36/04/26 First Episode 37/04/04 37/04/21 37/05/26 37/06/02 37/07/28 37/08/03 * 41/07/15 * 41/08/12 42/04/14 42/04/20 42/07/31 * 44/06/06 Ben and Brenda Rescue Fran * 44/06/07 Mildred Has Turned on Brenda * 46/01/21 Move to Connecticut Considered * 46/01/22 Brenda's Operation Set For Tomorrow * 46/01/23 Brenda Decides to Leave Play * 46/01/24 Loving Deception at Hospital * 46/01/25 Brenda's Visit to Heaven * 46/03/13 46/04/26 Last Episode * 52/11/28 Ted and Mimi Hostile to Wayne * 55/05/05 Ted and Mimi Cannot Accept Wayne * xx/xx/xx Ted and Mimi Dislike New Father * xx/xx/xx Wayne Visits Parents