38/05/30 1 First NBC Episode * 44/06/07 Joyce and Mary clean house * 44/10/xx Dawson takes Joyce home 45/03/23 45/04/02 * 45/04/27 Joyce isn't getting along with her husband * 45/04/30 Dean is upstairs in bed * 45/05/20 * 45/07/04 Dean's uncle has died * 45/07/20 * 46/01/16 Joyce tells Vic that she can never love him * 46/01/17 Joyce visits her brother-in-law Ross * 46/02/04 Celia and Joyce have troubled feelings on a beautiful day * 46/02/13 Joyce is en route to Centerfield * 46/12/04 Joyce cleans up after Dean's bout of drinking * 47/06/04 Mike drives Joyce to her new home * 47/06/16 * 47/06/18 * 47/07/03 An Old Enemy Is Headed To New York * 47/08/04 Dawson has told off Mrs. Blakely * 47/08/27 Joyce and Mike Malone find Ernest's bloodstained knife in an empty house * 47/08/29 Joyce and Mike get the drop on Spike * 47/10/20 * 47/10/25 * 47/10/27 * 47/11/20 Dawson Will Be A Cripple For Life * 47/11/25 * 47/11/26 * 47/11/28 Thanksgiving Dinner * 47/12/03 A Heartbreaking Scene * 47/12/04 Brett To Convalesce At Dawsons * 47/12/08 Dr Alex Gives Resignation * 47/12/09 Joyce Has Resigned * 47/12/11 Trying To Find Office * 47/12/12 Joyce says that she's going to perform the operation * 47/12/15 Firm Decision To Resign * 47/12/16 Joyce Has Hung Out Her Shingle 47/12/18 * 47/12/22 Sara Has Regained Consciousness * 47/12/23 Bob & Eleanor Wilcox Talk * 47/12/29 Will Sarah keep her baby or let him be adopted? * 47/12/30 Sara Decides To Keep The Baby * 47/12/31 Bob & Joyce Blame Joyce * 48/01/05 Dawson Blakely visits Joyce in her office * 48/01/06 Sarah's last letter is read, and it names Dawson as the baby's father! * 48/01/19 Alex Gray advises Joyce not to operate on her lover Dawson * 48/01/26 Dr. Jordan tells Dr. Tracy how she was forced to agree to operate * 48/05/05 * 48/05/14 * 48/05/17 * 48/05/18 * 48/05/20 * 48/06/18 Mr. Witherspoon volunteers a handwriting sample to help solve the murder of Miss Calendar * 48/07/20 * 48/08/24 Rolfe takes a tense ride in the country with Karen and Mrs. Wheatley 48/10/08 Last NBC Episode 51/12/10 First ABC Episode 52/04/11 Last ABC Episode 55/01/03 First NBC Episode (Show Returns) 55/07/01 Last Episode