* xx/xx/xx 1 A Tale of Two Cities * xx/xx/xx 2 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes * xx/xx/xx 3 Adventures of Tom Sawyer * xx/xx/xx 4 All Quiet on the Western Front * xx/xx/xx 5 Animal Farm * xx/xx/xx 6 Call of the Wild * xx/xx/xx 7 Catcher in the Rye * xx/xx/xx 8 Childhoods End * xx/xx/xx 9 Choice Treasury * xx/xx/xx 10 Crime & Punishment * xx/xx/xx 11 Cyrano De Bergerac * xx/xx/xx 12 Death of a Salesman * xx/xx/xx 13 Don Quixote * xx/xx/xx 14 Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde * xx/xx/xx 15 Frankenstein * xx/xx/xx 16 Huckleberry Finn * xx/xx/xx 17 Invisible Man * xx/xx/xx 18 King Solomons Mine * xx/xx/xx 19 Little Women * xx/xx/xx 20 Lord of the Flies * xx/xx/xx 21 Maltese Falcon * xx/xx/xx 22 Moby Dick * xx/xx/xx 23 Oedipus Rex * xx/xx/xx 24 Of Human Bondage * xx/xx/xx 25 Of Mice & Men * xx/xx/xx 26 On the Beach * xx/xx/xx 27 Pirates of Penzance * xx/xx/xx 28 Pride & Prejudice * xx/xx/xx 29 Red Wagon * xx/xx/xx 30 Robinson Crusoe * xx/xx/xx 31 Scarlet Letter * xx/xx/xx 32 Seize the Day * xx/xx/xx 33 Short Stories of Mark Twain * xx/xx/xx 34 Tales of King Arthur * xx/xx/xx 35 The Day of the Triffids * xx/xx/xx 36 The Grapes of Wrath * xx/xx/xx 37 The Handmaids Tale * xx/xx/xx 38 The Hunchback of Notre Dame * xx/xx/xx 39 The Joy Luck Club * xx/xx/xx 40 The Maltese Falcon * xx/xx/xx 41 The Old Man and the Sea * xx/xx/xx 42 The Picture of Dorian Gray * xx/xx/xx 43 The Short Stories of Vladimir Nabokov * xx/xx/xx 44 The Stand * xx/xx/xx 45 To Kill a Mockingbird * xx/xx/xx 46 Treasure Island * xx/xx/xx 47 The Last of the Mohicans * xx/xx/xx 48 Ulysses * xx/xx/xx 49 Uncle Toms Cabin