152 Trail Ends At The Gallows 40/06/14 1153 The Man Who Would Not Die 40/06/17 1154 The Lady And The Law 40/06/19 1155 Justice At Sundance 40/06/21 1156 Silver: Stallion Of Mystery 40/06/24 1157 Lone Ranger Traps A Horse Thief 40/06/26 1158 Gone Are The Ghosts 40/06/28 1159 Hermit's Gold 40/07/01 1160 Hold Up Stagecoach 40/07/03 1161 Gunpowder Ballots 40/07/05 1162 Sheep In Wolf's Clothing 40/07/08 1163 Outlaw Valley 40/07/10 1164 A Double Masquerade 40/07/12 1165 A Rendezvous With Death * 40/07/15 1166 Tonto Rides Alone * 40/07/17 1167 Outlaws of the Rio Grande * 40/07/19 1168 When Thieves Fall Out * 40/07/22 1169 A Bullet of Silver * 40/07/24 1170 A Decoy To Death * 40/07/26 1171 An Outlaw Manhunt * 40/07/29 1172 The Return Of The Masked Man * 40/07/31 1173 Setup For Murder * 40/08/02 1174 A Horse Named Toby * 40/08/05 1175 A New Life * 40/08/07 1176 Desert Murder * 40/08/09 1177 Rangeland Vengeance * 40/08/12 1178 A Pitfall For Crime * 40/08/14 1179 The Floating Stagecoach * 40/08/16 1180 Buried Treasure * 40/08/19 1181 Outlaw Trail * 40/08/21 1182 The Easterner * 40/08/23 1183 The Brothers * 40/08/26 1184 A Life for Sale * 40/08/28 1185 The Howling Dog * 40/08/30 1186 Outcasts and Outlaws * 40/09/02 1187 Cow Thieves at the Kay See * 40/09/04 1188 Swamp Boss * 40/09/06 1189 Partners at Pistol Point * 40/09/09 1190 Grubstake Leads the Way * 40/09/11 1191 Chinook Totem Pole * 40/09/13 1192 Leap from Ambush * 40/09/16 1193 Fools Gold for the Doctor * 40/09/18 1194 Mustang Mag in Politics * 40/09/20 1195 The Letter Seals a Murder * 40/09/23 1196 Hoofmarks to Nowhere * 40/09/25 1197 The Voice from the Waterfall * 40/09/27 1198 Missouri Is the Law * 40/09/30 1199 Cowmen Push a Plow 40/10/02 1200 The Sheriff of Powder Bend * 40/10/04 1201 Canyon Betrayal * 40/10/07 1202 Rifles for Redskins * 40/10/09 1203 The Pony Rider * 40/10/11 1204 Placer Gold for Plunder * 40/10/14 1205 The Lone Ranger Makes Big Medicine * 40/10/16 1206 The Best of Friends * 40/10/18 1207 The Trail to Nowhere * 40/10/21 1208 The Thirteenth Notch * 40/10/23 1209 Guilty or Not Guilty * 40/10/25 1210 Gulch Creek Crooks * 40/10/28 1211 The Silver Mine That Was Stolen * 40/10/30 1212 Silk Baits a Trap * 40/11/01 1213 The Son of a Killer 40/11/04 1214 Plotters in Murder 40/11/06 1215 Buzzard Bait Badmen 40/11/08 1216 Trouble for a Double 40/11/11 1217 The Trail Leads to Rustling * 40/11/13 1218 South of the Border 40/11/15 1219 The Bear That Wouldn't Dance 40/11/18 1220 In the Face of Fire 40/11/20 1221 The Scarlet Arrow 40/11/22 1222 A Deal in Real Estate 40/11/25 1223 Justice for All 40/11/27 1224 The Town That Fell Asleep 40/11/29 1225 At the End of the Rope 40/12/02 1226 Chips Catch the Gambler 40/12/04 1227 Law for a Lawman 40/12/06 1228 The Race to Victory * 40/12/09 1229 Land Grabber's Masquerade * 40/12/11 1230 The Dog That Howled * 40/12/13 1231 Lynch Law Loses Out 40/12/16 1232 The Deputy Faces Trouble * 40/12/18 1233 Toll Bridge * 40/12/20 1234 The Trail of the Timberline * 40/12/23 1235 Peace Comes to the Frontier 40/12/25 1236 Christmas Comes to the Bar Circle * 40/12/27 1237 Cash for Cattle * 40/12/30 1238 Silver to the Rescue * 41/01/01 1239 Trap for a Fur Thief * 41/01/03 1240 Custer Rides with the Lone Ranger * 41/01/06 1241 Rustlers at the Rio Grande * 41/01/08 1242 Invisible Trigger Fingers * 41/01/10 1243 Dead Man Imposter * 41/01/13 1244 Heir to a Ranch * 41/01/15 1245 The Haunted Bunkhouse * 41/01/17 1246 The Pony Express Agent * 41/01/20 1247 Blind Justice * 41/01/22 1248 Hanged but Not Dead * 41/01/24 1249 Along the El Paso Trail * 41/01/27 1250 Fire in the Sky * 41/01/29 1251 Ambushed Ambushers * 41/01/31 1252 The Lone Ranger's Protege * 41/02/03 1253 Set a Thief * 41/02/05 1254 Fools Gold * 41/02/07 1255 Unlucky Strike * 41/02/10 1256 On the Trail * 41/02/12 1257 Hangman's Tree * 41/02/14 1258 The Roundup at Coronado * 41/02/17 1259 Justice Wears a Mask * 41/02/19 1260 The Law's Delay * 41/02/21 1261 Swords Defeat a Duellist * 41/02/24 1262 Medicine Man * 41/02/26 1263 A Ranchland Frame Up * 41/02/28 1264 Doctor Buckaroo * 41/03/03 1265 Autumn Torrent * 41/03/05 1266 A New Leaf * 41/03/07 1267 Flag in the West * 41/03/10 1268 Joan of Clarksville * 41/03/12 1269 Robbers on the Railroad * 41/03/14 1270 Blind Leader * 41/03/17 1271 The Storekeeper Stands Up * 41/03/19 1272 One Nation Indivisible * 41/03/21 1273 The Tax Collector * 41/03/24 1274 Rustler and Son * 41/03/26 1275 A Horse Changes Brands * 41/03/28 1276 Slow Freight * 41/03/31 1277 Trap for a Safe Robber * 41/04/02 1278 Buyers Beware * 41/04/04 1279 Landgrabbers Loss * 41/04/07 1280 Sixty Days for Life * 41/04/08 Tribute To Earl Grazer * 41/04/09 1281 Homesteader's Ruse * 41/04/11 1282 Ghost Town * 41/04/14 1283 Work and Win * 41/04/16 1284 United We Stand * 41/04/18 1285 Lone Ranger Moves * 41/04/21 1286 Outpost in the Desert * 41/04/23 1287 Mustang Mag Grows Grain * 41/04/25 1288 Dodge City or Bust * 41/04/28 1289 Wild Horses Untamed * 41/04/30 1290 Dead Men Pay No Blackmail * 41/05/02 1291 Trail of the Broken Horseshoe * 41/05/05 1292 The Gambler Draws a Blank * 41/05/07 1293 Spring Roundup * 41/05/09 1294 Mountain of the Wind * 41/05/12 1295 Valley in the Hills * 41/05/14 1296 Big Bend * 41/05/16 1297 Border Queen * 41/05/19 1298 One Nation Indivisible * 41/05/21 1299 Trouble on the Rio Grande 41/05/23 1300 * 41/05/26 1301 Papers for Sarah Collins * 41/05/28 1302 The Scent of a Wolf * 41/05/30 1303 Sheriff Red in Seymour City * 41/06/02 1304 The Sheriff of Clayborne County * 41/06/04 1305 Evil Spirits at Sentinel Rock * 41/06/06 1306 Gold Strike in the Chattos * 41/06/09 1307 Fighting Against The Government * 41/06/11 1308 Disappearing Stage * 41/06/13 1309 A Silver Bullet for Madelina * 41/06/16 1310 No Favors * 41/06/18 1311 Sunset House * 41/06/20 1312 Wild Horses * 41/06/23 1313 Death Train * 41/06/25 1314 Cattle Code * 41/06/27 1315 Desert Water * 41/06/30 1316 The Two Empty Graves * 41/07/02 1317 Bird Flying Home * 41/07/04 1318 Danger Landing * 41/07/07 1319 An Alibi Cracked * 41/07/09 1320 Murder at the Schoolhouse * 41/07/11 1321 Road Agents Go Wrong * 41/07/14 1322 Thunder from the Plain 41/07/16 1323 Revenge Rides the Wagontrain * 41/07/18 1324 Gold Is Where You Find It * 41/07/21 1325 Gentleman of Honor * 41/07/23 1326 Stagecoach * 41/07/25 1327 No Fury 41/07/28 1328 Rustlers at Breakneck Canyon * 41/07/30 1329 The Line Through Red Rock * 41/08/01 1330 Valley of the Cliff Dwellers * 41/08/04 1331 Last Laugh * 41/08/06 1332 Best Laid Plans * 41/08/08 1333 Thunder Rides the Flood * 41/08/11 1334 Silver's Escape * 41/08/13 1335 The Son of Silver * 41/08/15 1336 The Breaking 41/08/18 1337 Water Makes Trouble 41/08/20 1338 Yellow Boss 41/08/22 1339 The Race * 41/08/25 1340 Election Day at Placer * 41/08/27 1341 The Escape * 41/08/29 1342 A Man and His Horse * 41/09/01 1343 Wagons Round the Mountain * 41/09/03 1344 Little Rose * 41/09/05 1345 Two Sheriffs Are Better Than One * 41/09/08 1346 Two Men for One Crime * 41/09/10 1347 Bait for the Trap * 41/09/12 1348 The Fence * 41/09/15 1349 Travelers Spring * 41/09/17 1350 The Ranger Beats the Rope * 41/09/19 1351 Tonto Takes Charge * 41/09/22 1352 It's a Free Country * 41/09/24 1353 Winter Rescue * 41/09/26 1354 A New Record * 41/09/29 1355 The Train Robbery * 41/10/01 1356 House and Home * 41/10/03 1357 Relief Train * 41/10/06 1358 Loser Take All * 41/10/08 1359 Wires and Hoofs * 41/10/10 1360 The Knife * 41/10/13 1361 A New Mission * 41/10/15 1362 Outlaws Plan an Empire * 41/10/17 1363 First Encounter * 41/10/20 1364 The Bridge * 41/10/22 1365 United We Stand * 41/10/24 1366 Headlines on the Frontier * 41/10/27 1367 The Magic Belt * 41/10/29 1368 Sentinel Rock * 41/10/31 1369 Fire in the Night * 41/11/03 1370 Dark of the Moon * 41/11/05 1371 Wrong Partners * 41/11/07 1372 Richmond Stage * 41/11/10 1373 Settlers for Buffalo Valley * 41/11/12 1374 Dodge City Round Up * 41/11/14 1375 False Dispatches * 41/11/17 1376 The Night Watch * 41/11/19 1377 War in Wyoming * 41/11/21 1378 Danger at Breakneck Rapids * 41/11/24 1379 The Outlaw Wears a Mask * 41/11/26 1380 The Gold Beyond the River * 41/11/28 1381 Torlock's End * 41/12/01 1382 A Girl to Aid * 41/12/03 1383 Death and Taxes * 41/12/05 1384 He Wouldn't Stay Dead 41/12/08 1385 Stagecoach to Deadwood * 41/12/10 1386 The Parson of Fairfield * 41/12/12 1387 The Iron Box * 41/12/15 1388 For Those Who Fail * 41/12/17 1389 The Masked Man's Fists * 41/12/19 1390 Ambush on the Desert * 41/12/22 1391 Remember the Alamo 41/12/24 1392 The Three Wise Hombres * 41/12/26 1393 The Masked Man's Deduction * 41/12/29 1394 A Page from Mr Lincoln 41/12/31 1395 Drums at Dusk * 42/01/02 1396 The Masked Man and the Law * 42/01/05 1397 The Masked Man's Friend * 42/01/07 1398 House of Stone * 42/01/09 1399 Adventure on the Yellow Dog * 42/01/12 1400 Ghost Canyon * 42/01/14 1401 A Deadfall Brings Trouble * 42/01/16 1402 Via Pony Express * 42/01/19 1403 Old Woman's Call * 42/01/21 1404 Murder Wears Skirts * 42/01/23 1405 Crystal Canyon * 42/01/26 1406 Last Command * 42/01/28 1407 Double Exposure * 42/01/30 1408 School for Ranchers * 42/02/02 1409 A Silver Summons * 42/02/04 1410 Moffet's Move * 42/02/06 1411 The Fifth Condemned Man * 42/02/09 1412 Trail's End * 42/02/11 1413 Silver Races Steam * 42/02/13 1414 First of the Five * 42/02/16 1415 The Outlaw Guard * 42/02/18 1416 Kahwaygo Canyon * 42/02/20 1417 Brothers of the West * 42/02/23 1418 The Vulture's Nest * 42/02/25 1419 Three Generations * 42/02/27 1420 Blast and Double Blast * 42/03/02 1421 Double Trouble * 42/03/04 1422 Diamond Trail * 42/03/06 1423 Masked Man's Dual Role * 42/03/09 1424 Drexel's End * 42/03/11 1425 Stampede in the Dark * 42/03/13 1426 Cloudy Waters * 42/03/16 1427 Fifty Thousand Head * 42/03/18 1428 Forced Sale * 42/03/20 1429 Men Who Won't Talk * 42/03/23 1430 War Sweeps the Range * 42/03/25 1431 Sound and Fury * 42/03/27 1432 The Marshal of Mountain City * 42/03/30 1433 Furs Trap a Badman * 42/04/01 1434 Websters Big Fire * 42/04/03 1435 A Girl's Bonfire * 42/04/06 1436 Turnabout * 42/04/08 1437 Set a Thief * 42/04/10 1438 Along the Oregon Trail * 42/04/13 1439 The Broken Spur * 42/04/15 1440 Divining Rod * 42/04/17 1441 The End of a Page * 42/04/20 1442 Gamblers' End * 42/04/22 