* 49/xx/xx 180 A discussion of Michaelangelo and great artists * 50/xx/xx 53 The Menjous discuss "problem parents" * 50/xx/xx 54 Verree would like to return to earth in five thousand years * 50/xx/xx 91 What makes a successful party? * 50/xx/xx 92 Horatio Alger * 50/xx/xx 99 A chat about some of our customs * 50/xx/xx 100 Frauds and hoaxes * 50/xx/xx 179 Liars * 50/xx/xx 301 Carnivorous Plants * 50/xx/xx 302 Echoes * 50/xx/xx 475 Pentagon * 50/xx/xx 476 Absent Mindedness * 50/xx/xx 489 Butterflies * 50/xx/xx 490 Dissatisfaction