* 35/03/24 The First Show on Network Radio, After Eleven Years on W H N, New * 36/09/17 The First Show of the Series on C B S, the First Show of the Series * 36/xx/xx Fifteen Year Old Paul Winchell and His Dummy 'Terry' Imitate * 36/xx/xx The 'Honor City' Is Bridgeport, Connecticut * 37/12/16 The Honor City Is Binghamton New York * 39/09/21 Program #236 * 43/xx/xx 30 Program #419 * 43/xx/xx 53 With 'The Coast Artillery Swing Five,' a Singing Dentist, Mrs * 43/xx/xx 64 The 453rd Show * 44/05/25 81 The 470th Program of the Series * 44/06/01 82 The 471st Show