1443 The Deputy for Tumbleweed * 42/04/24 1444 Raising the Siege 42/04/27 1445 For His Son's Sake * 42/04/29 1446 The Call of Duty * 42/05/01 1447 Gunner Creek Cow Thieves * 42/05/04 1448 Island in the Rio * 42/05/06 1449 Outlaw Point * 42/05/08 1450 Smuggler's Boss * 42/05/11 1451 Trail of Red Mud * 42/05/13 1452 Mistaken for an Easterner * 42/05/15 1453 West of Dodge * 42/05/18 1454 Thorndyke's Double Deal * 42/05/20 1455 Hands Across the Plains * 42/05/22 1456 Ghost Town * 42/05/25 1457 Tomorrow's Trail * 42/05/27 1458 Steamboat on the River * 42/05/29 1459 Longhorns' Backtrail * 42/06/01 1460 Gold Rush That Failed * 42/06/03 1461 Thirst Is Better Than Water * 42/06/05 1462 Moonrise on Powder Creek * 42/06/08 1463 Lumber for the Railroad * 42/06/10 1464 The Wrong Redskin * 42/06/12 1465 Outlaws in War Paint * 42/06/15 1466 Race to Dry Creek * 42/06/17 1467 Ambush at Bright Rainbow * 42/06/19 1468 Mortgages Paid Off * 42/06/22 1469 Badlands for Badmen * 42/06/24 1470 Clouds Across the Moon * 42/06/26 1471 Quicksand for a Gambler * 42/06/29 1472 Trouble at the Canyon * 42/07/01 1473 Kidnapped * 42/07/03 1474 Surprise at Sunrise * 42/07/06 1475 End of the Iron Spur * 42/07/08 1476 Way of the Transgressor * 42/07/10 1477 Barclay Brothers Downfall * 42/07/13 1478 High-graders * 42/07/15 1479 Bread upon the Waters * 42/07/17 1480 One Wide River * 42/07/20 1481 Sorrel-Jack Outlaw Horse * 42/07/22 1482 Double in Murder * 42/07/24 1483 Cattleman Cash * 42/07/27 1484 Homestead Proved Up 42/07/29 1485 Haunted Rock * 42/07/31 1486 Stagecoach to Blue River * 42/08/03 1487 Stagecoach Strife * 42/08/05 1488 Turn About Is Fair Play * 42/08/07 1489 The Sick and the Well * 42/08/10 1490 Votes Won Votes Lost * 42/08/12 1491 Twins Turnabout * 42/08/14 1492 Ace of Crooks * 42/08/17 1493 Mustang Mag Returns * 42/08/19 1494 Spurs That Jingle * 42/08/21 1495 Flameup's Kickback * 42/08/24 1496 Goose Creek Killer * 42/08/26 1497 Greed Drowns a Town * 42/08/28 1498 Gold and Chimney Range * 42/08/31 1499 Extortion Gang * 42/09/02 1500 Revenge for an Outlaw * 42/09/04 1501 The Silver Dollar * 42/09/07 1502 Torero and Tarantula * 42/09/09 1503 Divide and Conquer * 42/09/11 1504 Border Smugglers * 42/09/14 1505 The Boss of the Tarantulas-Tarantula Series * 42/09/16 1506 The Magic Belt * 42/09/18 1507 Double for an Outlaw * 42/09/21 1508 Set a Thief to Catch a Thief * 42/09/23 1509 Guns Across the Border * 42/09/25 1510 Mystery of the Night Marauders * 42/09/28 1511 Legacy for a Ghost * 42/09/30 1512 Double Counterfeit * 42/10/02 1513 Murder Strikes Thrice * 42/10/05 1514 Horse's Master * 42/10/07 1515 Hoofbeats to Arizona * 42/10/09 1516 Quicksand Tells a Tale * 42/10/12 1517 Apache Trap * 42/10/14 1518 Thunder Morgan's Fall * 42/10/16 1519 Indian Trouble * 42/10/19 1520 Blue Pebbles * 42/10/21 1521 Double Exposure * 42/10/23 1522 Steel Rails and Gold * 42/10/26 1523 Turnabout * 42/10/28 1524 The Gunsmith of San Bello * 42/10/30 1525 Birds of a Feather * 42/11/02 1526 Dead End * 42/11/04 1527 Murder Masters * 42/11/06 1528 The Phantom Killer * 42/11/09 1529 Thieves in the Night * 42/11/11 1530 Thieves Fall Out * 42/11/13 1531 Devil's Sink * 42/11/16 1532 Devil's Sink * 42/11/18 1533 Thundering Hooves * 42/11/20 1534 The Avenger * 42/11/23 1535 Lennie's Locket * 42/11/25 1536 Murder for Profit * 42/11/27 1537 The Horsehair Bridle * 42/11/30 1538 Renegade * 42/12/02 1539 Half a Loaf * 42/12/04 1540 Dynasty of Terror * 42/12/07 1541 Sign of the Swastika * 42/12/09 1542 Badge of Courage * 42/12/11 1543 No Man's Land * 42/12/14 1544 Heading North * 42/12/16 1545 Design for Murder * 42/12/18 1546 Rope's End * 42/12/21 1547 Law of the Apex * 42/12/23 1548 Dan's Strange Behavior * 42/12/25 1549 A Nephew Is Found * 42/12/28 1550 Murder's Pay-off * 42/12/30 1551 Murder Will Out * 43/01/01 1552 Mountain Trap * 43/01/04 1553 Betty in Trouble * 43/01/06 1554 Skull Mountain * 43/01/08 1555 The Bullet Brigade * 43/01/11 1556 Showdown * 43/01/13 1557 Wagons Westward * 43/01/15 1558 The Beaded Holster * 43/01/18 1559 Live Wire * 43/01/20 1560 Masquerade * 43/01/22 1561 Sheriff by Proxy * 43/01/25 1562 Trail's End * 43/01/27 1563 Honor Parole * 43/01/29 1564 Red Uprising * 43/02/01 1565 The Gang in Forbidden Plain * 43/02/03 1566 Six-Guns Smoke * 43/02/05 1567 Self Defense * 43/02/08 1568 Bandits at Bay * 43/02/10 1569 The Coward * 43/02/12 1570 Stampede * 43/02/15 1571 Double Trouble * 43/02/17 1572 Thunder God 43/02/19 1573 Silver King 43/02/22 1574 Marked Money 43/02/24 1575 Jail Bait 43/02/26 1576 The Spanish Quirt * 43/03/01 1577 Death and Taxes * 43/03/03 1578 Nester's Gold * 43/03/05 1579 The Fat Man * 43/03/08 1580 Double Cross Waller * 43/03/10 1581 Placerville Posse * 43/03/12 1582 Golden Rule and the Salt War * 43/03/15 1583 Dan Rides Hard * 43/03/17 1584 Manpower Versus Steam * 43/03/19 1585 Wagons Roll West * 43/03/22 1586 The Trumpet Blows * 43/03/24 1587 On the Two Front Wheels * 43/03/26 1588 West of Clayton * 43/03/29 1589 Aztec Mystery * 43/03/31 1590 Temple of the Sun * 43/04/02 1591 Murder Blooms at Night * 43/04/05 1592 Dan Goes to Jail * 43/04/07 1593 Dan's Horse * 43/04/09 1594 Death Comes to El Mundo * 43/04/12 1595 Branded for Murder * 43/04/14 1596 The Masked Killer * 43/04/16 1597 Stage to Sutter's Mill * 43/04/19 1598 The Sheriffs Son * 43/04/21 1599 Fake Indians * 43/04/23 1600 Elkhorn Flats * 43/04/26 1601 Death Warrant * 43/04/28 1602 Without Proof * 43/04/30 1603 The Train Wreck * 43/05/03 1604 Twenty-seven Minutes to Death * 43/05/05 1605 Gideon West * 43/05/07 1606 A White Pearl Button * 43/05/10 1607 The Cactus Kid * 43/05/12 1608 Run, Sheep, Run * 43/05/14 1609 Jericho * 43/05/17 1610 Rawhide or Rhubarb * 43/05/19 1611 Death on Four Wheels * 43/05/21 1612 Gold and Galena * 43/05/24 1613 Mixed Brands * 43/05/26 1614 Coldwater Bridge * 43/05/28 1615 The Ring * 43/05/31 1616 Gunpowder * 43/06/02 1617 We Live by Bullets * 43/06/04 1618 Sundown in Sego City * 43/06/07 1619 Missouri Queen * 43/06/09 1620 Fools Gold * 43/06/11 1621 Faith at Foxhead * 43/06/14 1622 The Hammerhead * 43/06/16 1623 The Leather Popper * 43/06/18 1624 The Two-Gun Marshall * 43/06/21 1625 Skeleton Canyon * 43/06/23 1626 Jailbird's Return * 43/06/25 1627 Border Patrol * 43/06/28 1628 The Truth and General Taylor * 43/06/30 1629 Sam Holiday * 43/07/02 1630 Mariposa Gold Rush * 43/07/05 1631 The Masked Man's Teacher * 43/07/07 1632 Bad Man's Medicine * 43/07/09 1633 Tinker's Dam * 43/07/12 1634 Mousetrap Strategy * 43/07/14 1635 Bad Man's Bluff * 43/07/16 1636 Padre Pat * 43/07/19 1637 Hunt for Wildcat * 43/07/21 1638 Dead Man's Double * 43/07/23 1639 Kid Kirby's Promise * 43/07/26 1640 The Little Guy * 43/07/28 1641 Law Without Proof * 43/07/30 1642 Johnny Heber * 43/08/02 1643 Cottonwood Jail Delivery * 43/08/04 1644 Stagecoach to Calhoun * 43/08/06 1645 Camel's Back * 43/08/09 1646 Medicine and Ballots * 43/08/11 1647 The Motherlode * 43/08/13 1648 Homesteads for Outlaws * 43/08/16 1649 You Can't Go Home * 43/08/18 1650 Gallows to Guns * 43/08/20 1651 Trouble at Bar-X 43/08/23 1652 A Good Woman's Love * 43/08/25 1653 The Feud on Boulder Creek * 43/08/27 1654 Underwater Deal * 43/08/30 1655 Cherokee Strip * 43/09/01 1656 Logan's Legacy * 43/09/03 1657 The Stage to Dodge City * 43/09/06 1658 Dan Finds Crime * 43/09/08 1659 Rustler's Return * 43/09/10 1660 Treachery in Ten Sleep * 43/09/13 1661 Cattle for Sale * 43/09/15 1662 Keller's Raiders * 43/09/17 1663 Mistaken Identity * 43/09/20 1664 Range War * 43/09/22 1665 An Officer of the Law * 43/09/24 1666 Both Ends Against the Middle * 43/09/27 1667 A Watch Was the Target * 43/09/29 1668 Rustler's Valley 43/10/01 1669 Son of a Sheriff * 43/10/04 1670 Slaves in Bondage * 43/10/06 1671 Brother Against Brother * 43/10/08 1672 Weary River * 43/10/11 1673 The Belle of the Palace * 43/10/13 1674 The Whistler * 43/10/15 1675 The Man from the East * 43/10/18 1676 Listen to a Lonesome Gun 43/10/20 1677 Mills of the Gods 43/10/22 1678 As the Cards Fall 43/10/25 1679 Bow to Glory * 43/10/27 1680 Rattlesnake Inn 43/10/29 1681 Singing Wires and the Sioux * 43/11/01 1682 Barbary Coast, Part 1 * 43/11/03 1683 Barbary Coast, Part 2 * 43/11/05 1684 Barbary Coast, Part 3 43/11/08 1685 Gimlet's Gambit * 43/11/10 1686 Human Contraband 43/11/12 1687 The Heathen Chinee * 43/11/15 1688 Voice in the Tunnel 43/11/17 1689 Four Men from Tokyo * 43/11/19 1690 Stingaree * 43/11/22 1691 Dan Tells a Story * 43/11/24 1692 Raven's Downfall * 43/11/26 1693 Raven's Return * 43/11/29 1694 Sign of the Broken Thumb * 43/12/01 1695 Rats, Lice and Chinatown * 43/12/03 1696 Odyssey of a Colt * 43/12/06 1697 Golden Gateway -Episode H California Series * 43/12/08 1698 The Lone Ranger Lode-Ep I California Series * 43/12/10 1699 Dan Reid's Adventure * 43/12/13 1700 First of Lumber 43/12/15 1701 Perfectly Legal 43/12/17 1702 Downfall of the Boss 43/12/20 1703 The Million Bid 43/12/22 1704 Without Fear or Favor 43/12/24 1705 Billy, the Fixer 43/12/27 1706 Frontier Missionary * 43/12/29 1707 A Broken Bowstring 43/12/31 1708 Firewater Half Breed * 44/01/03 1709 Smiley Roysen 44/01/05 1710 Wrath of the Storm * 44/01/07 1711 Until Proven Otherwise 44/01/10 1712 Tax Thief * 44/01/12 1713 Stampede 44/01/14 1714 Honest Andy 44/01/17 1715 The Murder Kid 44/01/19 1716 The Judge's Return * 44/01/21 1717 Silver Summit 44/01/24 1718 With a Star and a Prayer 44/01/26 1719 Quicksilver * 44/01/28 1720 Monty Regan 44/01/31 1721 Tamin and Larnin * 44/02/02 1722 Deal in Cattle * 44/02/04 1723 Guns Is Fer Fighting Men * 44/02/07 1724 Boot Hill Secret * 44/02/09 1725 In Its Place * 44/02/11 1726 Hostage Reversed * 44/02/14 1727 Buffalo Bill * 44/02/16 1728 Too Many Shares * 44/02/18 1729 Sugar Coated Sleep 44/02/21 1730 Wild Bill Hickok * 44/02/23 1731 Muddy Water * 44/02/25 1732 The Rainmaker 44/02/28 1733 Belle Starr * 44/03/01 1734 Five Cartridges for Change * 44/03/03 1735 Four People Westbound * 44/03/06 1736 Bat Masterson * 44/03/08 1737 Bolivar and Hacksaw * 44/03/10 1738 The Mountain Meadow Massacre * 44/03/13 1739 Pawnee Bill * 44/03/15 1740 The Tattooed Arm 44/03/17 1741 Greater Love Hath No Man * 44/03/20 1742 Wind River Rendezvous * 44/03/22 1743 Rails Across the Choctaw Land * 44/03/24 1744 Town Without a State * 44/03/27 