53/06/02 First Episode * 53/06/04 Mystery on Mars (aka-Citizens of Mars) 53/06/09 53/06/11 53/06/16 --- (Capt Rocky Starr is ordered to check on a possible invasion of Earth from another planet) 53/06/18 53/06/23 53/06/25 53/06/30 53/07/02 --- (Capt Starr on urgent mission of salvation) 53/07/07 --- (crusading reporter is killed on Venus) 53/07/09 * 53/07/14 The Queen Nilo Incident (aka- The Ray Machine) [AFRTS] 53/07/16 53/07/21 53/07/23 --- (battle fear waves drawing them toward a sinister city) 53/07/28 53/07/30 --- (assigned task of tracing strange drug which perils minds of the people) 53/08/04 --- (Capt Rocky, Gale & Stripes are chosen to be first persons transported back to another century) 53/08/06 53/08/11 --- (Capt Rocky learns the secret of 'The Teleport Treatment') 53/08/13 --- (forced to use every 'trick' in the book to rescue a scientist captured by the 'telepathics') 53/08/18 --- (Capt Rocky and crew are assigned to settle a dispute over a new star beteen Earth and Mars) 53/08/20 53/08/25 53/08/27 --- (a narrow escape from perils created by natural & man-made forces) 53/09/01 53/09/03 53/09/08 --- (a lady from the 40th century warns of sinister plan to destroy the universe) 53/09/10 53/09/15 Michael of Outer Space 53/09/17 53/09/22 53/09/24 53/09/29 53/10/01 53/10/06 53/10/08 53/10/13 53/10/15 53/10/20 53/10/22 53/10/27 53/10/29 53/11/03 53/11/05 53/11/10 53/11/12 --- (A man, named Mr Minute, forcasts the future) 53/11/17 53/11/19 53/11/24 53/11/26 53/12/01 53/12/03 53/12/08 53/12/10 53/12/15 53/12/17 53/12/22 53/12/24 53/12/29 53/12/31 * 53/xx/xx The Carnumian Return * 53/xx/xx The Mericus Plague 54/01/05 54/01/07 54/01/12 54/01/14 54/01/19 54/01/21 54/01/26 54/01/28 54/02/04 54/02/06 54/05/27 Last Episode