1745 Gold for Maximilian * 44/03/29 1746 Aaron Burr's Pouch * 44/03/31 1747 The Border Rose * 44/04/03 1748 Ben Thompson * 44/04/05 1749 Jim Farrell's Son 44/04/07 1750 Footlights on the Frontier * 44/04/10 1751 Calamity Jane * 44/04/12 1752 Bill Gage * 44/04/14 1753 Ephriam Collins' Ambition * 44/04/17 1754 Law West of the Pecos * 44/04/19 1755 A Trust Fulfilled * 44/04/21 1756 Smoke over Missouri * 44/04/24 1757 Sam Bass * 44/04/26 1758 John Ritchie * 44/04/28 1759 Longhorn Trail * 44/05/01 1760 Johnny Owens * 44/05/03 1761 Carrigans Line * 44/05/05 1762 The Devil and Sam Todd * 44/05/08 1763 Annie Oakley * 44/05/10 1764 Jim Kalar 44/05/12 1765 Straws Point the Way 44/05/15 1766 Jim Sanders' Return * 44/05/17 1767 The Thirteenth Time * 44/05/19 1768 Teddy Roosevelt, No 1 * 44/05/22 1769 Teddy Roosevelt, No 2 * 44/05/24 1770 Chop Chop Handyman 44/05/26 1771 Dead Man's Bluff 44/05/29 1772 Doctor Good 44/05/31 1773 A Bargain's a Bargain 44/06/02 1774 Six Gun Heritage 44/06/05 1775 Luke Short * 44/06/07 1776 Badge of Honor * 44/06/09 1777 Three Callers * 44/06/12 1778 John Wesley Hardin * 44/06/14 1779 The Great Truth * 44/06/16 1780 Candlelight * 44/06/19 1781 Haw Tabor * 44/06/21 1782 Chuck Wagon Champ * 44/06/23 1783 Ridge Lawton * 44/06/26 1784 Billy the Kid * 44/06/28 1785 Ruggles of Yellowstone * 44/06/30 1786 The Phantom Rider * 44/07/03 1787 Beecher's Island * 44/07/05 1788 Hap Finds an Angel 44/07/07 1789 Old School Sheriff 44/07/10 1790 Duke Henshaw 44/07/12 1791 Eph Wilson's Chicks 44/07/14 1792 A Gentleman from England * 44/07/17 1793 Kit Carson * 44/07/19 1794 Double Cross Harvest * 44/07/21 1795 Ned Tyson's Destiny * 44/07/24 1796 Smoke Ballou * 44/07/26 1797 Outlaws Son 44/07/28 1798 Food for the Iron Horse * 44/07/31 1799 Johnny Po * 44/08/02 1800 Mainspring Charlie * 44/08/04 1801 Shotgun Gail * 44/08/07 1802 Al Jennings * 44/08/09 1803 A Man Among Men 44/08/11 1804 One in a Thousand * 44/08/14 1805 Frank Canton 44/08/16 1806 Gunpowder Joe * 44/08/18 1807 Muleys Mules * 44/08/21 1808 Western Union * 44/08/23 1809 Tricky * 44/08/25 1810 Shed on the Barrens * 44/08/28 1811 Blade of Honor * 44/08/30 1812 A Royal Welcome * 44/09/01 1813 Old King Cole * 44/09/04 1814 Billy Tilghman * 44/09/06 1815 Woodsman's Club * 44/09/08 1816 The Pelt of Mucho Grande, Part 1 * 44/09/11 1817 The Sign of the Buffalo Head, Part 2 * 44/09/13 1818 The Angelus, Part 3 * 44/09/15 1819 Ghost Dance, Part 4 * 44/09/18 1820 Henry's Holiday * 44/09/20 1821 The Language of Lucre * 44/09/22 1822 Right of Way * 44/09/25 1823 Speed of a Gunman, Part 1 Special Series * 44/09/27 1824 The Killer's Code, Part 2 Special Series * 44/09/29 1825 York's Cave, part 3 * 44/10/02 1826 The Man Hunt, Part 4 * 44/10/04 1827 Interlude, Part 5 44/10/06 1828 Conclusion - Part 6 44/10/09 1829 Peppermint * 44/10/11 1830 Three, Counting Missouri * 44/10/13 1831 Peaceful and the Parson * 44/10/16 1832 Keeno Thor * 44/10/18 1833 Conway's Fall * 44/10/20 1834 Pitch Black * 44/10/23 1835 Monument for Marmaduke * 44/10/25 1836 Randall's Place * 44/10/27 1837 The Road Trader * 44/10/30 1838 Alamo Anderson * 44/11/01 1839 Doc Stevens 44/11/03 1840 Yellow Legs and Brass 44/11/06 1841 The Cameo Kid * 44/11/08 1842 Smilax * 44/11/10 1843 Birthday Party * 44/11/13 1844 The Thirteenth Notch * 44/11/15 1845 Gun Shy Gambler 44/11/17 1846 Sabers or Six-guns * 44/11/20 1847 The Crystal Ball * 44/11/22 1848 Smuggler's Feet * 44/11/24 1849 The Rainbow Trail * 44/11/27 1850 Too Narrow, Too Deep * 44/11/29 1851 Sylvester, the Great * 44/12/01 1852 Bringing up Virginia 44/12/04 1853 Ambush * 44/12/06 1854 Dolly the Dealer 44/12/08 1855 Pop's Barometer * 44/12/11 1856 Six-gun Souvenir 44/12/13 1857 The Kid Keeps a Promise 44/12/15 1858 Debt of Honor * 44/12/18 1859 The Talisman of Taos * 44/12/20 1860 Finney's Promise * 44/12/22 1861 Dan Aids the Ranger * 44/12/25 1862 A Present for Janey * 44/12/27 1863 A Racer of Turtles 44/12/29 1864 Test of the Treaty 45/01/01 1865 Holster Heritage * 45/01/03 1866 The Golden Link 45/01/05 1867 Taming of Sawdust Tanner * 45/01/08 1868 Gun-magic 45/01/10 1869 The Con Man * 45/01/12 1870 Left Shoulder Arms * 45/01/15 1871 The Pink Umbersol * 45/01/17 1872 Thunder and Lightning * 45/01/19 1873 The Hobs and the Pinafore * 45/01/22 1874 Partners in Crime * 45/01/24 1875 Killer's Reward * 45/01/26 1876 Of Luther Jones * 45/01/29 1877 The Deacon Agrees * 45/01/31 1878 Guarantee Jackson * 45/02/02 1879 The Promise * 45/02/05 1880 Wooden Indian * 45/02/07 1881 Contraband * 45/02/09 1882 From the Great Beyond * 45/02/12 1883 Missouri Goes to Town * 45/02/14 1884 Firewater 45/02/16 1885 The Brass Whistle 45/02/19 1886 The Sweetwater Express 45/02/21 1887 The Blind Bootmaker 45/02/23 1888 Crestwood Gang 45/02/26 1889 The Horse Holder 45/02/28 1890 Men from the Mountain 45/03/02 1891 A Marshall's Mother 45/03/05 1892 The Ghost of Eddie Samuels 45/03/07 1893 Duel to the Death 45/03/09 1894 The Deserter 45/03/12 1895 The Phantom Caballero 45/03/14 1896 Johnny Starbuck 45/03/16 1897 Picture Evidence 45/03/19 1898 Hard Cash 45/03/21 1899 Murder in Red 45/03/23 1900 Jericho Jones 45/03/26 1901 Jimmy Heath 45/03/28 1902 Windy of the Box B 45/03/30 1903 Scoop for the Globe 45/04/02 1904 The Devil's Pool 45/04/04 1905 Fob Crime 45/04/06 1906 Bill Bagley 45/04/09 1907 St Louis Story 45/04/11 1908 San Carlo Banker 45/04/13 No Broadcast Because Of FDR's Death 45/04/16 1909 A Star for the Ranger 45/04/18 1910 The Rajah Diamond 45/04/20 1911 Opportunity Smith 45/04/23 1912 Word of Honor 45/04/25 1913 Hills of Home * 45/04/27 1914 Dead or Alive * 45/04/30 1915 The Count Takes the Count 45/05/02 1916 The Clanton Gang * 45/05/04 1917 Alibi for Alkali 45/05/07 1918 The Last to Start * 45/05/09 1919 Five Thousand Dollar Reward 45/05/11 1920 Dead Man's Debt 45/05/14 1921 Omaha Wire * 45/05/16 1922 Indian Boy 45/05/18 1923 Rodeo Banker * 45/05/21 1924 Nitro for Pablo 45/05/23 1925 Chaplain Bill 45/05/25 1926 The Red Fox 45/05/28 1927 Killer's Gamble * 45/05/30 1928 Hero's Grave * 45/06/01 1929 Strong Medicine * 45/06/04 1930 Horse Called Silver * 45/06/06 1931 Dobie Deadline 45/06/08 1932 Pelican Peak * 45/06/11 1933 Blessed Are the Meek * 45/06/13 1934 Blood on the Land * 45/06/15 1935 Framed out of Trouble 45/06/18 1936 Brad Comes Home * 45/06/20 1937 Trading Post * 45/06/22 1938 Army Mules 45/06/25 1939 Horseshoe Murder * 45/06/27 1940 Mad Murdock * 45/06/29 1941 Faithless Three * 45/07/02 1942 Pestilence and Silver * 45/07/04 1943 Two for Fuzzy * 45/07/06 1944 Guilty Hands * 45/07/09 1945 Ambush * 45/07/11 1946 Tomorrow Is My Home * 45/07/13 1947 Tom Bates, Reformed * 45/07/16 1948 New State Guns * 45/07/18 1949 Town of the Lawless 45/07/20 1950 Doc Robbins' Mosquitoes * 45/07/23 1951 Texas Justice * 45/07/25 1952 One Against the Rafter-M * 45/07/27 1953 Mud Flats Detective * 45/07/30 1954 Jane's Jewels * 45/08/01 1955 Parted in the Middle 45/08/03 1956 Water Hole * 45/08/06 1957 Donovan * 45/08/08 1958 The Pie-eyed Piper of Hamlin 45/08/10 1959 Masked Go-between * 45/08/13 1960 Derrick's Dog 45/08/15 No Broadcast Because Of V-J Day * 45/08/17 1961 Rodeo * 45/08/20 1962 Morgan's Gap * 45/08/22 1963 The Last Coach West * 45/08/24 1964 Single Tracks * 45/08/27 1965 The Lazy S * 45/08/29 1966 Ranger Justice 45/08/31 1967 Arson 45/09/03 1968 Restitution * 45/09/05 1969 Law in Mustang 45/09/07 1970 Gideon's Party Night * 45/09/10 1971 Wilbur Skink's Secret * 45/09/12 1972 Guilt for Hire * 45/09/14 1973 Mr Meeker 45/09/17 1974 Camel Brigade - Part 1, the Start 45/09/19 1975 Camel Brigade - Part 2, Quicksand 45/09/21 1976 Camel Brigade - Part 3, Deep Water * 45/09/24 1977 The Gentleman from Julesburg * 45/09/26 1978 Love Thy Neighbor * 45/09/28 1979 Rifles for White Bear * 45/10/01 1980 Paradise Valley 45/10/03 1981 Reform of Luther Gates * 45/10/05 1982 Trailside Treachery * 45/10/08 1983 The Finger of Death 45/10/10 1984 Miser's Money * 45/10/12 1985 The Iron Horse * 45/10/15 1986 Ex-Ranger * 45/10/17 1987 Tin Star Heritage * 45/10/19 1988 Tempered Thieves * 45/10/22 1989 Post War Schemer * 45/10/24 1990 The Ring, No 1 45/10/26 1991 Woodland Peril, No 2 45/10/29 1992 The Fifth Condemned Man, No 3 S Series 45/10/31 1993 Texas Rides Again, No 4 45/11/02 1994 Behind the Mask 45/11/05 1995 Auntie 45/11/07 1996 Scarface * 45/11/09 1997 Thunder's Mules 45/11/12 1998 Alias the Lone Ranger * 45/11/14 1999 Choo Choo for Chicago * 45/11/16 2000 Gallows Threat * 45/11/19 2001 Foster Brother * 45/11/21 2002 Outlaw Deputy * 45/11/23 2003 The Plateau Gang * 45/11/26 2004 Two Finger * 45/11/28 2005 Doctor Donovan 45/11/30 2006 Silver * 45/12/03 2007 Lone Ranger's Mailbox * 45/12/05 2008 Possum River Bridge * 45/12/07 2009 Imperfect Crime * 45/12/10 2010 The Hidden River * 45/12/12 2011 The Fire God * 45/12/14 2012 The Man Who Came Back * 45/12/17 2013 Beyond Good and Evil * 45/12/19 2014 By Weight of Numbers * 45/12/21 2015 The Evil One * 45/12/24 2016 Music Cue * 45/12/26 2017 Rushville Sheriff * 45/12/28 2018 Officer in Charge * 45/12/31 2019 Black Sheep * 46/01/02 2020 South of the Border * 46/01/04 2021 Food Hoarder * 46/01/07 2022 Willie One-note * 46/01/09 2023 Thunder and Clarabelle * 46/01/11 2024 White Horses * 46/01/14 2025 Chicken and Dumplings * 46/01/16 2026 Nesters and Clarabelle * 46/01/18 2027 Boomerang Scheme * 46/01/21 2028 The Gold King * 46/01/23 2029 The Man on Top * 46/01/25 2030 Outlaw's Gold, Chapter 1 * 46/01/28 2031 Outlaw's Gold, Chapter 2 * 46/01/30 2032 State's Witness * 46/02/01 2033 Solid Citizen * 46/02/04 2034 Lawman's Honor * 46/02/06 2035 Big Brother * 46/02/08 2036 Help Wanted * 46/02/11 2037 Dude's Downfall * 46/02/13 2038 The Killer Horse * 46/02/15 2039 Mother Carey * 46/02/18 2040 Durgee Gang * 46/02/20 2041 Indian's Son * 46/02/22 2042 Tainted Grubstake * 46/02/25 2043 The Trojan Horse * 46/02/27 2044 Sister Susie * 46/03/01 2045 The Law Wears Skirts * 46/03/04 2046 Christopher King * 46/03/06 2047 Camelback Trail * 46/03/08 2048 Doc's Second Chance * 46/03/11 2049 Follow the Lilacs * 46/03/13 2050 Lawman's Reward * 46/03/15 2051 Thunder Signs Offhand * 46/03/18 2052 Hot Lead and Cold Type * 46/03/20 2053 Special Stage * 46/03/22 2054 Wet Cattle * 46/03/25 2055 The White Phantom * 46/03/27 2056 Eureka * 46/03/29 2057 Banker's Swan Song * 46/04/01 2058 Order Restored * 46/04/03 2059 Father's Reward * 46/04/05 2060 Fighting Men * 46/04/08 2061 The Sleeping Man * 46/04/10 2062 Shep * 46/04/12 2063 Sultan's Return * 46/04/15 2064 For of Such Is the Kingdom * 46/04/17 2065 Drum of We-oh-pa * 46/04/19 2066 Plutes Revenge * 46/04/22 2067 Concord Contest * 46/04/24 2068 Buried Rails * 46/04/26 2069 Chicamoo Joe * 46/04/29 2070 Adventure at Eagle Pass * 46/05/01 2071 The Bakerville Gazette * 46/05/03 2072 The Crimson Prophet - Part 1 * 46/05/06 2073 The Crimson Prophet - Part 2 * 46/05/08 2074 Spirit Valley * 46/05/10 2075 Honest Debts * 46/05/13 2076 The Weasel * 46/05/15 2077 The Black Hood * 46/05/17 2078 Fear * 46/05/20 2079 North Star * 46/05/22 2080 The Ranger and the Bull-whip * 46/05/24 2081 The Cabin at Rocky Mountain * 46/05/27 2082 Judy and the Champ * 46/05/29 2083 Empty Saddles * 46/05/31 2084 The Silk Neckerchief * 46/06/03 2085 Lawman Pro Tem * 46/06/05 2086 The Saddle * 46/06/07 2087 Dry-gulcher * 46/06/10 2088 The Trigger Kid's Nemesis 46/06/12 2089 Greater Than Fear * 46/06/14 2090 Boomergang Frame-up * 46/06/17 2091 Lucy's Locket * 46/06/19 2092 Murder Man * 46/06/21 2093 The Parrot and the Sea Dog * 46/06/24 2094 A Killer Comes Home, Part 1 * 46/06/26 2095 A Killer Comes Home, Part 2 * 46/06/28 2096 Charlie's Justice * 46/07/01 2097 Evening in Deadwood * 46/07/03 2098 Uncle Barnaby * 46/07/05 2099 Dead Man's Justice * 46/07/08 2100 Dispatch Case * 46/07/10 2101 The Hidden Hand * 46/07/12 2102 Dawn Hanging * 46/07/15 2103 Food Shortage * 46/07/17 2104 Weight in Gold * 46/07/19 2105 Town Marshall * 46/07/22 2106 Drouth and Death * 46/07/24 2107 The Right-of-way * 46/07/26 2108 Barking Dog * 46/07/29 2109 Judge of Men * 46/07/31 2110 Twice Accused * 46/08/02 2111 Jane Walters' Promise * 46/08/05 2112 Quitters * 46/08/07 2113 Clash of Wills * 46/08/09 2114 Scene of the Crime * 46/08/12 2115 Homesteads on the Range 46/08/14 2116 Rainy Day * 46/08/16 2117 Too Much Law * 46/08/19 2118 Imposter * 46/08/21 2119 The Western Way * 46/08/23 2120 Stubborn Man * 46/08/26 2121 The Welcome Guest * 46/08/28 2122 The Cross-roads * 46/08/30 2123 Four Friends * 46/09/02 2124 Long Drought * 46/09/04 2125 New Marshall * 46/09/06 2126 The Little Parson * 46/09/09 2127 Bank Guard * 46/09/11 2128 Property Rights * 46/09/13 2129 Wolf Hunters * 46/09/16 2130 Silver Lode * 46/09/18 2131 Many-cave Mountain * 46/09/20 2132 Angry Ranger * 46/09/23 2133 Wagons West * 46/09/25 2134 The Old Lady Who Smoked * 46/09/27 2135 Trail to Danger * 46/09/30 2136 Death in the Tunnel * 46/10/02 2137 Devil's Deputy * 46/10/04 2138 Mad Dog * 46/10/07 2139 Windy Hanks * 46/10/09 2140 Five Dollar Bill * 46/10/11 2141 Death in the Valley * 46/10/14 2142 When Duty Calls * 46/10/16 2143 The Homecoming 46/10/18 2144 Old Jeb's Choice * 46/10/21 2145 Girl from the East * 46/10/23 2146 Poetic Justice * 46/10/25 2147 Law's Masquerade * 46/10/28 2148 Victory over Fear * 46/10/30 2149 Two Old Men * 46/11/01 2150 Old Tex * 46/11/04 2151 Trail Boss * 46/11/06 2152 Little Johnny Higgins * 46/11/08 2153 Masked Deputy * 46/11/11 2154 Rustler Trap * 46/11/13 2155 Soldier Son * 46/11/15 2156 Jim Miller's Return * 46/11/18 2157 Hopeful Hank * 46/11/20 2158 A Friend in Need * 46/11/22 2159 The Newcomer * 46/11/25 2160 Old Poncho * 46/11/27 2161 Perfect Alibi * 46/11/29 2162 Valley of Death * 46/12/02 2163 The Silver Claw * 46/12/04 2164 Border Patrol 46/12/06 2165 Friend in Need 46/12/09 2166 Brave Man * 46/12/11 2167 The Gentleman from London * 46/12/13 2168 Johnnie's Claim * 46/12/16 2169 Claimant of the Lazy D * 46/12/18 2170 Help by Wire * 46/12/20 2171 Quicksand Point * 46/12/23 2172 Outlaw Masquerade * 46/12/25 2173 Bells of San Pedro * 46/12/27 2174 Bobby Johnson * 46/12/30 2175 Canyon Trail * 47/01/01 2176 Wild Horse Round-up * 47/01/03 2177 Belle Marlow's Revenge * 47/01/06 2178 To Catch a Crook * 47/01/08 2179 Test for a Lawman * 47/01/10 2180 Tough Kid from Kansas City * 47/01/13 2181 Law for Apache Bend * 47/01/15 2182 From Outer Space - Meteor I * 47/01/17 2183 The Butterfield Stage-Meteor II * 47/01/20 2184 The Silver Bullet - Meteor III * 47/01/22 2185 Rays of the Sun - Meteor IV 47/01/24 2186 Spirit Valley 47/01/27 2187 My Son Comes Home * 47/01/29 2188 Tomahawk Cut 47/01/31 2189 Stage Line Schemer 47/02/03 2190 Missouri Landing * 47/02/05 2191 The Last Bullet * 47/02/07 2192 Framed out of Trouble 47/02/10 2193 Silas Turnbull's Legacy * 47/02/12 2194 Gunpowder's Grave 47/02/14 2195 The Little Redhead * 47/02/17 2196 Mine of the Silver Bullets * 47/02/19 2197 Thunder Moves a Stagecoach 47/02/21 2198 Cases for Bald Valley 47/02/24 2199 Cane Creek Strategy * 47/02/26 2200 Lone Ranger - Pony Rider * 47/02/28 2201 Jack's Horse, Blackie * 47/03/03 2202 Runaway Railroad * 47/03/05 2203 Tombstone Newton 47/03/07 2204 Back to the Fold 47/03/10 2205 A Snake in Skirts * 47/03/12 2206 Valley Passage 47/03/14 2207 Red Clay and Doc Jenkins 47/03/17 2208 Long Trail's End * 47/03/19 2209 Thunder Martin's Murder Charge * 47/03/21 2210 The Last Run 47/03/24 2211 Chinaman's Chance * 47/03/26 2212 Reward Notice 47/03/28 2213 Boy and a Dog * 47/03/31 2214 Railroad Survey * 47/04/02 2215 Black Arab 47/04/04 2216 Old Joe's Niece 47/04/07 2217 New Start * 47/04/09 2218 Law for Martin's Gap 47/04/11 2219 Jason, Called Joe 47/04/14 2220 Banker Benson's Wallet * 47/04/16 2221 The Railroad Trestle 47/04/18 2222 Pasture Land 47/04/21 2223 Hawk's Nest * 47/04/23 2224 Boys Will Be Boys 47/04/25 2225 Sunset Gun * 47/04/28 2226 The Fifteenth Cull * 47/04/30 2227 Mr Gulliver 47/05/02 2228 A Call for Colonel Miles 47/05/05 2229 Water Hole Clue * 47/05/07 2230 When Justice and Duty Meet 47/05/09 2231 The Colorado Kid 47/05/12 2232 City of the Dead * 47/05/14 2233 Blotched Brands 47/05/16 2234 The Bully 47/05/19 2235 Jail for Sale * 47/05/21 2236 The Wild Horse 47/05/23 2237 Change of Hart 47/05/26 2238 The Hooded Quartet * 47/05/28 2239 Tom's About Face 47/05/30 2240 Phantom Weapons 47/06/02 2241 The Big Chance * 47/06/04 2242 Rustlers' Round-up * 47/06/06 2243 Indian Chief 47/06/09 2244 Tom Morningstar's Return * 47/06/11 2245 Lawman's Boy 47/06/13 2246 Grand Hotel 47/06/16 2247 Eastern Claimant * 47/06/18 2248 Moonlight Ride 47/06/20 2249 New Home 47/06/23 2250 Adventure on the Mississippi 47/06/25 2251 Set a Crook 47/06/27 2252 Pete and Pedro * 47/06/30 2253 The False Legacy * 47/07/02 2254 Corn Planter 47/07/04 2255 North Junction * 47/07/07 2256 Revenge * 47/07/09 2257 Gun Runner's Boy * 47/07/11 2258 Cussed Old Man * 47/07/14 2259 When Fate Wore a Mask * 47/07/16 2260 The Powder Kid * 47/07/18 2261 The Crested Ring * 47/07/21 2262 Son Wanted 47/07/23 2263 Fighting Spirit * 47/07/25 2264 Round-up Boss * 47/07/28 2265 Forewarned Is Fore-armed * 47/07/30 2266 Outpost in Despair * 47/08/01 2267 Gold Train * 47/08/04 2268 Ranger Medicine * 47/08/06 2269 Jail Breaker * 47/08/08 2270 Outpost * 47/08/11 2271 The Voluntary Captive * 47/08/13 2272 Trial by Fire * 47/08/15 2273 Crooks Are Where You Find Them * 47/08/18 2274 The Black Lamb * 47/08/20 2275 False Friend * 47/08/22 2276 Race Against Time * 47/08/25 2277 When Memory Failed * 47/08/27 2278 Pony Rider * 47/08/29 2279 Justice for Sam Jenkins * 47/09/01 2280 Faith and Guns * 47/09/03 2281 Frontier Town Judge * 47/09/05 2282 Frontier Town Lawyer * 47/09/08 2283 Frontier Town Frameup * 47/09/10 2284 Doc Drummond's Strange Case * 47/09/12 2285 Masquerade for a Killer * 47/09/15 2286 Blood Brother * 47/09/17 2287 Barnaby Boggs' Dilemma * 47/09/19 2288 Double Cross * 47/09/22 2289 Law Girl * 47/09/24 2290 Fiasco * 47/09/26 2291 Old Hickory * 47/09/29 2292 The Big Mouth * 47/10/01 2293 Revenue Isn't Everything * 47/10/03 2294 City of Masks * 47/10/06 2295 The Emperor of California * 47/10/08 2296 The Mountain of Missing Men * 47/10/10 2297 Summons in Silver * 47/10/13 2298 Silver Bullet Mine * 47/10/15 2299 Feud Plot * 47/10/17 2300 Big Man * 47/10/20 2301 Driver's Boy * 47/10/22 2302 Wanted for Treason * 47/10/24 2303 Bad Brother * 47/10/27 2304 The Work train * 47/10/29 2305 Compass Bearing * 47/10/31 2306 Two Gangs * 47/11/03 2307 Lady in the Mask * 47/11/05 2308 The Silver Watch Fob * 47/11/07 2309 Union Pacific, No 1 * 47/11/10 2310 Union Pacific, No 2 * 47/11/12 2311 Union Pacific, No 3 * 47/11/14 2312 Union Pacific, No 4 * 47/11/17 2313 Clarabelle's Birthday Present * 47/11/19 2314 Manhunt 47/11/21 2315 Jack Monroe Goes Home 47/11/24 2316 Book Larnin' * 47/11/26 2317 Lolita and the Outlaw * 47/11/28 2318 The Imperfect Frame * 47/12/01 2319 Sunset Valley * 47/12/03 2320 Oyster Bill * 47/12/05 2321 A Matter of Pride * 47/12/08 2322 Horse Breeder * 47/12/10 2323 Windy's Big Moment * 47/12/12 2324 Dan and Lefty Willis 47/12/15 2325 Devil's Pass * 47/12/17 2326 An Act of Faith * 47/12/19 2327 Plague from the Sky * 47/12/22 2328 Prelude to Law * 47/12/24 2329 The Mission Bells 47/12/26 2330 Determination * 47/12/29 2331 The Smugglers' Hideout * 47/12/31 2332 The Man Who Wouldn't Kill * 48/01/02 2333 Special Six-guns, No 1 * 48/01/05 2334 Package from Sam Colt, No 2 Pr Series * 48/01/07 2335 Six Gun Ring, No 3 * 48/01/09 2336 Winning Six Guns, No 4 * 48/01/12 2337 Little Peggy and Johnny * 48/01/14 2338 Dead Witness * 48/01/16 2339 Lady Known as Belle * 48/01/19 2340 The Silver Spoon * 48/01/21 2341 Prunella's Chickens * 48/01/23 2342 Steam Pressure * 48/01/26 2343 Old Stoopy * 48/01/28 2344 Medicine for Lucky 48/01/30 2345 On Parole * 48/02/02 2346 Breakneck Canyon * 48/02/04 2347 The Money Box * 48/02/06 2348 Ma Henry Takes a Hand * 48/02/09 2349 Flood Waters * 48/02/11 2350 Hidden Guns * 48/02/13 2351 Mysterious Stranger * 48/02/16 2352 Man of Destiny * 48/02/18 2353 Pedometer No 1 * 48/02/20 2354 Pedometer No 2 * 48/02/23 2355 Pedometer No 3 * 48/02/25 2356 Pedometer No 4 * 48/02/27 2357 Grandma Brown * 48/03/01 2358 Letter from Albuquerque * 48/03/03 2359 Runaway Boy * 48/03/05 2360 Holly Hill Holdup * 48/03/08 2361 Toll Bridge * 48/03/10 2362 Furnace Canyon * 48/03/12 2363 The Wolf Pack * 48/03/15 2364 Melissa Downs' Nephew * 48/03/17 2365 Like Father, Like Son * 48/03/19 2366 Long Lost Brother * 48/03/22 2367 Murder and Thunder Martin * 48/03/24 2368 When Stages Meet * 48/03/26 2369 The Sword * 48/03/29 2370 Lieutenant Nelson's Mistake * 48/03/31 2371 The Story of Terry Hanson * 48/04/02 2372 Border Patrol * 48/04/05 2373 A Fight for Peace * 48/04/07 2374 Special Frontier Town Sequence, No 1 * 48/04/09 2375 Special Frontier Town Sequence, No 2 * 48/04/12 2376 Special Frontier Town Sequence, No 3 * 48/04/14 2377 Special Frontier Town Sequence, No 4 * 48/04/16 2378 Bob Strong's Legacy * 48/04/19 2379 El Gringo * 48/04/21 2380 The Man from Missouri * 48/04/23 2381 Singapore's Peg Leg * 48/04/26 2382 Luke Learns a Lesson * 48/04/28 2383 The Dragon Kite * 48/04/30 2384 Judge Brennan * 48/05/03 2385 The Colonel's Daughter * 48/05/05 2386 Lookout Tower Mystery * 48/05/07 2387 The Raft * 48/05/10 2388 Dancehall of Death * 48/05/12 2389 Fathers-at-law 48/05/14 2390 Judge Brennan's Decision 48/05/17 2391 Sagebrush Hollow Mystery * 48/05/19 2392 Rainbow's Gold 48/05/21 2393 Silver Spurs 48/05/24 2394 Free Election * 48/05/26 2395 Rustler's Cave 48/05/28 2396 Brother Graham Fights for Peace 48/05/31 2397 Will Clayton's Gold * 48/06/02 2398 The Munson Gang 48/06/04 2399 A Call from Rosita 48/06/07 2400 Tunnel Adventure * 48/06/09 2401 Outlaw Trail 48/06/11 2402 Cargo for Clarabelle 48/06/14 2403 A Lesson for Jack McGee 48/06/16 2404 Obidiah Jenkins and the Bank Robbers * 48/06/18 2405 If a Body Finds a Body * 48/06/21 2406 Fort Laramie Incident 48/06/23 2407 Cheyenne Vigilantes 48/06/25 2408 Granite for the Up * 48/06/28 2409 The Frontier Day Race * 48/06/30 2410 The Lone Ranger's Origin (Evening) * 48/07/02 2411 The Meadows Sisters 48/07/05 2412 Lone Ranger's Rescue 48/07/07 2413 Deserted Mine Shaft 48/07/09 2414 Old Cheyenne 48/07/12 2415 Held on Suspicion 48/07/14 2416 Young Doctor Lowell * 48/07/16 2417 Cattle Drive 48/07/19 2418 A Bridge for a Bridge * 48/07/21 2419 Arizona Pete * 48/07/23 2420 Nevada * 48/07/26 2421 The Cynic 48/07/28 2422 A Hundred Canyons * 48/07/30 2423 Pancho's Double 48/08/02 2424 Lawman Reborn 48/08/04 2425 Fort Gurney 48/08/06 2426 Warrant Delayed 48/08/09 2427 Wall of Water * 48/08/11 2428 Ex-convict * 48/08/13 2429 Timberland 48/08/16 2430 Hanging Rock * 48/08/18 2431 The Chisholm Trail 48/08/20 2432 Grudge Payoff 48/08/23 2433 The Stranger in Camp * 48/08/25 2434 Range Warfare 48/08/27 2435 Missouri Bend 48/08/30 2436 Stagecoach Plot 48/09/01 2437 Lucky's Mistake 48/09/03 2438 Indian Hostage 48/09/06 2439 Valley Uprising 48/09/08 2440 The Fur Pirates 48/09/10 2441 The Mule Cars 48/09/13 2442 Frenchy's Gang 48/09/15 2443 Feet of Clay 48/09/17 2444 Extortion 48/09/20 2445 The Mythical Map 48/09/22 2446 Drums in the Night 48/09/24 2447 The Coward 48/09/27 2448 The Innocents * 48/09/29 2449 The Outlaw's Son 48/10/01 2450 Pioneer Wagon Train 48/10/04 2451 Special Deputy * 48/10/06 2452 Mr Justice 48/10/08 2453 Jeff Ward Rides Shotgun 48/10/11 2454 Toughest Kid in Town * 48/10/13 2455 Missouri Landing 48/10/15 2456 Gannon's Bridge 48/10/18 2457 A Desperate Stand * 48/10/20 2458 The Outcast 48/10/22 2459 One Man Town 48/10/25 2460 The Black Gang * 48/10/27 2461 The Great Peacemaker * 48/10/29 2462 Picture Proof * 48/11/01 2463 The Flashing Light * 48/11/03 2464 Flashlight Ring, No 2 48/11/05 2465 A Pound of Flesh 48/11/08 2466 Tenderfoot Sheriff * 48/11/10 2467 South Gap 48/11/12 2468 Red Mask Outlaw 48/11/15 2469 Trail for the Iron Horse * 48/11/17 2470 Sign of the Hoboes 48/11/19 2471 Relief Train 48/11/22 2472 Tennessee Moody * 48/11/24 2473 Good Neighbors 48/11/26 2474 Counterfeiter's Cave 48/11/29 2475 The Hidden Herd 48/12/01 2476 The Unholy Three * 48/12/03 2477 Double Trouble 48/12/06 2478 The Big Baldy * 48/12/08 2479 The Second Frame-up * 48/12/10 2480 Daniel and El Diablo * 48/12/13 2481 Fast on the Draw * 48/12/15 2482 Last Chance Mine 48/12/17 2483 The Big Drive * 48/12/20 2484 The Lone Bandit * 48/12/22 2485 Three Against the Sunrise * 48/12/24 2486 Christmas Comes to Sandy * 48/12/27 2487 Big Bill Landis * 48/12/29 2488 Pancho Blanca 48/12/31 2489 Dead Man's Deputy * 49/01/03 2490 Lawman's Legacy * 49/01/05 2491 New Neighbors 49/01/07 2492 Man of Goodwill * 49/01/10 2493 Don Mike and Estrellita * 49/01/12 2494 Mary Roberts' Legacy * 49/01/14 2495 The Boss of Cedar Bend * 49/01/17 2496 Joshua Biddle Returns * 49/01/19 2497 Ring, No 1 * 49/01/21 2498 The Black Box 49/01/24 2499 Matilda's Kittens * 49/01/26 2500 Choctaw Pass 49/01/28 2501 Ned Franklin's Grand-dad * 49/01/31 2502 Fugitive from Injustice * 49/02/02 2503 Man at Large 49/02/04 2504 Pop Travis' Letter 49/02/07 2505 The Bunkhouse Trap * 49/02/09 2506 Brogan's Gang 49/02/11 2507 Girl from St Louis 49/02/14 2508 Abilene Trail * 49/02/16 2509 Stolen Horses 49/02/18 2510 The Hero Worshipper * 49/02/21 2511 Surprise for Red Dolan * 49/02/23 2512 Veterans Valley 49/02/25 2513 Apache Treachery 49/02/28 2514 Night Train * 49/03/02 2515 Rifles Underground * 49/03/04 2516 The Hole in the Wall * 49/03/07 2517 A Cake for Skinner * 49/03/09 2518 The White Buffalo 49/03/11 2519 Wild West Steamboats 49/03/14 2520 Exiled 49/03/16 2521 The Whimsical Bandit 49/03/18 2522 Horse Thieves of Devil's Mesa 49/03/21 2523 Face-To-Face with Guns 49/03/23 2524 A Political Debt 49/03/25 2525 Three Against One 49/03/28 2526 Legion of Old Timers 49/03/30 2527 Where You Find It * 49/04/01 2528 Aggie Wins Her Point 49/04/04 2529 Cancel the Five Numbers 49/04/06 2530 Special Deputy 49/04/08 2531 Liz Huntley's Gang 49/04/11 2532 Eastbound-Westbound 49/04/13 2533 Dirk Billing's Downfall * 49/04/15 2534 A Lady Called Cannonball * 49/04/18 2535 Badge of Friendship 49/04/20 2536 Epitaph in Tombstone 49/04/22 2537 Bushwhacker's Feud 49/04/25 2538 The Unusual Rex Morgan * 49/04/27 2539 The Falcon Hawk 49/04/29 2540 Greg Hanson's Trickery 49/05/02 2541 The Iron Hearse 49/05/04 2542 The Gay Caballero * 49/05/06 2543 King of the County 49/05/09 2544 A Last Request 49/05/11 2545 Re-named Town 49/05/13 2546 The Medicine Bird 49/05/16 2547 The Tenderfeet * 49/05/18 2548 Trail of the Sioux 49/05/20 2549 Rustlers of Redstone 49/05/23 2550 A Barrel of Money 49/05/25 2551 The Friendly Enemy 49/05/27 2552 The Feud 49/05/30 2553 The Cattlebuyer * 49/06/01 2554 Like Father, Like Son 49/06/03 2555 Savage Jackson * 49/06/06 2556 The Belt Buckle 49/06/08 2557 The Beeler Gang 49/06/10 2558 Substitute Ranger 49/06/13 2559 Double Masquerade 49/06/15 2560 Record Run 49/06/17 2561 A Dog Named Deuce 49/06/20 2562 Guns for Hire 49/06/22 2563 The Missing Lawman 49/06/24 2564 Ambush at Sundown 49/06/27 2565 High Timber 49/06/29 2566 The Tough Little Man 49/07/01 2567 A Matter of Revenge 49/07/04 2568 The Flaming Bridge 49/07/06 2569 Dan Rides Freight 49/07/08 2570 The Three-In-One Outlaw 49/07/11 2571 The Outlaw Guard 49/07/13 2572 Alias Lawman 49/07/15 2573 Street Photographer 49/07/18 2574 Hank Keeler's Lesson 49/07/20 2575 The Hagen Raid 49/07/22 2576 The Missing Locomotive 49/07/25 2577 Trap in Gopher Canyon 49/07/27 2578 Lolita's Appointment 49/07/29 2579 Devil Dance 49/08/01 2580 The Last Outpost 49/08/03 2581 The Bigger They Are 49/08/05 2582 The Boundary 49/08/08 2583 The Clayton Mine 49/08/10 2584 Western Vengeance 49/08/12 2585 Desert Adventure * 49/08/15 2586 White Man's Magic 49/08/17 2587 Grubstake to Murder 49/08/19 2588 Bob Dayton's Secret 49/08/22 2589 Hiram Weeks' Plan 49/08/24 2590 Misjudged Man 49/08/26 2591 When the Trapper Was Trapped 49/08/29 2592 Outlaw Lawman * 49/08/31 2593 Gunman for Hire * 49/09/02 2594 Word of Honor 49/09/05 2595 Mrs Sheriff 49/09/07 2596 A Deal in Crime 49/09/09 2597 The Red Wagon 49/09/12 2598 Claim Jumpers 49/09/14 2599 Outlaw's Revenge 49/09/16 2600 Wagons Westbound 49/09/19 2601 The Lynch Mob 49/09/21 2602 Foxy Outfoxed 49/09/23 2603 Medal of Honor 49/09/26 2604 Toll Bridge 49/09/28 2605 The Gentle Spanish Woman 49/09/30 2606 Beef for Lame Bear 49/10/03 2607 Barnaby Boggs, Eradicator 49/10/05 2608 Treasure Trail 49/10/07 2609 Rendezvous at the River 49/10/10 2610 Condemned Man's Return 49/10/12 2611 The Unlucky Horseshoe 49/10/14 2612 Rifles at the Railhead 49/10/17 2613 Force Against Evil * 49/10/19 2614 The Sheriff of Gunstock 49/10/21 2615 Old Mike's Story * 49/10/24 2616 United Nations * 49/10/26 2617 The Medicine Horn * 49/10/28 2618 Trigger Takes the Bait * 49/10/31 2619 Mission by Proxy * 49/11/02 2620 The Boastful Bandit * 49/11/04 2621 The Thousand Mile Fight * 49/11/07 2622 Covered Wagon Robbery * 49/11/09 2623 Man of the House * 49/11/11 2624 A Bad Tooth * 49/11/14 2625 Driven Sheep 49/11/16 2626 Enough Rope 49/11/18 2627 The Widow Bandit 49/11/21 2628 Dead Man's Chest 49/11/23 2629 Pilgrim's Progress 49/11/25 2630 The Midget Deputy 49/11/28 2631 The Tennessee Kid 49/11/30 2632 Clarabelle's Mortgage 49/12/02 2633 Jim Dawson Comes Home 49/12/05 2634 The Sagebrush Roundup 49/12/07 2635 Bullets on Boot Hill 49/12/09 2636 Indian Campaign 49/12/12 2637 The Young Gentleman * 49/12/14 2638 At the Count of Three 49/12/16 2639 Spanish Gold 49/12/19 2640 Lawman's Badge 49/12/21 2641 Character Loan 49/12/23 2642 Masked Lady * 49/12/26 2643 Three Christmas Trees 49/12/28 2644 Forgery Frameup 49/12/30 2645 Hunter and the Hunted * 50/01/02 2646 Sword of Honor * 50/01/04 2647 A Look to the Future * 50/01/06 2648 Running Iron Dodge * 50/01/09 2649 Bud Titus Resigns 50/01/11 2650 Printer's Lead 50/01/13 2651 Matter of Proof 50/01/16 2652 The Town Bully 50/01/18 2653 End of the Yuma Kid 50/01/20 2654 Banner of Virginia * 50/01/23 2655 The Would-be Outlaw 50/01/25 2656 The Petrified Giant 50/01/27 2657 Comanche Raid 50/01/30 2658 Run on the Bank * 50/02/01 2659 The Adventure of the Mission Bells 50/02/03 2660 The Grayson Trail * 50/02/06 2661 Extradition Waived * 50/02/08 2662 Thirteen Steps to Freedom * 50/02/10 2663 Eagle Pass * 50/02/13 2664 The Gaycat 50/02/15 2665 The Adventure of the Long-haired Man 50/02/17 2666 One Man Rule 50/02/20 2667 One Night in Dodge 50/02/22 2668 Retired Ranger 50/02/24 2669 Chuck Gurnee's Downfall 50/02/27 2670 Two Gold Lockets 50/03/01 2671 Hobey's Rifles * 50/03/03 2672 The Wandering Cowpoke * 50/03/06 2673 In the Name of Justice * 50/03/08 2674 One Jump Ahead * 50/03/10 2675 Jane's Best Friend * 50/03/11 2675 Kate Jack and Harry Lewis * 50/03/13 2676 Stubborn Thunder * 50/03/15 2677 The Hawk * 50/03/17 2678 Outcasts of San Antone * 50/03/20 2679 The Great Imitator * 50/03/22 2680 Doc Stevens * 50/03/24 2681 Frame-up * 50/03/27 2682 Guilty Knowledge * 50/03/29 2683 Mother Calhoun * 50/03/31 2684 Coppertown Round-up * 50/04/03 2685 The Indian Governor * 50/04/05 2686 Woman of Courage * 50/04/07 2687 The Faceless Bandit * 50/04/10 2688 Silver Bridle Ornament * 50/04/12 2689 Indian Trooper * 50/04/14 2690 Sandusky's Return * 50/04/17 2691 The Million Dollar Wallpaper 50/04/19 2692 O'Connell's Charge 50/04/21 2693 The Outcast * 50/04/24 2694 The Adventure of the River Wolves * 50/04/26 2695 The Silver Trail * 50/04/28 2696 Legal Precedent * 50/05/01 2697 Up Chisholm Trail * 50/05/03 2698 The Plumed Hat 50/05/05 2699 Bottleneck at Panhandle * 50/05/08 2700 The Adventure of the Phantom Steed * 50/05/10 2701 Two of a Kind * 50/05/12 2702 Woman in the White Mask 50/05/15 2703 The Squire * 50/05/17 2704 Message in a Canteen * 50/05/19 2705 The Homesteaders * 50/05/22 2706 The Tribal Talisman 50/05/24 2707 A Drink of Water 50/05/26 2708 The Ace of Death * 50/05/29 2709 Politics and Cattle Ticks * 50/05/31 2710 The Sheriff's Wife * 50/06/02 2711 Zack Fletcher's Boy * 50/06/05 2712 Double Cattle Drive * 50/06/07 2713 The Cimarron Kid 50/06/09 2714 The Storm Raiders 50/06/12 2715 Bert and Pedro * 50/06/14 2716 Call to the Colors * 50/06/16 2717 Backtrail 50/06/19 2718 Jonathan's Cabin * 50/06/21 2719 Mutiny at Ft Malden * 50/06/23 2720 Prisoner at Large * 50/06/26 2721 The Limit of the Law 50/06/28 2722 Counsel for the Defense 50/06/30 2723 Paid in Full 50/07/03 2724 Barnaby Boggs and His Self Respect * 50/07/05 2725 Black Harney * 50/07/07 2726 Lone Ranger Origin * 50/07/10 2727 Mistake of the Father 50/07/12 2728 Undercover Agent 50/07/14 2729 The Sole Survivor 50/07/17 2730 Plan for Revenge 50/07/19 2731 Double Trouble * 50/07/21 2732 The Missing Cattle * 50/07/24 2733 Barbed Wire 50/07/26 2734 The Iron Deer 50/07/28 2735 Tenderfoot Sheepman 50/07/31 2736 For the Good of All 50/08/02 2737 Joel Melton's Son * 50/08/04 2738 Broken Shoe Trail 50/08/07 2739 A Pigeon Called Pablo * 50/08/09 2740 The Spiked Gun * 50/08/11 2741 Ranchers in Arms * 50/08/14 2742 The Smiling Caballero * 50/08/16 2743 San Pedro Boss * 50/08/18 2744 Traitor in the Fold * 50/08/21 2745 Special Delivery * 50/08/23 2746 Feud on the Range 50/08/25 2747 Homer with a High Hat * 50/08/28 2748 Homer with Two Guns * 50/08/30 2749 The Marriage of Ma Hank * 50/09/01 2750 Lead for a Quitter * 50/09/04 2751 Mountain Siege * 50/09/06 2752 Pledge to a Dead Man 50/09/08 2753 Outlaw by Proxy * 50/09/11 2754 The Fourth Man * 50/09/13 2755 Special Deputy * 50/09/15 2756 The Law Lady * 50/09/18 2757 The Decoy * 50/09/20 2758 Bridge of Destiny * 50/09/22 2759 City of Refuge * 50/09/25 2760 Downfall of Buzz Darby * 50/09/27 2761 Terror Trail * 50/09/29 2762 El Capitan * 50/10/02 2763 The Tomahawk Trail * 50/10/04 2764 The Go-Between * 50/10/06 2765 The Lady Melissa * 50/10/09 2766 Claim of Death * 50/10/11 2767 The Sawtelle Saga's End * 50/10/13 2768 A Call for Help * 50/10/16 2769 Valley of Death 50/10/18 2770 The Tattooed Arm * 50/10/20 2771 The Jolly Tubby Morgan * 50/10/23 2772 Sign of the Noose * 50/10/25 2773 Cave of Terror * 50/10/27 2774 Marked for Death * 50/10/30 2775 Judge Thunder * 50/11/01 2776 Danger at Dawn * 50/11/03 2777 Smooth Larry's Plan * 50/11/06 2778 One-Eyed Bandit * 50/11/08 2779 Good for Evil * 50/11/10 2780 Phil Martin's Purpose * 50/11/13 2781 Three Months to Live * 50/11/15 2782 The Wash-Out 50/11/17 2783 The Prodigal Sheriff 50/11/20 2784 Dead Man's Boots * 50/11/22 2785 The Road Show * 50/11/24 2786 The Colonel's Son * 50/11/27 2787 Old Ned's Adventure * 50/11/29 2788 Rainbow Stampede 50/12/01 2789 The Halsted Roundup 50/12/04 2790 The Range Fence * 50/12/06 2791 The Ribbon of Honor * 50/12/08 2792 Double Life * 50/12/11 2793 Deadly Silver * 50/12/13 2794 The Stolen Watch * 50/12/15 2795 Call to the Colors * 50/12/18 2796 Marked for Death * 50/12/20 2797 As the Arrow Points * 50/12/22 2798 Attack at Dawn * 50/12/25 2799 The Christmas Tree 50/12/27 2800 Imposter * 50/12/29 2801 The Empty Stagecoach 51/01/01 2802 Path of Progress * 51/01/03 2803 Cell Mate * 51/01/05 2804 Glory Pass * 51/01/08 2805 Billy-Be-Hung Returns 51/01/10 2806 Before the Firing Squad * 51/01/12 2807 Doug's Great Adventure * 51/01/15 2808 To Pay a Debt * 51/01/17 2809 The Secret Six-Gun * 51/01/19 2810 The Midnight Rider * 51/01/22 2811 The Eagle Feather * 51/01/24 2812 The Train from Independence * 51/01/26 2813 Three Against Thousands * 51/01/29 2814 Renegade Rifles * 51/01/31 2815 Trouble in South Valley * 51/02/02 2816 Reluctant Sheriff * 51/02/05 2817 Rough Diamonds 51/02/07 2818 Partners in Crime 51/02/09 2819 The Shiny Knife Blade * 51/02/12 2820 The Key of Jeopardy * 51/02/14 2821 Winter Range War * 51/02/16 2822 The Bridge * 51/02/19 2823 Then There Was One 51/02/21 2824 The Dead Outlaw 51/02/23 2825 Hired for Murder 51/02/26 2826 Adventure in the Rain 51/02/28 2827 Flames of Revenge * 51/03/02 2828 Special Edition 51/03/05 2829 The Red Roan * 51/03/07 2830 The Colonel's Strike * 51/03/09 2831 The Tarantula's Web * 51/03/12 2832 Trader Boggs 51/03/14 2833 The Actor Outlaw 51/03/16 2834 Indian Charlie * 51/03/19 2835 One Little Indian 51/03/21 2836 Ear Rings for Gretchen 51/03/23 2837 Valley of the Silver Ghosts 51/03/26 2838 Red, White and Renegade 51/03/28 2839 El Toro 51/03/30 2840 The Murder Trap 51/04/02 2841 Death on Demand 51/04/04 2842 The Big River 51/04/06 2843 Son by Adoption 51/04/09 2844 Army Nurse 51/04/11 2845 Trail to Death * 51/04/13 2846 Shadow of the Gallows * 51/04/16 2847 Find the Lone Ranger 51/04/18 2848 Rustlers' Hideout 51/04/20 2849 Army Scout's Gold * 51/04/23 2850 Stand-Ins for Murder 51/04/25 2851 Tumblerock Law 51/04/27 2852 The Outlaw's Sister 51/04/30 2853 The Loyal Deserter * 51/05/02 2854 The Forged Requisition 51/05/04 2855 Words and Ammunition 51/05/07 2856 Picklock Perkins 51/05/09 2857 Misplaced Friendship * 51/05/11 2858 Badlands * 51/05/14 2859 Mystery Hotel * 51/05/16 2860 Journey to Adventure * 51/05/18 2861 Dressed to Die 51/05/21 2862 The Death Trap 51/05/23 2863 Double Ambush 51/05/25 2864 Sinners by Proxy * 51/05/28 2865 The New Neighbor * 51/05/30 2866 Mesa Mountain * 51/06/01 2867 Hunter's Hollow * 51/06/04 2868 The Refugee Bandit * 51/06/06 2869 The Deserter * 51/06/08 2870 Death Will Out * 51/06/11 2871 Tenderfoot Competitor * 51/06/13 2872 Cattle Car Shuffle * 51/06/15 2873 Valley of Terror * 51/06/18 2874 The Beefsteak Rebellion * 51/06/20 2875 Death on a Stagecoach 51/06/22 2876 Elbow Room 51/06/25 2877 The Packet * 51/06/27 2878 Delayed Hanging * 51/06/29 2879 Land of Promise 51/07/02 2880 Trail to Survival * 51/07/04 2881 Shooting Star * 51/07/06 2882 For a Lost Cause * 51/07/09 2883 The Elusive Gunslingers 51/07/11 2884 Fire and Water 51/07/13 2885 Man of Many Faces * 51/07/16 2886 The Red Mark 51/07/18 2887 Case Against Tonto 51/07/20 2888 Dead Men Don't Talk * 51/07/23 2889 The Rescue 51/07/25 2890 In Search of Evidence 51/07/27 2891 Border Scheme 51/07/30 2892 The Banning Death Plot 51/08/01 2893 Marla's Country-Man 51/08/03 2894 Callahan's Clock 51/08/06 2895 Ambush at Elbow Bend 51/08/08 2896 Man Missing * 51/08/10 2897 The Ghost Town * 51/08/13 2898 Through the Wall 51/08/15 2899 Double Jeopardy 51/08/17 2900 Shadow of the Gallows * 51/08/20 2901 Dave Manley Fights Again * 51/08/22 2902 Homecoming 51/08/24 2903 Empty Strongboxes 51/08/27 2904 The Horse-triangle * 51/08/29 2905 Gold Is Where You Find It 51/08/31 2906 The Elusive Spy 51/09/03 2907 Ace and Two of a Kind 51/09/05 2908 Action for Thunder 51/09/07 2909 The Baited Trap * 51/09/10 2910 Renegade's Revenge 51/09/12 2911 The Step-Brother 51/09/14 2912 Death in the Forest 51/09/17 2913 Night Stage 51/09/19 2914 Death for Sale 51/09/21 2915 Sadie and the Bearded Men 51/09/24 2916 The Henderson Reveille 51/09/26 2917 Garland's Grudge * 51/09/28 2918 The Stray Wagon 51/10/01 2919 Mexican Pursuit 51/10/03 2920 Backtrail 51/10/05 2921 Stage Fight * 51/10/08 2922 Lew Barry's Revenge 51/10/10 2923 Double Cross Trails 51/10/12 2924 Special Investigator 51/10/15 2925 Bandits in Uniform 51/10/17 2926 Jim Bowie's Claim 51/10/19 2927 The Colonel's Command 51/10/22 2928 Gunmen of Pecos Valley 51/10/24 2929 The Navajo Trail 51/10/26 2930 End of the Quest 51/10/29 2931 The Great Bend Settlement 51/10/31 2932 The Lawtons Last Haul 51/11/02 2933 Warpaint and Feathers 51/11/05 2934 Major Ravenshaw 51/11/07 2935 The Search * 51/11/09 2936 The Camels Are Coming 51/11/12 2937 Stage to Big Bend 51/11/14 2938 The Jesse Chase Mine 51/11/16 2939 Witness to Crime 51/11/19 2940 Mule Train on Death * 51/11/21 2941 The Hold-Up at Sandy Point * 51/11/23 2942 The Waterfall Gang * 51/11/26 2943 Murder at Tricorn Ranch 51/11/28 2944 Partner in Crime 51/11/30 2945 The Bounty Hunter 51/12/03 2946 Loot and a Boot 51/12/05 2947 The Flaming Barrier 51/12/07 2948 Court Martial 51/12/10 2949 The First Snowfall 51/12/12 2950 Guns of Jeopardy 51/12/14 2951 Stranger in the Storm 51/12/17 2952 The Land Grab 51/12/19 2953 Desperado at Large 51/12/21 2954 The Stormy Trail 51/12/24 2955 Faith and the Doctor 51/12/26 2956 Nancy Appleton's Hero 51/12/28 2957 False Accusations 51/12/31 2958 Crime at Umbrella Rock * 52/01/02 2959 The Young Easterner * 52/01/04 2960 Orders for the East * 52/01/07 2961 Ted Radford's Mine * 52/01/09 2962 Brimstone Brewster * 52/01/11 2963 Flashback * 52/01/14 2964 Mission of Revenge * 52/01/16 2965 Two Boys and Their Dad * 52/01/18 2966 The Sheriff from Texas * 52/01/21 2967 A Word of Advice * 52/01/23 2968 In His Father's Footsteps 52/01/25 2969 Unwelcome Visitors 52/01/28 2970 Summer Dawn * 52/01/30 2971 Stranger on a Train 52/02/01 2972 Homecoming 52/02/04 2973 A Case of Interference * 52/02/06 2974 When Disaster Strikes 52/02/08 2975 The Coldcreek Case * 52/02/11 2976 Shadow of Death * 52/02/13 2977 Snowbound * 52/02/15 2978 Paroled Man * 52/02/18 2979 The Lawless Lawmen * 52/02/20 2980 Best Laid Plans * 52/02/22 2981 The Blinding Storm * 52/02/25 2982 Tonto and the Sheriff's Son * 52/02/27 2983 The Woman from Omaha 52/02/29 2984 The Devil's Dessert 52/03/03 2985 Halt of the Overland Train * 52/03/05 2986 The Lost Trail 52/03/07 2987 Chet Mifflin's Ruse 52/03/10 2988 Stalled Armistice * 52/03/12 2989 The Flame * 52/03/14 2990 Journey to Manhood * 52/03/17 2991 Claws of Death * 52/03/19 2992 Rio Grande Gun Runners * 52/03/21 2993 Roaring River Law * 52/03/24 2994 The Rodeo Star * 52/03/26 2995 Atonement * 52/03/28 2996 Double-Cross * 52/03/31 2997 Chinese Gold * 52/04/02 2998 Across the Canyon 52/04/04 2999 The Wide Missouri * 52/04/07 3000 Buried Gold * 52/04/09 3001 The New Commissioner 52/04/11 3002 The Peace Pow-wow * 52/04/14 3003 The Unexpected * 52/04/16 3004 Trouble at the Circle-D * 52/04/18 3005 War Horse * 52/04/21 3006 Strange Meeting * 52/04/23 3007 The Destroyers * 52/04/25 3008 Horse Thief Tracks * 52/04/28 3009 The Third Robbery * 52/04/30 3010 Price of Treason * 52/05/02 3011 Contraband from Cuba * 52/05/05 3012 The Witness * 52/05/07 3013 The Turning Point * 52/05/09 3014 The Secret Canyon * 52/05/12 3015 Old Olly's Hat * 52/05/14 3016 The Brother's War 52/05/16 3017 Sign of the Blue Anchor * 52/05/19 3018 Night Fire * 52/05/21 3019 Prisoner Returns * 52/05/23 3020 The Secret Witness * 52/05/26 3021 Deathtrap for Two * 52/05/28 3022 Dan and Bones Milbank 52/05/30 3023 Death and Taxes * 52/06/02 3024 The Carrier Pigeon * 52/06/04 3025 A Message Goes Wrong * 52/06/06 3026 Key to Justice 52/06/09 3027 Snakey's Last Stand * 52/06/11 3028 Law for Calamity 52/06/13 3029 End of the Chase 52/06/16 3030 Zanzibar * 52/06/18 3031 Wagon of Refuge 52/06/20 3032 The Fannin' Kid 52/06/23 3033 Wall of Fire * 52/06/25 3034 Mr Greeley Goes West 52/06/27 3035 A Piece of Silver * 52/06/30 3036 Sal Hawkins Comes Home 52/07/02 3037 Change of Plans 52/07/04 3038 Apache Pass 52/07/07 3039 The Long Bridge * 52/07/09 3040 Western Union Story 52/07/11 3041 Moose Miller's Fall * 52/07/14 3042 The Lost Years 52/07/16 3043 War in Wyoming 52/07/18 3044 Murder Hunt 52/07/21 3045 The Eagle Tattoo 52/07/23 3046 Incident on the Outskirts 52/07/25 3047 The Loaded Burros 52/07/28 3048 West of Deadwood 52/07/30 3049 The Invalid 52/08/01 3050 Small Gold Nugget 52/08/04 3051 Dollars of Doom 52/08/06 3052 The Barricade 52/08/08 3053 Race Against Time 52/08/11 3054 The Young Sister 52/08/13 3055 Savage Justice 52/08/15 3056 Empty Water Barrel * 52/08/18 3057 The Slave-runner 52/08/20 3058 The Hermit of Mile High 52/08/22 3059 The Canvas Suitcase 52/08/25 3060 Condemned Men 52/08/27 3061 The Long Trail 52/08/29 3062 The Secret Valley 52/09/01 3063 Ex-Marshal 52/09/03 3064 Lone Cedar * 52/09/05 3065 When Death Waits * 52/09/08 3066 The Fugitive * 52/09/10 3067 Artist in Crime * 52/09/12 3068 Mesa Manhunt * 52/09/15 3069 The Placid Dutchman * 52/09/17 3070 Jailbreak * 52/09/19 3071 Marked Money * 52/09/22 3072 Indian Gold * 52/09/24 3073 Rocky Ridge Mystery * 52/09/26 3074 The Wagondriver * 52/09/29 3075 Strange Meeting * 52/10/01 3076 Young Blacksmith 52/10/03 3077 The Easterner 52/10/06 3078 Tuffy Blair's Nephew 52/10/08 3079 The Welcher 52/10/10 3080 Masquerade 52/10/13 3081 The Trap * 52/10/15 3082 Old Acquaintance * 52/10/17 3083 Canyon Secret * 52/10/20 3084 Meeting in the Badlands * 52/10/22 3085 Grindstone Law * 52/10/24 3086 Stray Bullet * 52/10/27 3087 The Cave * 52/10/29 3088 Ranger in Danger * 52/10/31 3089 Silver Ransom * 52/11/03 3090 The End of the Line * 52/11/05 3091 The Lone Ranger Rides Again * 52/11/07 3092 The Marauders of Pinon Creek * 52/11/10 3093 The Extra Supplies * 52/11/12 3094 Fair Trial * 52/11/14 3095 Hidden Loot * 52/11/17 3096 The Money Lender * 52/11/19 3097 Raw Gold * 52/11/21 3098 Jeff and Jim * 52/11/24 3099 The Bearded Killer * 52/11/26 3100 Distress Signal * 52/11/28 3101 Treachery Trail * 52/12/01 3102 The Long Trail * 52/12/03 3103 Horses of Another Color * 52/12/05 3104 Colorado Gold * 52/12/08 3105 His Brother's Keeper * 52/12/10 3106 Six-Gun Justice * 52/12/12 3107 The Strange Fugitive * 52/12/15 3108 The Overplay * 52/12/17 3109 Wyoming Outlaw * 52/12/19 3110 Apache Peril 52/12/22 3111 The Rich Tenderfoot 52/12/24 3112 The Morning Star 52/12/26 3113 Traders Cargo 52/12/29 3114 The Horse Thieves * 52/12/31 3115 Daybreak at Cross Trails * 53/01/02 3116 Boots and a Bloodhound * 53/01/05 3117 A Church for Palemos * 53/01/07 3118 Pay Dirt in Outlaws * 53/01/09 3119 The Gunpowder * 53/01/12 3120 Freight Line Scheme * 53/01/14 3121 The One Peso Bill * 53/01/16 3122 The Thunderbird Emblem * 53/01/19 3123 The Young Prospector * 53/01/21 3124 A Land to Be Saved * 53/01/23 3125 Change for the Better * 53/01/26 3126 Gold Shipment * 53/01/28 3127 The Big Blow-up * 53/01/30 3128 Return of Cavendish * 53/02/02 3129 Turnabout * 53/02/04 3130 Rookie Texas Ranger * 53/02/06 3131 Tom Fillmore's Claim * 53/02/09 3132 Conference with General Lee 53/02/11 3133 A Child's Faith 53/02/13 3134 The Sure-Thing Man * 53/02/16 3135 The Cigar Band * 53/02/18 3136 The Vigilantes * 53/02/20 3137 Loyal Betrayer * 53/02/23 3138 End of the Trail * 53/02/25 3139 Inky's Adventure * 53/02/27 3140 Mystery Fires * 53/03/02 3141 Squint-Eye * 53/03/04 3142 Incident on the River * 53/03/06 3143 Border Intrigue * 53/03/09 3144 The Herd Stealers * 53/03/11 3145 Murder on the Plains * 53/03/13 3146 The Man on the Ridge * 53/03/16 3147 Ambush * 53/03/18 3148 The Glory Road * 53/03/20 3149 Trail of Blood * 53/03/23 3150 The Right Side * 53/03/25 3151 The Brothers 53/03/27 3152 The Law's Deputy * 53/03/30 3153 Looting of Lawrenceville * 53/04/01 3154 Inky and the Printers Ink * 53/04/03 3155 The Flaming Decoy * 53/04/06 3156 Three Thieves * 53/04/08 3157 The Escape 53/04/10 3158 To Die at Dawn * 53/04/13 3159 Silver Bullet for Speck * 53/04/15 3160 The Killer's Gun * 53/04/17 3161 Widow Spider's Web * 53/04/20 3162 Interrupted Journey * 53/04/22 3163 The Outlaw Town * 53/04/24 3164 The Partnership * 53/04/27 3165 Snake in the Grass * 53/04/29 3166 Eyeglass Clue * 53/05/01 3167 Slated for Death * 53/05/04 3168 Train Robbery 53/05/06 3169 Trail of the Rustling Boss 53/05/08 3170 A Chinaman's Chance * 53/05/11 3171 Flight of the Martins * 53/05/13 3172 Border Raider * 53/05/15 3173 Two Weeks to Go * 53/05/18 3174 The Last of the Carson Gang * 53/05/20 3175 Refund for Thunder 53/05/22 3176 The Emissary * 53/05/25 3177 Heritage of Treason 53/05/27 3178 Message for Fort Apache 53/05/29 3179 Renegade's Harvest 53/06/01 3180 Fateful Journey 53/06/03 3181 Nesters' Peril * 53/06/05 3182 The Road to Mexico 53/06/08 3183 Murder Weapon 53/06/10 3184 The Forest of Missing Men 53/06/12 3185 The Robbery at Backbreak Hill 53/06/15 3186 New Marshal Law 53/06/17 3187 Prisoner at Large 53/06/19 3188 The Spanish Gentleman 53/06/22 3189 The Living Dead 53/06/24 3190 The Valley of New Hope * 53/06/26 3191 Stolen Stagecoach 53/06/29 3192 Crisis at Elbow Bend 53/07/01 3193 Delay in Meeting 53/07/03 3194 Babyface Robinson * 53/07/06 3195 The Inferno 53/07/08 3196 The Not-Too-Secret Cave 53/07/10 3197 Jornada Del Muerto 53/07/13 3198 Captive Ransom 53/07/15 3199 Deception 53/07/17 3200 Fall of a Castle 53/07/20 3201 Man Behind the Gang 53/07/22 3202 Julie Brown's Dad * 53/07/24 3203 Visitor from Mexico 53/07/27 3204 Aftermath of the Little Big Horn 53/07/29 3205 Imposter 53/07/31 3206 Dust of Destiny 53/08/03 3207 Out of the Past 53/08/05 3208 Reward for Sam 53/08/07 3209 Danger in the Night 53/08/10 3210 Man Missing 53/08/12 3211 Change of Brands * 53/08/14 3212 Strangers from the East * 53/08/17 3213 Dan Reid's Return * 53/08/19 3214 Dan Reid's Fight for Life * 53/08/21 3215 The Vindictive Corrys 53/08/24 3216 Drawl of Death * 53/08/26 3217 Mystery Hotel * 53/08/28 3218 Deadline, Five-Fifteen * 53/08/31 3219 Drought * 53/09/02 3220 Rendezvous at the Little Big Horn * 53/09/04 3221 Stolen Money * 53/09/07 3222 The Reinforcements * 53/09/09 3223 PT Barnum Goes West 53/09/11 3224 The Quiet Highwayman * 53/09/14 3225 Race for Life * 53/09/16 3226 Race to the Wire * 53/09/18 3227 The Short Route 53/09/21 3228 The Railroad Robberies * 53/09/23 3229 Boundary Cheaters 53/09/25 3230 The Law That Failed 53/09/28 3231 Mystery Ship * 53/09/30 3232 The Pinkerton Man * 53/10/02 3233 The Cattleman from Mexico * 53/10/05 3234 The Lone Survivor * 53/10/07 3235 Special Assignment * 53/10/09 3236 Outlaw's Trail * 53/10/12 3237 Framed for Robbery * 53/10/14 3238 Garrison Finish * 53/10/16 3239 Trapped * 53/10/19 3240 The Pony Riders * 53/10/21 3241 The Great Doctor Pickens * 53/10/23 3242 Left-Handed Killer * 53/10/26 3243 The Thunder Rod * 53/10/28 3244 Bucky Hooker's Captives * 53/10/30 3245 The Ghost Riders * 53/11/02 3246 Horse Thieves * 53/11/04 3247 Trapped by Fate * 53/11/06 3248 Scout Sounds the Alarm * 53/11/09 3249 The Winner * 53/11/11 3250 A Change at Circle-B * 53/11/13 3251 Jud Jackson's Plan * 53/11/16 3252 The Lanky Outlaw * 53/11/18 3253 Tom Fuller's Boy * 53/11/20 3254 Trouble-Shooting * 53/11/23 3255 Pursuit * 53/11/25 3256 Thanksgiving in Modoc City * 53/11/27 3257 T R Goes West * 53/11/30 3258 Strange Allies * 53/12/02 3259 The Globe * 53/12/04 3260 Horse Trader's Secret * 53/12/07 3261 The Fugitive Army * 53/12/09 3262 Hooded Raiders * 53/12/11 3263 Bugle of Doom * 53/12/14 3264 The Coward * 53/12/16 3265 The Masked Partners * 53/12/18 3266 Sarsaparilla Kid * 53/12/21 3267 The Cellmate * 53/12/23 3268 Railroad to Prison * 53/12/25 3269 The Three Wise Men * 53/12/28 3270 Female of the Species * 53/12/30 3271 Telescope Clue * 54/01/01 3272 Death Rides with Daggett * 54/01/04 3273 Crane Murder Case * 54/01/06 3274 Dan and Sally's Adventure * 54/01/08 3275 The White Leader * 54/01/11 3276 Saddle Shop Keeper * 54/01/13 3277 The Long Trail * 54/01/15 3278 Trigger Finger * 54/01/18 3279 The Witness * 54/01/20 3280 The Sheepskin Coat * 54/01/22 3281 Good Indian * 54/01/25 3282 Bank Robbery * 54/01/27 3283 The Black Patch * 54/01/29 3284 The Treacherous Escort * 54/02/01 3285 Man Alive * 54/02/03 3286 Adventure at Rockpoint * 54/02/05 3287 A Twist of Fate * 54/02/08 3288 The Telltale Bullet 54/02/10 3289 The Man on Top * 54/02/12 3290 The Mysterious Cotton Pickers * 54/02/15 3291 The Fiery Barricade * 54/02/17 3292 A Lesson for Congress 54/02/19 3293 The Road to Nogales * 54/02/22 3294 Hide Hunters 54/02/24 3295 Valley of Creeping Death * 54/02/26 3296 Johnny Becket's Courage 54/03/01 3297 Mystery Woman * 54/03/03 3298 The Governor's Son * 54/03/05 3299 Strange Letter * 54/03/08 3300 Fortune in a Hat * 54/03/10 3301 The Enfield Rifles * 54/03/12 3302 Road to Death * 54/03/15 3303 Mysterious Prospector * 54/03/17 3304 Santa Anna's Treasure 54/03/19 3305 The Black Terror * 54/03/22 3306 Tunnel to Trouble * 54/03/24 3307 Pigs and Pete Digby * 54/03/26 3308 Vengeance * 54/03/29 3309 Burly Scott's Sacrifice * 54/03/31 3310 Foxfire * 54/04/02 3311 The Outcast * 54/04/05 3312 Hideout * 54/04/07 3313 The Crystal Ball * 54/04/09 3314 The War Makers * 54/04/12 3315 Go-Between * 54/04/14 3316 Thunder and Dynamite 54/04/16 3317 The Thief * 54/04/19 3318 Hidden Danger * 54/04/21 3319 Hunted * 54/04/23 3320 About Face * 54/04/26 3321 The Courageous Coward * 54/04/28 3322 The Last of the Gang * 54/04/30 3323 Death Trail * 54/05/03 3324 Two Little Men * 54/05/05 3325 Interrupted Journey * 54/05/07 3326 When Death Waits * 54/05/10 3327 Framed * 54/05/12 3328 Infernal Machine * 54/05/14 3329 Badge of Honor * 54/05/17 3330 The Brightest Star * 54/05/19 3331 Laugh of Death * 54/05/21 3332 The Wrong Man * 54/05/24 3333 Missing Heir * 54/05/26 3334 The Mystery Bandit * 54/05/28 3335 Flaming Arrows * 54/05/31 3336 Danger on the Plains 54/06/02 3337 The Young Mexican * 54/06/04 3338 The Keelboat * 54/06/07 3339 Outlaw's Town * 54/06/09 3340 Birthday for Billy * 54/06/11 3341 Fiery Death Trap * 54/06/14 3342 The Army Mule * 54/06/16 3343 Shrimp Butler * 54/06/18 3344 Marked for Murder * 54/06/21 3345 Hidden Loot * 54/06/23 3346 Kill or Be Killed * 54/06/25 3347 Race Against Sunrise * 54/06/28 3348 The Gentle Tucson Thorpe 54/06/30 3349 Delayed Justice * 54/07/02 3350 The Colonel's Daughter * 54/07/05 3351 Young Investigator * 54/07/07 3352 Mysterious Mission * 54/07/09 3353 Trouble at the Rafter H * 54/07/12 3354 The Show Wagons * 54/07/14 3355 Boots and the Rodeo * 54/07/16 3356 Billy Tilden's Mission * 54/07/19 3357 The Silver Colt * 54/07/21 3358 Matter of Life or Death 54/07/23 3359 The Paleta Diamond * 54/07/26 3360 The Notorious El Diablo * 54/07/28 3361 Flood Waters * 54/07/30 3362 Double Frame-up * 54/08/02 3363 Chief and the Colonel * 54/08/04 3364 Diamond Mission * 54/08/06 3365 Cigars and Dust * 54/08/09 3366 The Runaway * 54/08/11 3367 Golden Cargo * 54/08/13 3368 Fugitive * 54/08/16 3369 Hombre from Mexico * 54/08/18 3370 Friend in Need * 54/08/20 3371 Renegade Leader * 54/08/23 3372 Dead Man 54/08/25 3373 Prisoners at Large * 54/08/27 3374 Crime Wave aka Wilson Brothers Escape Jail * 54/08/30 3375 Teacher's Brother * 54/09/01 3376 I O U * 54/09/03 3377 Cold Spring Showdown (Last Original 'Live' Broadcast) * 54/09/06 3114 The Horse Thieves * 54/09/08 3115 Daybreak at Cross Trails * 54/09/09 2598 The Fugitive * 54/09/10 3116 Boots and A Bloodhound * 54/09/13 3117 A Church for Palermos * 54/09/15 3118 Paydirt In Outlaws * 54/09/17 3119 The Gunpowder * 54/09/20 3120 Freightline Scheme * 54/09/22 3121 The One Peso Bill * 54/09/24 3122 The Thunderbird Emblem * 54/09/27 3123 The Young Prospector * 54/09/29 3124 A Land to Be Saved * 54/10/01 3125 Change for the Better * 54/10/04 3126 Gold Shipment * 54/10/06 3127 The Big Blow-Up 54/10/08 3128 Return Of Cavindish * 54/10/11 3129 Turnabout * 54/10/12 3156 Three Thieves (2) * 54/10/13 3130 Rookie Texas Ranger * 54/10/15 3131 Tom Filmore's Claim * 54/10/18 3132 Conference with General Lee 54/10/20 3133 A Child's Faith 54/10/22 3134 The Sure Thing Man * 54/10/25 3135 Cigar Band * 54/10/27 3236 The Vigilantes * 54/10/29 3137 Loyal Betrayer * 54/11/01 3138 End of the Trail * 54/11/03 3139 Inky's Adventure * 54/11/05 3140 Mystery Fires * 54/11/08 3141 Squint Eye * 54/11/10 3142 Incident On The River * 54/11/12 3143 Border Intrigue * 54/11/15 3144 The Herd Stealers * 54/11/17 3145 Murder on the Plains * 54/11/19 3146 The Man On The Ridge 54/11/22 3147 Ambush * 54/11/24 3148 The Glory Road * 54/11/26 3149 Trail Of Blood * 54/11/29 3150 The Right Side 54/12/01 3151 The Brothers 54/12/03 3152 The Laws Deputy * 54/12/06 3153 Looting Of Lawrenceville * 54/12/08 3154 Inky And The Printer's Ink * 54/12/10 3156 Three Thieves * 54/12/13 3157 The Escape 54/12/15 3158 To Die At Dawn * 54/12/17 3159 Silver Bullet For Speck * 54/12/20 3160 The Killers Gun * 54/12/22 3161 Widow Spider's Web 54/12/24 3270 The Three Wise Men * 54/12/27 3162 Interrupted Journey * 54/12/29 3163 Outlaw Town * 54/12/31 3164 The Partnership * 55/01/03 3165 Snake in the Grass 55/01/05 3166 Eyeglass Clue * 55/01/07 3167 Slated For Death * 55/01/10 3168 Train Robbery * 55/01/12 3169 Trail Of The Rustling Boss * 55/01/14 3170 A Chinaman's Chance * 55/01/17 3171 Flight Of The Martins * 55/01/19 3172 Border Raider 55/01/21 3173 Two Weeks To Go * 55/01/24 3174 Last Of The Carson Gang * 55/01/26 3175 Refund for Thunder * 55/01/28 3176 The Emissary * 55/01/31 3177 Heritage Of Treason 55/02/02 3178 Message For Fort Apache 55/02/04 3179 Renegade's Harvest 55/02/07 3180 Fateful Journey 55/02/09 3181 Nester's Peril 55/02/11 3182 The Road To Mexico 55/02/14 3183 Murder Weapon 55/02/16 3184 The Forest Of Missing Men 55/02/18 3185 The Robbery At Backbreak Hill 55/02/21 3186 New Marshal Law 55/02/23 3187 Prisoner At Large 55/02/25 3188 The Spanish Gentlemen 55/02/28 3189 The Living Dead 55/03/02 3190 The Valley Of New Hope 55/03/04 3191 Stolen Stagecoach 55/03/07 3192 Crisis At Rainbow Hill 55/03/09 3193 Delay In Meeting 55/03/11 3194 Babyface Robinson * 55/03/14 3195 The Inferno 55/03/16 3196 The Not Too Secret Cave 55/03/18 3197 Jornada Del Muerto 55/03/21 3198 Captive Ransom 55/03/23 3199 Deception 55/03/25 3200 Fall Of A Castle 55/03/28 3201 The Man Behind The Gang 55/03/30 3202 Julie Brown's Dad 55/04/01 3203 The Visitor From Mexico 55/04/04 3204 The Aftermath Of The Little Big Horn 55/04/06 3205 Impostor 55/04/08 3206 Dust Of Destiny 55/04/11 3207 Out Of The Past 55/04/13 3208 Reward For Sam 55/04/15 3209 Danger In The Night 55/04/18 3210 Man Missing 55/04/20 3211 Change Of Brands * 55/04/22 3112 Strangers From The East * 55/04/25 3113 Dan Reid's Return * 55/04/27 3214 Dan Reid's Fight For Life * 55/04/29 3215 The Vindictive Corrys 55/05/02 3216 Drawl Of Death * 55/05/04 3217 Mystery Hotel * 55/05/06 3218 Deadline * 55/05/09 3219 Drought * 55/05/11 3220 Rendezvous At Little Big Horn * 55/05/13 3221 Stolen Money 55/05/16 3222 The Reinforcements * 55/05/18 3223 P T Barnum Goes West * 55/05/20 3224 The Quiet Highwayman 55/05/23 3225 Race For Life * 55/05/25 3226 Race To The Wire 55/05/27 3227 The Short Route * 55/05/30 3228 The Railroad Robberies * 55/06/01 3229 Boundary Cheaters * 55/06/03 3230 The Law That Failed * 55/06/06 3231 The Cattleman From Mexico * 55/06/08 3232 The Pinkerton Man * 55/06/10 3233 The Cattlemen From Mexico * 55/06/13 3234 The Lone Survivor * 55/06/15 3235 Special Assignment * 55/06/17 3236 Outlaw's Trail * 55/06/20 3237 Framed For Robbery * 55/06/22 3238 Garrison Finish * 55/06/24 3239 Trapped By Fate * 55/06/27 3240 The Pony Riders * 55/06/29 3241 The Great Doctor Pickins * 55/07/01 3242 The Left-Handed Killer * 55/07/04 3243 The Thunder Rod * 55/07/06 3244 Becky Hooker's Captives * 55/07/08 3245 The Ghost Riders * 55/07/11 3246 Horse Thieves * 55/07/13 3247 Trapped By Fate * 55/07/15 3248 Scout Sounds The Alarm * 55/07/18 3249 The Winner * 55/07/20 3250 A Change At The Circle-B * 55/07/22 3251 Jud Jackson's Plan * 55/07/25 3252 The Lanky Outlaw * 55/07/27 3253 Tom Fuller's Boy * 55/07/29 3254 Trouble Shooting * 55/08/01 3255 Pursuit * 55/08/03 3256 Thanksgiving In Modoc City 55/08/05 3257 T R Goes West 55/08/08 3258 Strange Allies 55/08/10 3259 The Globe 55/08/12 3260 Horse Trader's Secret 55/08/15 3261 The Fugitive Army 55/08/17 3262 Hooded Raiders 55/08/19 3263 Bugle Of Doom 55/08/22 3264 The Coward 55/08/24 3265 The Masked Partners 55/08/26 3266 Sasparilla Kid 55/08/29 3267 The Cellmate 55/08/31 3268 Railroad To Prison 55/09/02 * 55/09/07 3278 Trigger Finger * 55/09/08 2778 One Eyed Bandit * 55/09/09 2779 Good For Evil * 55/09/12 3279 The Witness * 55/09/13 2790 Phil Martin's Purpose * 55/09/14 2781 Three Months To Live * 55/09/15 3289 The Sheepskin Coat * 55/09/16 2782 The Wash Out * 55/09/19 3281 Good Indian * 55/10/06 Stolen Watch * 55/10/07 Call To The Colors * 55/10/10 Twist Of Fate * 55/10/11 Marked For Death * 55/11/04 Mystery Woman * 55/12/16 3314 The War Makers * 55/12/19 3315 The Go-between * 55/12/20 2832 Trader Boggs * 55/12/21 3316 Thunder and Dynamite * 55/12/22 2835 One Little Indian * 55/12/23 2799 The Christmas Tree * 55/12/26 3317 Hidden Danger * 55/12/27 2850 Stand-ins For Murder * 55/12/28 3319 Hunted * 55/12/29 2854 The Forged Requisition * 55/12/30 3320 About Face * 56/01/02 3327 Framed * 56/02/07 2981 Shooting Star * 56/02/09 2883 The Elusive Gunslingers * 56/02/10 3339 Outlaw's Town * 56/02/13 3340 Birthday For Billy * 56/02/15 3341 Fiery Death Trap * 56/02/16 2897 The Ghost Town * 56/02/17 3342 The Army Mule * 56/02/20 3343 Shrimp Butler * 56/02/21 2901 Dave Manley Fights Again * 56/02/22 3344 Marked For Murder * 56/02/23 2918 The Stray Wagon * 56/02/24 3345 Hidden Loot * 56/02/27 3346 Kill Or Be Killed * 56/02/28 2925 Bandits In Uniform * 56/02/29 3347 Race Against Sunrise * 56/03/01 2927 The Colonel's Command * 56/03/02 3348 The Gentle Tuscon Thorpe * 56/03/05 3350 The Colonel's Daughter * 56/03/06 2775 Judge Thunder * 56/03/07 3351 Young Investigator * 56/03/08 3776 Danger At Dawn * 56/03/09 3352 Mysterious Mission * 56/03/12 3353 Trouble At The Rafter H * 56/04/15 3368 Golden Cargo * 56/04/16 3368 Fugitive * 56/04/17 2657 Comanche Raid * 56/04/18 3369 Hombre From Mexico * 56/04/19 2658 Run On The Bank * 56/04/20 3370 Friend In Need * 56/04/23 3371 Renegade Leader * 56/04/24 3372 The Adventure Of The Mission Bells * 56/04/25 3373 Dead Man * 56/04/26 2649 Bud Titus Resigns * 56/04/27 3374 Crime Wave * 56/04/30 3375 Teacher's Brother * 56/05/01 2660 The Grayson Trail * 56/05/02 3376 I O U * 56/05/03 2661 Extradition Waived * 56/05/04 3377 Cold Spring Showdown * 56/05/07 2662 Thirteen Steps to Freedom * 56/05/08 2672 The Wandering Cowboy * 56/05/09 2376 In The Name Of Justice * 56/05/10 2674 One Jump Ahead * 56/05/11 2675 Janes Best Friend * 56/05/14 2676 Stubborn Thunder * 56/05/15 2682 Guilty Knowledge * 56/05/16 2586 Woman of Courage * 56/05/17 2689 Indian Trooper * xx/xx/xx Finding Silver (From an LP) * xx/xx/xx Medicine Rock (From an LP) * xx/xx/xx Origin of the Lone Ranger (From an LP)